Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Making a change to SWF or get rid of it (I would prefer the later of course)

How about this: At least allow the killer to know when he is playing against an SWF team, or change the SFW to five people and let the SWF team figure out who gets to be killer. Survivors have plenty of advantages once the game starts without the benefit of communication with each other. Just a thought. Its not fun from a Killer perspective to hear two of your gens pop off because the person your chasing is either really good or really bad and dropping every pallet on the map before you. Honestly, try running the Ski Lodge against an SFW and see how long it takes you to down one survivor.


  • Getya_Mad
    Getya_Mad Member Posts: 42

    Git gud...says the guy who needs three other people to be "gud". Learn to spell genius

  • JimPickens
    JimPickens Member Posts: 158

    Actually if it's a competitive game they need to get rid of SWF because it offers a major advantage to playing solo. It would be like if COD let you team up in a free for all.

    But this isn't cod. This game isn't competitive especially from the survivor side. People complain about the lack of skill needed but its that same lack of skill that enables to the community to be so diverse. Removing SWF would be a major mistake but killer should be buffed for every member of a SWF in a game

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    They should give solo survivors the information a swf would have so that it balances out solo que with swf. Killer could then receive a blanket buff (every killer could receive a buff or survivor could be slightly nerfed somehow) to compensate for the new information. One way they could implement this is by adding kindred as base (they already said they wouldn't do this for some reason so I guess this point is mute anyway)

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Yes, lets show the killer when they’re going against a SWF, they totally wouldn’t dodge every group they get!

    People want to play an online game with their friends, get over it.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    They won't remove it and any survivor that defends it is fine with literally cheating since comms gives you over 20 perks worth of knowledge.

    But the devs don't care about the killer side of things

  • SkullKid
    SkullKid Member Posts: 46

    So playing with your friends is literally cheating?😂

    And no, being in a swf doesnt give you over 20 perks for free.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    I play solo and I get chat invites most matches - I ignore because I don't like chatting with randoms but I know plenty accept those invites. Getting rid of SWF won't get rid of comms.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all, if people could not play with their friends, they will go to another game at about 50-75% of those who routinely play in a SWF (that is 85% or more of the time) this will lead to longer killer lobbies, more mismatched matches which will end up hurting the game even further driving people that got the game recently (around that time of the change you suggest) will drop it and say the 20 bucks spent was a learning experience OR return the game to the steam store if they have not played enough.

    As others have said before Kill Your Friends or Custom Game is what you suggest in your SECOND option. please rethink your thoughts as they do you no justice and make you look false.

    I am sorry you do not have fun, I won't say get gud or anything like that but I will say LEARN TO HAVE FUN! It is YOU who are trying to demand others play the way you want not the way they want. As stated many times and my own experience: CoD is a competitive game and has groups and comms are part of those groups. This game however is competitive but not for monetary gain but just personal best. It is people like you who keep calling for them to make changes to their system to fit your OWN definition of what this game should be, and you are not a dev and thus your definition has no weight beyond yourself. realize this may feel like an attack, I think there should be things added and I suggest them but the way you suggested this does not show deference to the devs, or the players it shows only arrogance. If you have not been playing DBD for a while you might not know what "custom game" is (what used to be Kill Your Friends) and perhaps did not know of this existence, but the way you speak also shows knowledge which means you feigned ignorance when suggesting "or change the SFW to five people and let the SWF team figure out who gets to be killer" and this means you intentionally manipulated your post for those reading it to perhaps think you didn't know.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    BTW: once you are in the "killer" lobby, you do not get booted out (if on dedicated server) IF your killer leaves, you wait for the next killer. so unlike originally you do not have to re-form, nor do you even have to wait to find a killer lobby, and you'll be in your match in no time. Killer's dodging only hurt their time, not yours.

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    I play solo a little less than i play swf but i play all the time so if that were the case id stop playing tbh lol

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    sure they know know about the weather in the areas (marco area to prevent anything more than a city or whole county known to others), they would also know the sexual habbit of the great sand worms on Arrakkis, the centaurs of Gaia in orbit around Saturn (book called titan by john varley), they might get a totem location here.... or the facts of Barney the purple monstrosity's down fall. the killer already knows who is playing, and can in 1 minute find their twitch channel to see if they are streaming or not. if so then there is the information that a solo survivor can get as well. and if you are curious YES I have talked about the above subjects in my SWF's that I enjoy.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Spine chill, kindred, bond, empathy, after-care, alert, better together, dark sense, detective's hunch, buckle-up, wake up, small game, and object of obsession. My bad, only 13 free perks. For some of these things comms are stronger than them, for others comms are weaker, but in the end it's at least a pseudo version of 13 perks for each swf player. And killers get NOTHING to compensate for it.

    Even the most casual SWF players will say something like "Killer's after me, I'm at shack" which lets their friends know they can do gens elsewhere. If this game was balanced around comms then the perks I mentioned above wouldn't exist.

    Again, swf is cheating whether you want to admit it or not. As killer I might as well load up cheat engine and light up survivors' auras for the entire game cause that's basically what saying "Killer is at x location" does.

  • Getya_Mad
    Getya_Mad Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2020

    Amazing how triggered some of you get at the thought of a more balanced game; I just want a fair shot, I didn't ask for the game to be easier. The "cheating" aspect is that you can communicate, the killer cannot. I don't know how to break it down any easier for you to understand.....but hey, enjoy your long ass ques because I for one will dodge every lobby I suspect is SWF. Fun is when the game can go either way, not when you precious little survs all make it out alive.

  • SkullKid
    SkullKid Member Posts: 46

    Okay so disregarding the fact that most oft these perks are very weak, some of them dont make sense.

    Like you mentioned wake up: do swfs open gates 15% faster? No they dont.

    And why alert, OoO,spine chill,dark sense...?

    Have you ever played in a swf? You dont know where the killer is at every time.

    And why things like small game?

    Does every swf member automatically know where totems are?

    Your statements are just wrong.

    And no, having wall hacks and telling your friends when the killer is chasing you isnt the same.

  • Azza_WR
    Azza_WR Member Posts: 41
    edited June 2020

    You know, survs are for sure crybabies.

    You need proof?

    Look for the huge quantity of nerfs they ask for killers EVEN though they know how Overpowered SWF is and that nerfing killers will make they even stronger.

    Basically, a survivor will always want a killer nerf, and say "NO, GIT GUD" for survivor nerfs.

    This shows how broken this community is.

    And by the way, for every killer that quit the game, there's 4 survivors that can't get a lobby. So instead of being mad to a killer, be grateful we still play this broken game and you get a lobby instead of a bot.

    But I would say that survs should have more ways of communicating even when solo. Point is, if everyone is SWF, or near that, then you can balance the game making killers BALANCED against communicating teams.

    "When everyone is super, no one is".

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Alert, OoO, Dark sense tells you where the killer is "Killer is on me at x, killer is headed towards y" tells you where the killer is.

    Spine Chill tells you when killer is headed your way along with helping with speeds/skill checks. "Killer hooked me and is headed towards you at shack gen" tells you when the killer is headed your way. Comms give no help in checks/speeds.

    Small Game helps you know where a totem or bear trap is. "Killer placed a trap at shack window. I saw ruin totem it's at x but killer is after me."

    I have heard all of this and more communicated in swf groups. Again, comms are weaker than some of these perks and stronger than some of these perks, but regardless comms still gives you the information these perks can provide. All for free.

    Have you ever played in a swf? You dont know where the killer is at every time.

    I have, and you know basically all the time. On top of it, even had I not, swf friends stream on Twitch all the time and you can load up tons of streams for examples of it. Even rank 10 players will say "killer chasing me over at x. I'm injured at y come heal me, etc"

    And no, having wall hacks and telling your friends when the killer is chasing you isnt the same

    "And no, having information where your opponent is and having information where your opponent is isn't the same." That's what you just said.

    Especially if you're playing a stealth killer, having someone say "Killer is at x" is a MASSIVE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. Use your brain for 10 seconds and you'd realize swf is extremely unfair. But you probably won't admit it because you're biased.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    And this is the primary reason why swf is busted. It's not just that it's easy to coordinate, it's that most survivor perks were designed and balanced around the idea of limited information from other survivors. Comms completely invalidates that.

    A full group swf has 16 perk slots to share between them. This means that they all will be running between 6-7 perks each, if they're trying at all.

  • marked
    marked Member Posts: 18

    first-they don’t get to see killers so they don’t chose perks that counter them and that’s the point killers should chose if they want to play the game as not originally intended I don’t say that to say because it wasn’t intended origanly you shouldn’t do it I say that because it is most killers perfred why to play with out swf’s

    second-that’s the point that if they want an unfair advantage like coms they should make sure the killer is okay with it

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    You are the one triggered here. You are the one telling us what we are feeling, what we should feel, what the devs should do. please tell me a game that does not allow communication with your team? As killer you are a team of ONE. you have the power but they can know you easily yes, so you use that against them and you move on. btw once a group of survivors are in the killer lobby, if the killer drops off the survivors STAY for the next killer in the queue. they will not have that long of a wait time, you how ever will go back to the bottom of the queue and have to wait longer. The phrase you should have used is "I will enjoy the longer wait times for a match because I'm throwing a tantrum."

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I do agree that SWF can be annoying as hell, but think of it this way: any change BHVR would make, a SWF team would be able to find a loophole to get around.

  • Getya_Mad
    Getya_Mad Member Posts: 42

    Thanks for making my point for me Freki. I do not particularly care how you feel or what you say. If you're dumb enough to allow me to tell you what think or what to say then more fool you. I am making the observation that SWFs offers the unfair advantage of coordination. If four randoms played against the killer and could only gesture to one another they'd still be communicating, but the other players would simply have to guess what is going on, making this a much more fair playing experience.