Distortion buff

Would it be possible to buff the perk distortion to be like stakeout where you have to be in the killers terror radius for a certain amount of time to gain a token. Make it so that for every 60 seconds you’re within the killers aura you get a token. Or something that’s balanced to where it wouldn’t be overpowered.
The perk is fine as is. You get 3 tokens to hide your aura from the killer alongside no scratch marks for X seconds. Why would it need to be buffed?
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Because once those 3 tokens have been consumed the perk is useless, and they get consumed fairly quickly with perks like object of obsession or if the killer is running BBQ. Having a way to gradually regain tokens extends the perk's usability throughout the match. It shouldn't be easy to get tokens though, I think 45-60 seconds in the terror radius is fine so you can build them up while in a chase. Setting a cap of 3 tokens should be added as well.
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I run Distortion regularly, and it’s actually incredibly useful and gives you tons of information as well as concealing your position. But yeah, 3 tokens isn’t enough. There should be a way to get them back, for sure. I think you should get more tokens by healing people, this way it synergizes with Aftercare, another one of Jeff’s perks. To balance it out, put a cap on how many tokens you can get, like a maximum of 5.
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It could also be from breaking totems.
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the perk is great as is, too many survivors just miss the point. when a token is used up, you can assess the situation and determine what killer perks/add ons the killer is using to read auras, then adjust playstyle accordingly to counter those, which is generally quite easy to do. Doing so also allows you to save tokens for times when it will be more difficult to counter the aura reading through gameplay adjustments. 3 tokens is more than enough for this.
Problem is, too many survivors dont want tools to help them counter the killer's gameplay; they want tools that make them fully immune to it. this is why survivors are usually seen running BT, DS, DH, Unbreakable. they just want infinite lives with extra steps, instead of true counters.