I can't hit people when i play killer

Sometimes when i try to hit a survivor they do a weird sprint, it's the same distance when you use dead hard, but it's not sprintburst or dead hard, because it happens when they are fully healed and in middle of a chase. Today litteraly happened in every single match.
I'ts a bug?
Massive delay?
Hard to say without video.
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If you have some means of recording your gameplay, and you're sure it's not a perk, then post that in the bug forum.
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it's probably due auto aim, from what I can understand.
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I have 2 issues for recording a video
First, it happens randomly, this is the second time that happens in a long time.
And my pc is not good enough to record and play.
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Don't worry, probably tomorrow this don't happen, i hope it's just a dedicated servers problem, because i lost 5 points.
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Just remember a video of TrU3Ta1ent
5:16 is the best example of what happened to me.
Post edited by Rhe2veja on0 -
Could be autoaim. A lot of times it will literally prevent you from lunging
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At 5:11 the Yui ran to the left while Tru3 ran to the right, I don't see what the glitch is there.
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It's before the Yui jumps the window, when she do a little sprint. I already change the time where it happened
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Re watching it, I thought it was just a vacuum vault mechanic (similarly to the old pallet vacuums), but Tru3's reaction is leading me to believe that it was a slight speed-hack to try and dodge the window hit. If you look earlier in the video the Yui actually sprints really fast and it's not a lagged sprint burst either.
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I know, that´s why i use it for example of what happened to me.
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Doubt it's the same as tru3s vid,that'd mean everyone is speedhacking. Which you can't do,unless you actually pay for hacks and I also doubt everyone in the community payed for hacks for some reason. So,I'd say it's something else not even close to it. Without actual video evidence,you can't really claim anything.