This game has SEVERELY upset me this evening.. #SaltySurvivorMain

Why are there lockers next to windows. DEVS why TF do you hate us? Why when I go to run away from already speedy killers and use a window... does my dumb character jump into a locker?! How irritating.
Same reason why killer can't pick up a survivor while looking at a locker or window, in a game where the only counter to flashlights is looking at a wall. Call it developers that don't want to give you advanced control and graphics options.
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I feel your pain thats happened to me a few times
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It’s more annoying on Father Campbell’s map. Lockers are notorious for being close to windows and vaults. Especially on the horse carriage.
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I feel you. Azarov's Resting Place is particularly terrible in that regard, I usually avoid at all costs the main building because of that.
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The map at Lery's where you yeet through a window right into the basement.
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Ahh the lovely running vault at a window but for some reason I have vaulted In to the locker XD ahh when this happens I literally shout at my tv like game it says window why am I in a locker 😂😂😂
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In the new Silent Hill Map, in one of the main hallways there was the hatch. I (the killer) see the last remaining survivor, Cheryl, at the other end of this hallway, we're both at an equal distance from the hatch, we stop for a moment realising the situation, it was like a wild west showdown at high noon.
After a moment's pause we both break running towards the hatch! Who will get there first! Just as we were both about to reach it, Cheryl uses Dead Hard and dashes forward, jumping right in...
...into the f&%^$£@ locker next to the hatch.
I was going to close the hatch while this poor man was in the locker for a moment, probably cursing this game. But then I stopped myself and said... nah, go ahead mate, you're alright, I won't deny you this. Cheryl jumps out of her locker and right into the hatch...
"Did you intended to do that mate?" I ask in chat.
"HAHAHAHA, NO! THAT F@%&**^$ locker man! THANKS SO MUCH!
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Sounds like the Admin office window on Azarov’s resting place has claimed another victim!
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I wanna say it was the Mount Ormond shack locker THIS TIME.. but it's definitely happened many many many many times in other locations.
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I had the same problem but with items. I didn't know at the time the killer had Franklin's, I tried to vault a window but instead I picked up the item, which I couldn't see anyway because it was in grass until I grabbed it by accident. I then got downed in the process lol.
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Goes both ways sometimes I’ll be trying to vault over as killer and lose all my distance due to a 5m away locker check lol
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I've never had this happen to me as killer lol
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This is now in my top 3 favorite posts so far in my time on these forums.
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Every time I see that window as survivor I always think "wow, this is a nice window, the wall is pretty long and the killer is forced to vaul-" and then I totally eat total ######### and my ass is dragged into that godamned locker by the demons that haunt me during sleep paralysis.
I never got caught in the locker, because usually I run into the office with a bit more distance, but I always get hit after screaming my throat out and then jumping out of the haunted office. It sucks even harder when the basement spawns there and everyone is on the other side of the map and you die on first hook.
yeah. that locker needs to explode.
Side note: someone said that they experience this and accidentally check the locker instead of killer? What? First of all, that's a lie, second of all, if it's true, no it's not, you're in first person and your dick needs to be rubbing against the locker for the prompt to even appear.
anyways, bhvr, fix your game
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I used to laugh at Killers that vault a window instead of picking me up until I vaulted a window 3 times myself. It happens even to the best players so it seems.
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Easiest solution would be different keybinds for vaults, lockers and pick-ups
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Amazing to watch but heartbreaking to have happen to you
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... because when killers go to grab a survivor next to a windows, they vault it. DUH!
totally balanced IMO lol
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Just don't press M1 too soon like an ape
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Hey, you don't know how many times I had already vault a window, while I was clicking on the downed survivor before it.
... :D
Sorry, but I couldn't resist :P
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It's a joke, relax.