PC - Improper End-of-Game Display

Taschentuch Member Posts: 1

Unfortunately I do not have much evidence since I was not expecting this sort of thing to happen, additionally this means I will have to ask you take my word for it in this report.

Important things first, the killer in this match was the Oni NOT the Hillbilly like the UI shows, and while I don't know all his perks, I know for a fact he was using NoED as it was the way the last two of us went down. I don't want to assume this person is cheating since I was apparently the only person who noticed the Hillbilly icon at the end of the match and no one else said anything about missing perks. And, lets be honest, DBD is a buggy game. Still, in all my 273 hours of play over the past 2 years I've seen nothing like this.

I must apologize to the Devs since this likely doesn't (it won't) help in the slightest for identifying the issue or find it's resolution, but if you see this happen in your game please do report it as well.

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  • robangus
    robangus Member Posts: 10

    I've had this on a couple of matches on switch too. We had a pig that was displayed as a Michael myers