Bloodweb Rework - Blood Store Concept?

Okay so I've played this game off and on for one reason and one reason only: Frustration. And it is always centered around levelling characters. Every time a new DLC drops I get HELLA excited when I see new perks and I immediately go ham trying to connect syncing perks for the most baller builds. Come on. I have a Steve that can unhook someone, heal them, then unhook and heal himself like a minute later. It's dumb and I love it.

But there is one GLARING problem that always presents itself as a barrier to me making these AMAZING builds that I don't initially mind dropping some dosh for DLC on. You all know what I'm on about. The FRIGGIN' BLOODWEB RNG.

It doesn't matter HOW many teachables I've slaved for, DLC or Shrine, if they DON'T SHOW UP ON THE BLOODWEB. Not to mention with every teachable I unlock, it just expands the pool of Perks that the RNG can pull from and makes it less and less likely I'll ever get my build. And I am here now to say that I believe this is ENTIRELY UNNECCESSARY.

The fix is honestly damn simple:

1) Remove Perks from the Bloodweb entirely. The Bloodweb only need contain items and offerings. It can function to level the survivor/killer as before, and cost about the same.

2) Create a "Perk Store" where a character's personal perks, non-survivor specific perks, and teachables/taught are available. You could even raise their price as compared to their Bloodwebbed counterparts to make it a bit more balanced.

3) Gate the Perk tiers by character level.

1-20 = Tier 1

21-30 = Tier 2

31-40 = Tier 3

45 = All Unlockables

I think this would greatly take out the frustration of levelling and actually allow people to have a bit more fun on both sides. I mean seriously, what am I supposed to feel when I keep getting Tiers of NOED on the Bloodweb? I'm not here for that!


  • DNM
    DNM Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2020

    Please no I'd rather RNG then more grinding lol

    I understand the concept I do get the bloodweb RNG is annoying but I don't wanna grind everyone to lvl 40 to use there tier 3 perks and there's a glaring hole the fact that some perks are WORSE at tier 3

  • BlazePyron2
    BlazePyron2 Member Posts: 145

    Yeah as a new person, it doesn't make sense to ever prestige a character and lose all their perks when getting the character build just right will take 50 levels plus another 30 or so extra levels on top of that. Either perks need to be a la carte or you should get more perks per level of bloodweb. Trying to put useful perks like wglf, prove thyself, and bbq on all my survivors/killers is maddening. And with the ranking system, im forced to play the few characters i have good perks on instead of playing literally anyone else that i paid for.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    If their perks are...bad at tier 3...then you won't have to level them that far?

    And the grind is not that bad. It really isn't. With all the bloodpoint events and the presence of the Tome missions bloodpoints aren't terribly hard to get-what's hard is getting them, then never getting the perks you're after.

    100% on the last thing you said there. If I want to survive and do well as I get to higher ranks I just can't play those characters with "so-so" builds because they won't work. And I agree with the prestige, I've never done it, because I don't care for the cosmetics, don't want to entirely re-level and possibly get worse RNG, and once you hit 45 you'll have had the teachables so what's the point?

  • DNM
    DNM Member Posts: 59

    I'm sorry you didn't make much sense you said at level 40 perks would be level 3 correct?

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Aye and you said that some Perks are worse at Tier 3, so with my rework you wouldn't even NEED to grind a character up to level 40 to get those perks. Once you hit 30 you'd get all your decent level 30 perks by your logic.

  • DNM
    DNM Member Posts: 59

    Not true some perks are better at level 3 some are better at level 1 and you mean to say they all unlock at x level correct?