Multiple threads of "killers meltdown". Are the devs proud?



  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    This is the biggest change I want the devs to make cough @Peanits cough

    I really wish the in game messaging didn't make you feel like you lost on a draw, It shouldn't make you feel like you won either. But nothing about seeing Entity Displeased on a 2k says draw, it says, you lost sucker, git gud. I think they either need to just remove the messaging or make it better reflect the 2 escape 2k = draw instead of lose.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2020

    I thought you were better than this Aven. But I guess its just a matter of time before many of us fall down into the "but look at all teh nerfs x has gotten. Its way more than the otherside/way more impactful." Only mentioning nerfs and not buffs/changes is disingenuous.

    I'm sad now.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2020

    I see me more as a casual player. No matter if we talk about my time as killer (which I main), or survivor.

    And a lot of stress comes in, if you decide to play killer, but I have more see that as a neutral thing, for a lack of better words.

    For me as a casual player is more the fun part important. If that is ok, then I don't care that much about "the stress" if you play killer, survivor abilities, perks and so on.

    Well and here is the problem. The devs had the idea to nerf the fun for me out of the game and made it impossible to do the things that had made fun for me before.

    And yes, I know that the things I have found fun in, do not necessary bring fun to other players in the match, but this is and will anyways always be the case with every game mechanic. Game mechanic X hates someone and the next person loves it.

    I encounter also things in a regular match that make no fun for me. I sit not smiling behind the screen when I run behind a surv. group with a ton of second chances perks and I also smile not when someone puts a flashlight direct into my direction.

    But you know what? All this would be ok, if they would not have cut the things out what make me fun.

    TL:DR I take since 1 or 2 years breakes from the game. Sometimes for months, sometimes for weeks. At the moment I am back with 1-4 games/ week because DBD is one of the few games I have, where my system need not to work too hard by the temperatures we have outside.

    Crazy weather man :|.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    In reguards to OP talking about ppl taking a break from the game... Theres really nothing wrong with that and something even the devs themselves have advice people do every now and then. Even in the event of a perfectly balanced game, after awhile it can just get stale no matter how good it is. I myself took a break from it for about 3 months awhile back andit was kinda refreshing.

    Technically they do. If I wanna use an offering to decrease the chance of getting Haddonfield for example, I could just use any map offering thats not Strode key.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I've had entity displeased in a 3k match more times than I can count.

    I'm not sure if it was you or not, but there was a very detailed post about DS and the problems that it brings, making the killer tunnel even harder the bearer.

    I don't have my problems with BT though.

    Now, I completely despise DH, as it rewards bad plays. How many times have you won a mindgame, or did a better panting through a loop, just to have the survivor yolo out with the press of a button. It's big slap on the face of the killer who played well.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I would like for neither side to have the ability to control which map they are playing on. Leaving it completely to rngesus. Having only the option to exclude 1 Mal which you really don't want to play on.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    You'd think they should, since a match with 4 survivors and no killer wouldn't be very entertaining.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    Only thing I dont like about that is...Rip jumpscare myers games. Scratched mirror is too much of a liability to ever use if you cant pick the map.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Tell that to the long killer que times....

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I play comfortably in rank 1 and never see this issues but maybe once every 10 games or more I can play lower tier killers and even bugged out ones and still manage to get the 3k and hatch or 4K if I need to guarantee a pip I think it’s people would rather whine and quit then learn to play around the meta teams

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    Quote from any respectable decent killer that thinks the game is killer sided when survivors play optimal and in a SWF (and by optimal I mean no risky #########, just gain as much distance as possible, no stupid plays, no hard altruism) and I will personally buy you every non-cosmetic DLC this game offers.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I don't think it was me, though I wish I would have seen. I am always interested in these types of discussions, at least the one's that stay civil.

    My personal opinion of DS is basically this, as an anti-tunnel perk it is fine. As in if survivors only used it when they were legitimately being tunneled and not just when they happened to get caught and it was still up. I personally don't think my simple condition would make it perfect, but I think it would be a step in the right direction. I am always hesitant to say things like when fully healed because We'll Make It exists and can heal you in seconds. I would need a lot more time to figure out the perfect balance, but would be happy with small steps at least.

    Dead hard is a tough one, because it does exactly what is is designed to and depending on your killer it can be made up for. Once someone uses it you should know that, but if you are not a killer who can make up the time lost its kinda divesting when used right. However I can't really suggest any fixes for it because I am not really sure how to fix dead hard.

  • Redhawk_uk2
    Redhawk_uk2 Member Posts: 53
    edited June 2020

    Playing Killer I can get some.good games where the survivors are okay and not experts at loopinh amd gen pressuring and its fun good length game with plenty of action but its the games where you go in and you meet that first survivor and you just go "this isnt going to go well" and then the game is over in about 5 - 8 minutes with one mistake in a chase meaning you probably lose 2 - 3 gens befor eyour first down. While people liek to say these sort of games are rare I personally can encounter 3 - 4 a day with about maybe 20 games as of recent.

    With survivor the only really problem is when teams deliberately throw games or the killer just plays scummy 1 minute into the game.

    Edit: nurses addons were heavily unbalanced but her vase kit was great as its the most skillful killer that not a lot of people can play

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    I am going to assume everyone is talking about red rnak matches because, I hover in the teens(11 is my highest on average and once or twice I hit 9) I play for hours, probably a dozen matches a day or so, win or lose I have fun, I come across some people being douches but I either tunnel them away or(if they just loop and troll ridiculously) focus on the rest of the team and while I think Survie guide to play Killer is bullshit I do have a code I play by which is simply don't be a dick. Since 4th anniversary began I haven't intentionally killed a single player, plenty of hook suicides and DCs though, just because I tried getting at least some blood points from hooking? Talk about soft. Are red ranks really that serious about the game? I mean, it can't be worth your mental health and stability.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Well my points and leaderboard put me on the bottom anyway.

    Being alone on a team I should score better then everyone if I beat everyone right ?

    If I've beaten 3 players my score should be better then 3 combined right ?

    If the games ballenced for 2k why doesn't the game end when I get them ? Why keep playing and why can't i choose to end it myself by starting egc as killer at any time ?

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Did you just skip over the draw part is a 2k and 2 Escape... I am saying "Entity Displeased" doesn't indicate a tie... it indicates a lose.

    I am not saying the game should always end in 2k and 2 Escape, I am saying if you are equal in skill on both sides than the game should on average end in a draw. If you are winning more games than drawing than you are not playing people at the similar skill level or are being boosted by a perks.

    Basically on average you should 2k and (black) pip, but that doesn't mean that you should still be able to 4k or even 0k. It just means those shouldn't be your average outcomes.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited June 2020

    No like I get that but like

    How unsatisfying is it to draw ?

    While every single time a survivor escapes they win ?

    2k to 2e

    5 players. Two lost, two win, one draws

    Why do killers have to be always unsatisfied?

    I want some dam good incentives If im going to be forced to DM. If im just the host for a party and im forced to entertain everyone I demand alot more control over the game.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    But your looking at the survivors as individuals not a team. the game is 4v1 not 1v1v1v1v1. Yes the teams are not fair because its 4 against 1, but it is still two teams.

    I personally define a draw as a win, its not loss to me. You seem to define it as a loss. That is just our perceptive on the game. I never feel unsatisfied on a 2k. Depending on the game, I can find a 2k way more satisfying than a 4k, because it more than likely means I had some fun chases (don't get me wrong there can be games where people just camp and run from pallet to pallet but those are the exception). Where often times a 4k doesn't feel earned unless its to the end of the game. I find games where I 4k at 3 gens boring.

    Really this just boils down to how you look at a draw, because its honestly not a win or a loss. I personally see a draw as a positive, it sounds like you don't. The real question than comes to who's views do the devs want to support. Mine or yours?

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Keep in mind that the killer was OTZ, one of the most skilled killers in the entire game

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I get it, I main killer and some sessions are crappy. Most aren't.

    I don't care about rank so that eases the tension in game. I'm happy with a 2 kill / 2 escape result and they are often the most fun/well matched games.

    I love a post de-rank 4k facestomp and even more an all red ranks potato farm 4k facestomp, (they are the saltiest potatoes) but hey who doesn't its pvp after all. The occasional mori fest is a good way to end a night too.

    Then you get the great players who just purely outplay you and deserve mad props.

    Then the hated bully squads who just spend the whole time trying to farm and butt dance/clicky click and won't leave damn game till every drop of egc is used up. You can usually tell if you've got this pretty early. Last night I knew in the first minute after running into two survivors who just looped around the same structure endlessly and butt dancing and flash light clicked while 2 gens popped. Not gonna lie I just DC'd, If I put the time in I could probably catch them make a 1k or 2k out of that game but I just didn't feel like it. Also you know they are gonna boast/salt in post game like beasts so screw it take the 5min hit and get a cup of tea. Why would I spend my game time with the kind of obnoxious children I wouldn't want to spend my real time with? It's sensible time management which is what playing killer is all about.

    Its a game don't take it to seriously, recognize when your time is being wasted for the obnoxious pleasure of others and just extricate yourself from that scenario asap and always remember... the opinions of random strangers on the internet are irrelevant to you.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    If your a killer main, you gotta treat this game like a bottle of fine Scotch. Break it out every couple days, use in moderation, because if you go full bottle chug, it's gonna kick your ass and put you out.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I mean people play games to win ?

    I mean sure you have ur meme screw around teams for sure but generally people have fun winning, improving, being rewarded accordingly.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 918

    A despite a plethora of "killer meltdown" posts, they seem to focus "mostly", on fixing things that are frustrating for survivors, all the while, neglecting the other side of the community. Looking at the doc, ruin, nurse (this one in particular) legion.

    Uh okay, did you miss changes to toolboxes (now basically useless which I'm fine with), Insta-heals nerfs, breakable walls, safe pallets decreasing, all the new maps with better totem spawns like new Lery's, Midwich, Dead Dawg, and Badham. Nerf to BL. Smaller map sizes, removed strong loop tiles with windows, nerfed gen speeds for multiple survivors on a gen. All these mechanics and items were widely complained about by a killer majority and have been adjusted or nerfed to be more fair. So I wouldn't say that the focus is 'mostly' on survivors. Doctor was just changed so I don't see why he even made the list. Sure, they used the excuse to make him more fun to play against him but he is now much easier to play, and more effective in securing kills. And in NO way more fun to versus.

    Devs are working hard to balance things for BOTH sides. Sure there is a long way to go. Both sides suffer heavy from lag/dedicated server punishment. There are bugs in the game for killers like Billy, but there is also movement bugs for survivors during unhooks and after taking a hit. There seem to be a bigger presence of killer mains on the forums anyhow, or at least players that split both equally, as before they combined the discussion boards the killer side was always ahead on the amount of posts and not just complaints. It also made sense to have more posts as each individual killer requires a different set of skills and knowledge in his/her use, basekit, and add ons. Survivors, as has been said often here, are just skins at the end of the day.

    IMO the biggest problem with DBD is human behavior (no pun intended). The camping, tunneling, tbagging, beating on hook,slugging until bleedout, flashlight clicking, bming noise-spamming with pallets, vaults and lockers, and end-game chat messages being sent to players have nothing to do with playing the game as intended. It is individual choice and expression no matter how petty and immature it may be. This is the only thing that behavior cannot control. It will never be fixed and to play this game you have to come to terms with that.

    And for people who say survivor is much easier, well yes it is. If the opposite were true what difference would it make? Would killer mains play survivor? Probably not. You either want the challenge of juggling more objectives and outsmarting 4 different minds and sets of skills or you don't.

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    I mean people play games for fun?

    There are 4 other people in that game with you. If the game was designed around the killer getting a 4k every game then those four other people would basically be playing to lose every game. That's why the game devs have said the aim for a 2k and 2 escape each match. It ensures that one side isn't always dominating the other side so both sides can have fun.

    If your idea of fun every game is a 4k that is your call, but I don't think thats the devs goal for an average game. It's abundantly clear that we're not changing sides on this, so its really up to you to reply again and we can just keep repeating the same arguments, otherwise I suspect this is a good point for our discussion to end.

  • KRG
    KRG Member Posts: 96
    edited June 2020

    Genrushing is not a thing first of all, its just survivors doing the objective the most optimal way. Gen time is not a problem cuz it would get even more boring holding m1 than it is now. That way you wouldnt have survivors to play against i guess. Game is good the way it is, ofc it needs some more work on balance but its going the right direction.

    Post edited by drimmalor on
  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Lerry still has some terrible totem spawns, and breakable walls have been poorly implemented, as they tend to come with a overturned loop, like Saloon, without realizing that in an meta where gens pop ever 60 sec, going around braking a wall to make it a bit more fair is not really optimal.

    And I'm not really dismissing anything, as my original post is not about balance itself, but the fact that there way more killers getting frustrated at the game than survivors.

    Balance patches usually come with changes for both sides, such as the ridiculous 2.5 sec sabotage, like for real?

    It's like no one in the entire dev team thought about how abusable it can be. I faced I Sabo squad yesterday, really "fun" game.

    When you talk about human behavior, you're forgetting that for better or worse, we like it or not, camping and tunnelling are still part of the killer objective in killing a survivor. Survivors on the other hand have to go out of their way to BE toxic.

    Do people really believe they outplayed a Clown on temple while rocking all the busted second chance perks? Because I don't believe it warrants the overly teabagging at the gates at this point.

    Funny enough, the same people also complain about Freddy, Spirit, Billy, Nurse, the four horseman.

    Coincidentally enough, these are the ones that can give them a run for their money.

    I do agree with you, there have been steps on the right direction, such as the map changes (though so me of them are so flawed by design, they are still a hassle, like the one in which you are forced into a trip gen situation from the start), but we still see many players leaving in frustration. I counted 4 killer meltdown posts only this week.

    In about 2 years, I'm yet to see any survivor quitting the game out of frustration, which leads me to believe, while frustrating as well sometimes, it doesn't scratch the surface of what it is playing killer.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    I see tantrums from both sides and it's the same every year, every month, every week, every day, every noon, every hour, every minute, every second.

    Its nothing new and its nothing I care about really, I get that you are not enjoying the game, why not take a break and come back later to see if you find it more enjoyable?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I mean, if you're not the God of Killers or aren't that great with them you'll probably get frustrated. I reached a level where I can deal with high ranks but I understand if other people get frustrated. I just came back from my break because playing solo is pretty frustrating and Killer queues weren't that good before I made the break.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I'm just done with killer. At least until cakes are fixed and I can just farm for a bit maybe.

    Can't kill people because the bitching and moaning is worse than ever and I don't want to be too mean when a lot of people are just getting crowns, but then I when play nice they're total pricks because they think they're outplaying you or something, or they whine that you "wasted their time" afterwards.

    Just ######### it. I'm over playing games with these people.

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    There are varied reasons, as have been discussed earlier here. Mainly, it feels to me that the primary concerns are how quickly a co-ordinated team can smash out gens, and the toxic play of a minority of 10 year olds.

    Aren't BHVR creating some sort of start game occurrence which will aim to give The Killer a better start?

    Also, I still feel a secondary mode where people can compete for higher prizes, in return for having their perks randomized and no SWF would be beneficial. They can be accessed by a new currency gathered in game in the current mode, thereby adding an extra objective to that. Then maybe the original version will feel more worth it, regardless of what happens.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    The main problem with a killers is genrush. In high red ranks people ususaly gen rush and t-bag at gate don't care about bp or chase all they care is eng chase which is sure to esc for them if someone is on death hook they runout mediatly so no chasing at all if they fail. People manage to esc even when i get uti gen rush fredy build but on coms is op for swf. Against swf and their favourite toxic play style its is almost imposible to win only if they make mistakes, somes run stretched resolutions and use other things to enable red vision to go trought walls which make game even more harder for killer. So in the end gen rushing was a problem but even good swf team would have hard time if you force them to 3 gen near the old ruin totem so that would make them make so much mitakes and you could do something. Now you take one to chase and 3 of them instantly get gen to 75% for few sec you get back(brake chase) to pop it then try to catch another other 3 few sec 100% adrenalin pop up and you can just open the gate after that.

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163

    Makes sense considering how long killer ques are taking right now...Must be really a massive exodus...

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Lol people play games for fun is the single most devolved argument here. Like i know i was bad stating the goal is always to win but wowza.

    Never ever once asked to 4k every game.

    I did ask for win conditions for each team that was reasonable. In no other online only game on the planet is a draw every match fair and Ballence.

    But even if it was, a "draw" for killers is still 2 people winning... if your letting the other team win why cant I?

    And im sure your draw conditions apply... to like... rank 20-15

    I can win in rainbow 6, showdown, preditor, white noise, FD13 but not here ?

    "Play for fun" this isn't a casual game? It's multi-player ranked matchmaking with scores screens, leaderboards and win Loss entity. Noone is stopping you from playing for fun... but like your team will get pissed if you screw around instead of contributing... its life or death setting ???

    I don't need to win every match.



    please don't mistake me.

    But after 1000 posts in a forum 2hours of watching streamers and YouTube videos every week, monthly training sessions with my party, 2200 hours in game and almost every character with unlocked perks.

    I think asking for a clear reasonable win condition with in game messaging isn't to much to ask for.

    If you tell me 2k is the best I should do against people of equal rank then the game should reflect that.

    Please dont mistake me for entitled to a 4k. And I know my gamer competive feelings aren't universal.

    My sentiment is this

    But if I spend every second of this game using perks to the fullest. If I cut every corner in each chase, and hook and never waste a second needlessly searching just pressure pressure sweat time every loop and memorize every data of math in this game... I'm gonna be honest whatever the outcome 1k 2k 4k

    id like the game at the very least to tell me GG.

    But the dark one, score, emblems, pips they dont. : /

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Playing solo survivor is misery. You may get good teammates, but a lot of times you get either teammates who are potatoes or a 3-man SWF who sandbags you and/or leaves you to die. It sucks.

    Killer often sucks because you go against coordinated teams or matchmaking screws you over with players out of your league. A bunch of gens popping at the beginning of the match is demoralizing and that alone can make it harder to bounce back, just because the killer already feels defeated. And certain maps are just awful to play on. Even if I do well I don't enjoy playing on Haddonfield, it's not a fun map.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Killer generally kind of sucks to play because the only time it feels like you "win" are in a 4k (or 3k hatch) outcome. It's inevitable when their stated objective is to kill the survivors so that none of them escape. If the game is balanced around a 2k/2e outcome, that means the vast majority of games are going to be fairly unsatisfying for a killer. A 2k/2e is a shrug at best.

    For a survivor, it feels like you "win" whenever you escape. So if the game is balanced around aiming for a 2k/2e, that means that 50% of the time, any individual survivor is going to feel like they "won." It also never feels like you really lost unless it's a 4k as you're a member of a team. As long as some of your team gets out, the survivor is going to feel like they at least contributed to that overall victory.

    So you are left with a game where one team needs to utterly dominate to feel like they won (which encourages the tunneling/camping everybody hates), whereas the other team will feel like they "won" in the vast majority of games, given that the ideal outcome from a balance standpoint is 2k/2e and only one survivor needs to make it out for some level of dopamine reward for the survivors.

    That's also a fundamental aspect of the core design loop, and has no easy fix. Bloodpoints, after a certain point, don't really cut it.

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    I'm currently on break from this game due to 2 reasons. First and foremost being the INSANE number of unacceptable bugs, especially as killer, especially as Nurse. Survivors getting free iron will for example is such a game changing bug but it's been going on for a while and even got worse recently. And I could spend several paragraphs listing and going over Nurse's bugs that have existed for YEARS but we'll just leave it at they suck.

    The second reason is balance issues, especially when concerning SWF. I can usually do fine against 4 solos barring the occasional game against 4 godlike players, however SWF is such an unfair glaring advantage it can make mediocre players challenging to beat. Even as little as 2 solos and a 2 man drastically changes the pacing. It's very frustrating to feel like a lost, not because my opponents were better, but because the game was rigged from the start.

    As a side note, I see a lot of people posting "but survivors have had more nerfs" and that's true. But those nerfs were needed. I played this game in beta and I've seen every filthy tactic available to survivors over the years and abused some of them myself. You used to be able to heal so fast that before the killer finished wiping their blade after a hit, you were healed for example. Are you saying the nerfs to healing weren't justified? Maps used to have at least 1 infinite on each of them that the killer would never be able to hit you at (until Nurse was added), are you saying they should've stayed? You used to be able to sabotage every hook on the map and they wouldn't respawn so killer couldn't hook anyone, are you saying that should've stayed? Most survivor nerfs were earned as survivor has always been the power role in this game at red ranks.

  • Zeon_99
    Zeon_99 Member Posts: 463

    I love this game to death, but playing killer is just a huge field of landmines.

    -Try to play low tier killers like Clown and Bubba: Curb stomped by maps.

    -Completely unable to have a variety of perks because gens can fly too fast.

    -Play chill and just enjoy the game: *t-bagging at gates and flashlight clicking* "Lmao how are you rank 1?" "gg ez"

    -Try to play seriously and play like a "rank 1 killer": "Wow dude. Are you seriously sweating in a party game?" "Dude we're all solo and you're acting like your life is on the line."

    -Use meta perks that can compete with meta survivor perks: "Wow dude, Pop AND Surge? Are you really that insecure?" "Infectious fright on Michael, plz uninstall sweaty killer." *All 4 survivors running DS, BT, DH, and Unbreakable*

    -Play Legion: "Dude play a real killer. #########." "ZZZZZ killer"

    I could do this for an hour but I'm sure everyone has heard it all before. I think the biggest problem is the devs are afraid of taking leaps in experimenting with killers or perks. Would I be THAT hard to just remove the slowdown Bubba receives when he revs his saw during a PTB and see how it goes? If its too broken, remove it, if Bubba becomes better without being BS, keep it. How about lowering Legions cooldown from 4 seconds to 3 as an experiment? I can assure you, as someone with 1000 hours on this killer, that Legion will not be OP with that change.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Anybody who looks at the history of this game can see the steady move towards killers. Understand I don't disagree with most of what's been done. Old BnP were ridiculous. Insta heals were honestly just kinda unfair.

    The devs have been, very slowly, moving the needle towards a balanced game. They have things to do still. Some of the maps desperately need shrinking. I'm looking at you Red Forest. But other than map changes, and fixing MM. The game is pretty balanced.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I started playing shortly after the PS4 release. I have never taken a break of more than a week or so (to travel). I may do so now.

    The game is in a weird state and I'm not sure it's the fault of the devs. Camping is at a height (which I get isn't the biggest problem), toxicity is on the rise, and things have gotten a bit predictable and stale (as they do over time and with so much playing). Playing solo as survivor can be the worst experience (if you're alongside SWFs) and killer against a SWF can be rough.

    All of this said, I do love this game. I wish there were measures taken in the game to offer players incentives to not camp as killer, to help SWFs take care of a random other survivor, and to generally shake up perks, items, and the meta as a whole.

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I've only played since right before Freddy release, but in the history of my playing, I feel like survivors have only gotten stronger over time. I mostly play survivor, and it's not that I've gotten better.

    What are some of the things you see that have made killer stronger?

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    Yes I also agree that they don't have a win condition. That is something the devs need to implement. Technically even the 2k 2 escape is just something they said on stream, its not something the game supports, because if you get a 2k the game says Entity Displeased. I very much also agree that they need to better clarify this, I honestly think it will help narrow down this 4k or No k mentality this game has.

    And im sure your draw conditions apply... to like... rank 20-15

    not really sure what your talking about here. As I don't want to assume your just saying I am rank 20-15, then you would be wrong, but I need more clarification first.

    "Play for fun" this isn't a casual game?

    Then that is how you play it, the argument that since it has ranks its competitive game falls short because it literally offers no other way to play. The rank system isn't meant to say how good you are, its meant to match you with people of a similar skill level. Which to be fair is crap and even they admit that and are working on a new system for that. Could you imagine if their official policy was, "Hey you with 2 hours play against this dude with 2k hours". Yes I am aware this happens, but that is the point of their broken rank system, its meant to prevent this it just doesn't.

    If you tell me 2k is the best I should do against people of equal rank then the game should reflect that.

    Once again, you keep mixing up "skill" and "rank" they are far from the same thing. Ranking up in this came is merely how much you play it not how good you are. This is something the devs have already mentioned. There rank system is broken and doesn't properly match you against people of similar skill level, it attempts to match you against people of similar rank. Assuming you have played this game, then you should know the rank system is a poor way to measure skill.

    As for my statement of they expect each game to end in a 2k instead of a 4k? How would you like them to design the game? If the design the game in a way that the killer is supposed to 4 every game, then survivors are more than likely going to get steam rolled, if they design the game so that survivors escape every game than killers are going to get stream rolled.

    The best way for them to design the game is for a 2k and 2 escape. That means when you play with someone at your skill level you have a 50% chance to win and a 25% chance to lose/win. If you play exceptional and do very well than you should get more than 2 kills, if you play poorly than you should get less than 2 kills. If you are evenly skilled the match ends in a draw.

    I can win in rainbow 6, showdown, preditor, white noise, FD13 but not here ?

    Yes because all of those games have clear win conditions (honestly dude predator? That game might be worst than F13). I agree with you DBD needs a better clarification of a win condition. Instead of just letting the players define it themselves. The problem is there is already this huge problem in this community with people tryhard sweating people on both sides and BHVR isn't the best PR company in the world Pretty good job so far & End Game Perk That they are just saying that we get to define it.

    Personally I have my own defined conditions.

    For survivor: If two or more people escape. Doesn't have to be me, because were a team not individuals. Shoot it doesn't even have to be my GF and I, if the other two get out, we count it as a win. There are also times in the game that if a killer is protecting a specific gen or totem then we count it as a win if we get that gen/totem even if all four people die.

    For killer: As long as I had a good chase I mark the game as a positive, but I personally see a 2k or more as a win. However looking at my last 20 games I average 2-3 killers with killers I am okay with and 3-4 kills with a killer I am good at. Or about a 65% kill rate overall. If I only count the killers I am good with my kill rate would be 82%. This is without slowdown perks (excluding corrupt/surge (or random games when people request a build)) at red ranks (because honestly rank is not equal to skill).


    TL;DR Yeah the devs should change their messaging but once again Pretty good job so far & End Game Perk PR/wording isn't quite their best category.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    I feel quite the opposite. Red ranks in both. Rank 1 at killer playing with super stars like Bubba and Gorgon and clown. Grinding to get to rank two because i pretty much play solo (my swf is no allstar squad). Every match is pretty much someone gets hooked early and suicides on hook making it a 3v1. Swf is hard to face because of the communication, but also the facf that you don't get early hook suicides.

    I much enjoy killer (besides auto aim and Ormundfield) than solo and even swf survivor play.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Over the years they decreased the amount of time it takes killers to pick up survivors, vault windows, and added the entity blocker. There used to be literal infinite loops. Not the ones people complained about now. These were loops survivors literally could not be caught in.

    They eliminated pallet vacuum, insta heals, and insta blind flashlights. They've nerfed toolboxes and their addons. They nerfed healing speeds. More recently they added doors on the structures killers complained were unfair.

    There are more things I could add. But I think you get the point. Survivors have been nerfed substantially over the years. Which has made killers stronger in turn.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    I play on console, maybe that's why I face so many SWF deathsquads.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Disagree, it hasn't made killers "stronger", it has brought them up to a more even plain of field.

    Yes, survivors have been substantially nerfed, because they were substantially stronger as well. All the things you mentioned were MoM level of brokenness, it's a miracle the game survived the way it was.

    I don't dismiss the fact that they have, indeed, been moving towards a more balanced game, albeit I can't help but to notice that killers are still getting burnt out, which I reckon is due to some lingering issues.

    My point here is to raise awareness of the constant frustration that seems to be endured by the killer community, to see if the devs can iron out the rough edges in order to make the game equally fun for both parts.