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Multiple threads of "killers meltdown". Are the devs proud?



  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Increased vault and pickup speeds are killer buffs. By definition those things made them stronger.

    Most killer frustration stems from they aren't actually good enough for the ranks they're in. But most survivors are bad. So they end up in ranks higher than they should be. If they can ever fix match making that will solve alot of problems. Also shrinking the gigantic maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    While I understand your efforts, I firmly believe that BHVR won't do anything about it simply because to me it seems that BHVR is more focused on making the game fun for survivors. I feel that the day BHVR decides to focus on what frustrates killer's, it'll be too late because the killer community will practically be dead!

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Yup, also keep in mind those survivors were incredibly dumb both in how they used their bnps and what they did after.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    When they fix MM the problems with this game are going to become abundantly clear to everyone I think. The game needs secondary objectives.

  • Member Posts: 926

    Que times vary depending on the time of day and from region to region. Though, my ques as killer are always instant while I usually have to wait a few minutes in survivor que. So, by your logic there is actually less killers than there used to be. If there is an excess of survivors then survivor que times will be longer.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I generally feel killers are the most vocal, whereas survivors who complain about balance generally get shut down because "they are the power role". At the minute solo survivor is weak and swf is strong.

    The thing is people just don't understand you can't win every single game, with every killer. When I play Clown if I get beat by a 4 man swf, I don't complain because it's a tough killer. Also certain maps are a pretty much gg so again you have to just except that.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Solo survivor isn't even weak, it's the ranking and mm systems that have screwed things over. A decently high number of "rank 1" survivors aren't that good, it's just pretty easy to rank up so people who should be rank 10 are in the red. It's a bit easy to rank up in Killer, but survivor you can damn near afk and pip. I mean I've seen survivors in red ranks who can't loop at all, mess up skill checks, run to dead zones instead of jungle gyms, etc.

    I assume if they ever actually fix the ranking and mm systems to properly reflect skill we'll see how the balance of the game actually lies for solo survivor.

  • Member Posts: 760

    Sorry, But I strongly disagree.

    I see way more potatoes survivors at red ranks than killers.

    In order to rank up and maintain your red rank position you are forced to fulfil a bunch of criteria the emblem system asks you, hell, you can even 3k and black pip. In other words, you have to do well in order to stay at red ranks.

    As for survivors, you can simply rush gens, occasion get into a chase, unhook someone heal, bam, you pipped, specially if you are playing SWF.

    It's quite jarring the difference in skill level between some red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 760

    There's no doubt solo survivors are weak compared to swf, which is a big source of frustration for both killers, and survivors alike.

    About the maps, how awful it is to log into a map, and have the odds already stacked against you. It happens to often.

    On "Scotjund" video, the who the says he's taking a break from killer, he said something no one seem to have noticed.

    "We told them the new map wasn't ok, but they just ignored it". Something along these lines.

    It makes me think that, some players tested the map, and told the dev it wasn't a good map, as proved by the negative feedback it has received. Once again they ignored players feedback, and released which is one of the worst maps in a while.

  • Member Posts: 760

    I acknowledged the survivors frustration on my OP, I just believe it's not close to what killers experience.

    Yes, there are plenty of survivors complaining about things they find it trusting, how many post have you seen saying they've burnt out and are taking a break?

    I never neglected the fact that are things frustrating as survivors, "ghost skill check 4 years in", I'm just saying they aren't as frustrating as the killer experience.

    As for queue times, it's seems to be a bug, as my killer queue is usually long on my first game, while the rest of the day is quite instant.

  • Member Posts: 570

    My routine is to get to rank 1 killer, get mad frustrated, give up killer, play survivor to mid ranks b4 I get frustrated, then give up on DbD till the next chapter. Repeat~

  • Member Posts: 218

    Meltdown? Where?

    Sometimes i have a feeling i play a different game then all other people.

    My win rate as killer is probably 85% and with win i mean 3+ Kills. What actually is the issue? Are killers supposed to get every game 4K 5 gens left? Either people cant live with a lose or they're just butthurt.. yeah sorry but its true.

    When i play Survivor i see how bad decisions some killer make.

    Commiting on just one person without changing targets, pressuring other people and having a tunnel vision on me even when people are working infront of the killers face, but then wondering why did i get genrushed?

    Some killer players really need to get good, im serious. Im not sure if its because the ranking system and its easy to rank up, because as soon a killer plays against good survivors they Disconnect or just give up.

    Not saying that everything is balanced in the game. But the game is pretty balanced compared to 3 years ago.

    Imagine im a trapper main who wastes a lot time by setting my traps and always give up on 2 gens but i manage to comeback most if the time.

    Because i know when to slug, when to change targets, when to defend my territory etc

    Most killers players unfortunately see the game as a 1vs1. Chasing just one person, tunnel, camp or making bad decisions just because they want that one guy so bad.

    I say it again.. if i can comeback as trapper main after giving up 2 gens every game and win 80% of my matches then everyone can do it. Some people just need to try different strategies out.

    There is no meltdown OP some people just cant accept loses and give up. Thats it.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    That's my point. They ride the wave of bad survivors to a higher rank then they should be at. Then once they face survivors that actually belong at the rank they're at they get stomped. I very much believe a fixed match making system would alleviate alot of the frustration. Shrink the giant maps and things would be pretty balanced.

  • Member Posts: 760

    But you have to consistently do well to stay at red ranks, you can't just eat potatoes.

    I'm also hoping for the MMR system to fix some issues. And yes, giant maps are awful.

  • Member Posts: 760

    It seems you didn't read my entire post.

    In no moment I addressed the number of kills in a match or what is considered a win. You're discussing something that has nothing to do with my post.

    My point with this thread was to raise awareness of the constant "killer is too frustrating, I'm taking a break" posts, which are quite frequent if you pay attention to the forums.

    You're beating the dead horse of "killers need to apply more pressure", and that's not what's been discussed here.

  • Member Posts: 218

    I readed everything you wrote.

    Fact is the "meltdown" you talking about is happening because people still think playing killer is always frustrating and they never have fun. AND im saying maybe "You" are the reason why you have a hard time. 90% of red ranks killers want EZPZ games.. exactly. As soon they have a hard time they disconnect?

    Also about "Frustration" what is the reason? Maps? A ton of them got fixed are they still frustrating? Yes, because nobody want a challenge.

    Tilesets? Well 90% of maps are full with Deadzones. Still a problem?

    What exactly is a problem? A good looper? Change targets and play smart. Oh no.. i better run 10 minutes after one person and complain then about "Gen rush" sure ma dude sure.

    There wasnt a meltdown when we had Vacumm pallets, infinites, insta blinds, insta gen BNP, insta heals

    And now when the game is maybe in the best state compared to the last month and years there is now suddenly a meltdown?

    Fact is most of killer players are whiny and want ez wins. Proof me wrong? You cant. Cheers

  • Member Posts: 597

    Hmm... I haven't played much lately, but one thing I don't understand is why there is such a LONG Killer que?

    I'm getting average of like 15min wait times to get a single game as Killer, and I've been trying at different hours of the day. What's going on? Is Killer que this bad for everyone?

  • Member Posts: 760

    My first queue of the day usually take 5 min, after that it's pretty much instant.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited June 2020

    I play both sides and i would be fine with this as long as they don’t listen to nerf gen speeds. If you want gens to go slower allow more synergy’s between slowdown perks because the last thing I want is playing survivor to become a bigger M1 simulator and even more boring so killers can have a easier time. I also don’t want them to listen to Nerf PH

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