Multiple threads of "killers meltdown". Are the devs proud?

Day after day we see a couple of new thread talking about how someone just had it with the game/playing killer, and is either, taking a break, or sticking to survivor.
Now, don't get me wrong. I understand there are plenty of stressful things when it comes to playing survivor as well.
I personally despise moris and NOED, as they do not reward skillful play by the killer.
We know the game's balance is kind of whack, and that the devs have no idea how to fix SwF vs solos skill gap, tunnelling, camping, map (yes, there are still some maps that need more work),
Yet, the majority of posts concerning frustration, comes from killers. I myself have taken two breaks from the game in the spam of one and half year ish (I joined a couple of months before plague)
And I've seen plenty of people talking about doing the same, taking breaks from playing killer or altogether.
A despite a plethora of "killer meltdown" posts, they seem to focus "mostly", on fixing things that are frustrating for survivors, all the while, neglecting the other side of the community. Looking at the doc, ruin, nurse (this one in particular) legion.
I know the game is not dying, and I'm glad for it. I love the game, and I believe most of us who are pretty vocal around do. I just think that this kind of stressful experience, having people quit, take breaks can't be healthy for any game.
Thus my question, are the devs proud of having people quitting/taking breaks every single week? Wouldn't it be better to sit down with the "whole" community and listen closely to feedback (frustrating outdated mechanics, items, strategies, balance). You know, trying to improve the lasting experience, not only for the average player like me, but also for the k plus hour vets, and specially, the new players?
TLDR: devs need to sit down with the community, and figure it out a way improve the experience for both parties, mostly killers, as they seem to be the ones quitting the game more frequently due to frustration.
I just starting taking a break again recently, after having 5 games in a row being gen rushed whilst running all of the game delay perks. I was also playing decently and consistently hooked, but when maps like Haddonfield and Ormond exist, along with map offerings I get stressed.
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Recently I witnessed first gen being done under 25 seconds. These gen times are stressful.
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I wished map offerings worked the other way around.
Instead of increasing the chance, it would decrease the chance of getting certain maps.
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I believe the record is 17 seconds
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Exactly, every match now I get a sweaty SWF who burn haddonfield and ormond offerings. If map offering worked like you said they would, I'm going to burn Haddonfield offerings for days.
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Hillbilly hasnt had his camera fixed in months and still has a longer stun because of animation issues..
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It's really sad how this game can be out for 4 years now and still be unbalanced. But at least for me the actual state of the game isn't my main issue, its the lack of communication from the devs and updates that only release on a fixed schedule. If only they could tell us (the paying customers) actually when things will be fixed and when MMR will come out, its infuriating how we the customers are basically neglected by the company.
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I agree with you to a point. I've been playing survivor 90% of the time lately just because I feel it's a lot more relaxed than playing killer. There's a lot of micro managing you have to do as killer.. keep an eye on the gens, hooks, who you hooked, who you didn't, what chases to commit, etc.
But it all depends who you're playing against. I feel SWF still have a big advantage just for being able to communicate. But if it's 4 solo survivors it's much easier. Don't know how they could balance the game around it, though.
As for survivors, they still have to deal with moris, iridescent heads, camping, etc...
But yeah.. I stopped playing killer for months just because it was getting too stressful, so I do think you have a point. But at the same time what can be done? Increase the time gens take to be done and make the game super boring for survivors? It's a tough one.
Maybe a system where gens take longer to do in the beginning of the match and less time at the end of the match depending on how many survivors are still in the game?
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As if any survivor would post on a killer biased forum that the gameplay as survior is a total meltdown. And no killer would dtick to survivor, cause if they played some games they would understand how horrible the experirence is in contrast to easy peasy killer.
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People who are opening those Threads are just there for the attention. And well, Killer Queues are way longer than Survivor Queues.
I guess those Survivors quitted the game because of the constant Survivor Nerfs for years (which is true btw.). But this nonsense is only allowed and upvoted when people are writing that about Killers.
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Lmao no. I play both sides and you are so wrong. Killer is only easy when you play against potatoes below your rank.
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Honestly, they do tend to focus on survivors when it comes to bug fixes. Look at Nurse, it's been close to a year and every match without fail there is at least one bug which ranges in detriment to my match. From the chain blink click not playing at the right time to stuns while blinking having you fatigue instead of be stunned and you're moving at full speed while looking at the ground. Or the infinite blink bug where the sound replays the first bit of the charge and the hand looks wrong. Not to mention latency being an issue for her.
It's just not their priority.
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The only way i ever just have casual fun in this game is a 3 or 4 man swf with comms. otherwise killer and solo survivor are a joke.
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Imagine how broken it was. If after all the nerfs, there are still lots of things to be fixed.
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Well said.
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I think I play the game 2-4 times a day tops.
There are those weeks though where I play 2 times total, or not at all.
The game isn't rewarding, there is no incentive to play. That goes for the Battle Pass to.
Survivor is a stale and boring, looping, button mashing, M1 holding disaster. And Killer is an annoying, frustrating, and sometimes infuriating gameplay experience, that makes me want to take a break from the game after 2 or so matches.
I launch the game sometimes going in with a positive attitude. But then I sit there, look at my killers and survivors, check out my perks. Thinking of what I want to do. And then for whatever reason, even though I am not in a bad mood, I exit the game and don't boot it up for a day or 2. And so the cycle continues.
I cannot, get myself to play this game anymore.
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Before chapter 16 release I was getting good solo q luck. But since then I'm forced into a 4 man every game it seems, because if I leave it to randon chance...
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You know, I know this from a different game I used to play a lot. Funny thing there is that the Battle Count is linked to the Forum Account. In the German Part of the Forum, at least 4-5 times a day, someone said that they are quitting because of stuff. And then the Battle Count still goes up every day...
So I know that most people who actually say they are quitting, dont quit. Hell, I even saw someone complaining here on the DBD-Forum about the Event Cakes, when he wrote multiple times in the past that he will be quitting the game.
Not saying that those Nerfs were not justified. But Killers who are opening Threads about quitting also act like they get tons of Nerfs - while the most Nerfs always go to the Survivor side. But only because 3 things got changed (Ruin-Rework, which is still a solid Perk, Nurse-Nerf, which was well-justified and SPirit-Nerf, which was not really that much) they are acting as if Killers get nerfed the whole time.
The game is not in such a bad state. But the Community is.
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There are plenty of people out there who feel the same. I believe it's mostly due to the stale meta.
Last night my SWF and I were discussing ways to make the seasons more interesting.
Man, imagine if every 2 months or so, they release s balanced patch nerfing overused perks in the previous season, and balancing underused ones. People would have to adapt and figure things out every new season. I know it's not the best idea ever, but it would at least break us out of this same old molt.
As it is, we re lucky to get 1/2 perks change in a patch. Pitiful.
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Important to keep in perspective that the forums are a very very very small amount of the playerbase.
I think if you put all these "meltdown" post together i believe you still wouldn't reach like 0,1% of the playerbase
That and most of the time they start playing again a bit later. Mostly they are vent post letting out frustration of a series of unfortunate matches
It is a stressfull game. I won't deny that but as long as you don't start a game while already under stress it's managable
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a LOT of this has to do with the matchmaking. New-ish players are being matched with 1000+hr veterans, and there's just no chance they do well.
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The only change that was well handed out of those three was the spirit one, hence no outcry.
Ruin change should have come with a change to game pace (probably the new early game mechanic) as the chase ratio to gen speed is unbalanced as is.
I don't play nurse cause I'm on console (other topic they fail to deliver, optimization), but from what I understood from the outcry, was that her base kit was fine, and the needed only a change to her op add-ons. So, IF they said they wouldn't be changing her base kit, then they blatantly lied to those who play her.
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Survivor is way easier, and all I play is solo queue.
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But that's my point.
It shouldn't be THIS stressful, in which you have to manage you stress in order to play. It's a video game fro cry out loud.
I know the forums represent a small percentage of the player base, but these are the people who care enough about the game to be part of the discussion. These are the players who watch the streams, follow the patch notes, etc.
If we are here discussing something about the game, despite difference in opinion or not, we care about the game.
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why would the devs appeal to 20% of the playerbase at the expense of 80% of the playerbase?
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Not to mention the new map where you simply can't blink in some zones lol
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Nah, her Basekit was not fine. There were Nurses without any Perks or only with BBQ who 4ked constantly. While any other Killer (except for maybe Spirit) basically struggles to get to use 4 Perks. Nurse was also the only Killer where you had the luxury to equip Deerstalker, a perk which is mediocre at best, because you would not need the Perk Slot for something better.
And well, I can only say for myself - I am not really a good Killer, still I am Rank 1. And I can only compare to myself, but if I manage to do it and get quite a decent amount of 4Ks, then others will be able to do this as well, since I am neither really good at DBD, nor good at games in general, lol. So Killer cannot be that bad/hard, lol.
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I'll respectfully disagree with the points you make about nurse, as I think she takes an abnormous amount of kill to play at a consistent lvl, hence it should be rewarded.
I'm not really talking about being able to 4k or not. I'm sure most killers are able to 4k, more than they would like to admit.
I'm discussing how different the experience is from survivors to killers, that it makes people, mostly killers, quit or go on long breaks.
I'm currently a rank 2 killer (deppiped testing out new builds on legion) , and I have to sweat my balls of yo keep within red ranks. While I can causally rank up as survivor, having fun at the same time.
I know is something inherent to the asymmetrical nature of the game, but good Lord.
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So I wanted to reply because this actually sounds like it could be an interesting discussion. Starting off, you are always going to see more complaints than positive feedback threads. Forums are usually are used to gain feedback and discussions on the game. So those who think the game is fine or really don't know how to structure their feedback aren't really going to post. Leaving you with four options with the majority being the first three.
- People who are frustrated with game mechanics because they either dislike, think they are unbalanced, or find them favoring one side over the other
- People who want to discuss things to improve the game but really aren't frustrated with it, these are the threads that remain peaceful
- People who want to talk about the game they love like the many threads such as "What's your favorite perk"
- Praise for the game and the devs.
That is why you see so many more of these threads than others. Now I would like to discuss your points though.
Starting off, you bring up the most recent nerfs, such as Doc, Ruin, Nurse and Legion. But you do leave out the fact that many survivor major perks have been nerfed since release. Survivors themselves don't ever really get direct changes because unlike killers, there powers is perks and map layouts.
Lets start with Doc, I am not sure why people find him weaker with these changes, the biggest change I see that they made was to make it so you had to use his ability for map awareness instead of just getting free map awareness. I personally find the reduction in using the shock power to hitting someone is a huge buff to him. Though personally I rarely play him so there isn't much feedback I could give her. I will say, I do not hate playing against him as much as I used to when I do play survivor. His sounds still slowly give me a headache, but I no longer feel punished simple because the killer is near me, I feel as though the killer earned his chase and map awareness.
Next Ruin, This one I kinda divided, because honestly if you read the threads here, it sounds like it was the worst thing in the world to happen to the killer community. But this actually shows that the devs don't take all of there feedback from this site and instead listen to the community everywhere. This was a changed asked everywhere but if you came to these forums you would believe that it would have been the end of the world.
Nurse, I actually agree with you kinda. I understand why the devs changed her how she changed her. Nurse is a devasting powerful killer (even with her recent changes). She always required a fairly high level a skill though, but even I who was just meh with her could do well. However I don't feel like her changes made her any worst of a killer (she isn't as nearly as strong), but she is easily the strongest killer in the game still. The problem is the skill level needed to player her is much higher than it was before her changes.
Legion, honestly, I am confused by this killer but DAMN do I love playing Susie. There are some weird choices in this killer that I honestly don't understand. Like you cant see gen aura's after hitting someone with frenzy but can before you hit someone (not sure if this is a bug/fixed/intended). Also the fact that you lose your power and suffer a 4 second stun because you missed a swing (even worst when "aim dressing") is the cause can be quite annoying. But honestly out of those the killer is in a fairly playable state. You would have to provide me with more details and I'll be happy to discuss them.
I guess my problem here is, these are all of the killer frustrations with the game. Is it safe to assume you play killer mostly? How long have you been playing the game. Lots of survivor things have been changed even some as recent as the massive loop reworks which was clearly killer favored. But before that, many of the meta perks killers complain about are gutted versions of their original selves. Take probably the most complained two
- Lets start with DS which is probably the closest you are going to get to ruin. Did you know when this perk was released the only requirement to triggering it was to be picked up by the killer. You didn't have to be hooked first you just had to be picked up. This perk went through multiple iterations and changes (5 to be exact) to be where it is now. I will personally admit I am a little sad its changing from a anti-tunneling perk to an anti-momentum perk and I do hope the devs come back around to this one day. However my playstyle as killer rarely lets DS be an issue for me, so I am not entirely worried about it. Personally I think this perk should have the following condition If you are not in the dyning state and the killer hooks another survivor DS deactivates
- Next BT, this perk not only grated the person being saved, but the person doing the saving with essentially the BT Status. Yeah, could you imagine being killer and both the person who was rescues and the one doing the rescuing got the BT effect today? Killers would be losing their minds. I still think BT is a very strong perk, but once again, the way I play killer means I don't really see it as an issue. I do think BT should have a cool down of 5 seconds. So one person with BT can rush and get multiple people off hooks granting them all BT.
- Exhaustion, I am going to bring this mechanic up as a whole, as it effects all Exhaustion perks. Did you know your exhaustion timer ran down even if you were in chase or running. Like literally a person could use Dead hard twice on you in the same chase. This was a massive change for survivor exhaustion perks.
- Now lets talk about items. Survivors items have slowly been changed to be more efficient but for a much shorter time period. I personally rarely every used or use items as survivor, so not really sure what this effected other than a brown medkit only heals you once now.
- And one of the most recent survivor nerfs was to map loops and sizes with a promise from the devs to take this into consideration more when making and designing new maps.
Now I specifically want to talk about your last statement
TLDR: devs need to sit down with the community, and figure it out a way improve the experience for both parties, mostly killers, as they seem to be the ones quitting the game more frequently due to frustration.
I have introduced so many of my friends to this game. I would say about 90% of them didn't stick with the game. To be honest none of my close friends even play this game anymore. Only a few I ever introduced stuck with it. Most of them found the survivor side more fun because they got to play together and really didn't just enjoy playing killer (I never understood why, I find killer to be by far less stressful and more enjoyable all around, but to each their own). Do you want to know why they all quite? They all quite because they didn't like how killers played the game. These were not Swat SWF friends, most of them were 5-8 beers in before the even started playing. But almost every match someone would be camped on hook, or tunneled off of it, or they would be 1 hook mori'ed. Essentially they were neve given the time to learn the game and hated it. Almost none of them play at this point.
I think the difference here is that killers are more likely to come to the forums and complain about these issues as none of my friends came here to complain about these tactics, they just uninstalled the game and moved on. Now don't get me wrong, I bet there are a lot of killers that did the same. The problem is I can only speak from my personal experience's and that tells me. Those who don't like killer and are frustrated with the game, generally just quit and move on. Killers tend to play the game differently and keep playing.
TLDR; I think you see more negative threads than positive ones because people feel more open to talk when they are frustrated with a game mechanic than those who just wish it would change but can put up with it. Also there have been numerous survivor related nerfs that for some reason get looked over as QoL changes, when for some reason every killer nerf is considered over reaching.
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totally agree
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Why shouldn't it be stressfull? Most people like getting challenged and you can't be challenged without tension. And tension leads to stress.
The dark souls games were stressfull and they are conciddert amazing to most people. Fighting games can get amazingly stressfull yet you can't deny people love them. And i'm fairly certain more people had breakdowns on fighting or souls games then dbd will ever have
Hell the reason dbd is so popular is because it's so full of tension. People wouldn't invest 1000-3000 hours in a game if it didn't have that. They'd get bored.
In short tension is a good thing. And you can't have tension without stress
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Thanks for taking the time
The reason I don't mention the aforementioned survivor nerfs I because they were massively OP perks, mechanics, that even after the nerfs, are still strong enough to be the meta for more than an year. And I believe some of the frustration from playing killer comes from facing these overused second chance perks all the time.
I mentioned in my post, "I joined a couple of months before plague".
I faced old D's, BT, MoM, which I noticed you didn't mentioned, which I reckon it was so massively OP they had to gut the perk to oblivion.
When talk about the changes, such as doc, and spirit (which I believe it was extremely well handed), im alluding to the fact that theses changes happened to solve the frustration on side of the community was having when facing these characters. Same goes for Ruin.
Which I'm asking, is why not also aknowledge the frustration aspects that comes when playing killer, and be more proactive at fixing these issues.
There are plenty of survivors on the forums as well, I just find it odd that it's pretty rare to see any post about quitting the game or taking a break.
Perhaps we, who play mostly killer, we are all snowflakes? Idk, I just feel there's too many "killer meltdown" post compared to zero from survivors.
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If someone suffers a stress metldwon from playing a game is not the developers fault, its the players for taking it too seriusly.
Its a game and it should be treated and enjoyed as what it is.
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I dont quit the game Just playing killer. My reason is not about balance or that type of #########. It is for me matchmaking. Yesterday i fought As a rank 12 against 4 rank 1 survivors. You can already tell i lost really hard and i didn't had any motivation to play killer again.
I switched over to survivor as my boi Ash and it is the most relaxing time i have ever had at dbd. People complain how solo survivor sucks, well i dont feel that way. I really dont experience a lot of people really tunneling or camping. And if they do it is because of the Doors Being open and i Find that fair.
There are probaly other reasons i quit killer then matchmaking ,like burning out playing killer but yeah, mostly matchmaking ruins my game.
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I agree with you to a degree.
The stress that comes from facing an opponent of same skill level In a even playing field is really good. Though I don't think is always the case here.
I've played all souls game (put almost 200 hours on the first one), and I've never felt so street as I do in DbD. Mostly due to the fact that in a souls game, everytime I died, it was mostly because I had mae a mistake, while in DbD, facing OoO in a giant ######### map full of safe pallets, you can't help but to fell you're facing terrible designer choices, instead of really skillfully player
Freddy spaghetti nails, Huntress watermelon hatchets. Getting a ghost skillchecks as soon as you stop an action, really, after 4 years?
Just things I wish they would sit down, take the time and iron it out.
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I very rarely get less than 2-3 kills at red ranks. I don't tunnel or camp, and I purposely induce D-Strike early on in games, so it's not available to survivors when exit gates are open for example.
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I had to learn to not let the pressure of playing killer get to me. If I play well and win. Great. If i play bad and lose oh well.
If i get a sweaty 4 man swf and they send me to Ormond or Haddonfield then there isnt much I can do but try my best.
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Oh my god really!? Holy crap thats barely anytime at all
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I would really just enjoy the game more if it was more viable to utilize more of the killers, cause a lot of them just aren't in a good place.
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That is pretty absurd, but I wish people would remember that the first gen is barely even the start of the game, and that subsequent gens can't really be done at the same speed anyway.
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There are a couple of reasons, and I don't know how fixable they are.
One, the major source of tension in this game isn't a murder monster hunting relatively helpless survivors. The source of tension is the same one as a deadline at work. Do I have the time to kill all these survivors? Thrilling. This puts survivors in the power role instead of the killer, as all of the tension, stress, and pressure is on the killer, and everything the survivors do just increases that time pressure. (On a side note this is why camping and tunneling are an issue. Getting a survivor off the board as quickly as possible - particularly the first one - makes the game exponentially more manageable for the killer).
The second reason, in combination with that, is that survivor mechanics are too simplistic. It does not take very much skill to repair a generator and takes only slightly more to frustrate a killer on a chase. Very few of those frustration abilities (pallets, windows, flashlights, looping in general) feel like getting outplayed as the killer - they just feel like getting annoyed. Virtually all of the survivor tools to aid in a chase rely on removing control from the killer for a game-defined period of time; it's a stun or a blind, every time.
Third, there is no time or space for creativity. Between gen speeds and scratchmarks, every game is the same exact thing with only minor variations depending on killer ability power. The killer has to rush to pressure the map, and since scratchmark visibility and durability mean that survivors can't realistically count on escaping a chase, it's loop and make the killer frustrated enough to abandon the chase - or die.
I personally believe that adding a time pressure mechanic to the survivors as well while reducing or eliminating scratchmarks would open the game up considerably, but that is an unpopular opinion.
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It does not matter at all. People tried to prove something with this example that Gens are too fast, but they are not.
The 17 seconds were a SWF with a Shroud and 3 BNPs. The Killer got a 4K with 3 Gens left. So...yeah... If a Team wants to use basically all ressources to get the first Gen done fast, this does not mean anything at all.
Let alone that the first one or two Gens are not relevant most of the time and the easiest to do.
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Yeah i can agree with that. Stress induced by things out of your control is bad
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I saw that idea about gen speed before and its definetely a bad choice to compensate SWF comms maybe make at the beginning of the game 3 gens available for repairing after 2/3 (or 4 gens available and 2/4 gens repaired) of those gens are done all other gens are available to repair.
That will make:
- Less gen area patrolling for killer at the begining when they are weak.
- Survivors to move in search of gens making killer easier to start a chase.
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Playing survivor right now is actually awful. If you play alone you get nothing but potatoes. If you play in a group you get nothing but 1 hook mori.
I'm generally having more fun playing killer right now. I just play super overpowered builds and it's way more fun than playing survivor.
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Always, I am happy to have discussions with people because I am actually the odd killer that doesn't align my views in the same manner as many others.
That same argument could be made for those same killer changes. Those perks, mechanics and other nerfs were done to make the game overall more enjoyable for the killer side. Survivors we're complain about DS the same way killers running DS were... There were not, technically I have to give the survivor side kudos, because I don't believe there were nearly as many end of the world threads when DS and BT were nerfed to compared to when ruin was changed/nerfed (because I still consider it a good perk, just not strong). I would also like to argue that ruin is still relatively meta, at least from my experience over this past year. I still see it quite often, now not as much as before, but I would say its still at least kinda meta.
Now here is where things get tricky, because I wont argue that DS and BT are not meta, they totally are. But that isn't to entirely blame survivors for that. Starting off, survivor perks are much more situational than killer perks are. Lets look at the big killer perks I see every game
- Pop = You can use this almost every game unless you manage to not hook anyone
- BBQ = Every time you hook someone you see someone
- Sloppy = Every time you hit someone this perk has an effect
- Thanatophobia = as long as people are injured in the game this had an effect
- Dying Light = As long as you hook someone who wasn't the obsession it has an effect
- Nurses = This one can be useful every game, but can also kinda be situational as people may not heal within your terrior radius. However, I would like to say, I've see this in more games then I've seen someone use unbreakable successfully
- Bamboozle = Vault a window this had an effect
- Brutal Strength/Enduring = Both have an effect as long as survivors use pallets (And how many games have you had where the survivors never used a pallet?)
- Corrupt = Blocks 3 gens for 2 minutes every game, It has an effect
Now this isn't all of them, but its the most popular I can think off the top of my head. This same logic doesn't even apply to the meta perks on survivor side.
- Lets start with unbreakable, unlike many of the perks listed above this perk has the condition that a killer leaves you slugged. Now if you play as I do, I rarely slug. I think I've seen 2 maybe 5 people successfully use unbreakable against me all year long.
- Borrowed Time: This one is clearly less situational and I do see it more often in my games. However as I rarely chase the person just off hook, this isn't something that has ever really effected my playstyle. I usually only see it when a survivor forces me to have to hit them because they blocked my path. Other than that I usually chase someone else.
- DS: once again, this is still situational however because it requires me downing and hooking someone recently off hook. Now to be fair, given the 60 seconds I've had matches where I downed someone else and hooked them then happened to come back across the DS user with 1 second left, but honestly if the DS me at that point I just tunnel them out of the game. I get people are trying to change it from anti-tunnel to anti-momentum which technically fits better but being a long time player its an anti tunnel perk and if you use it on me and I wasn't tunneling you, I will tunnel you. The way I see it you just punished me for something I didn't do. Which is why I always suggest the following condition to DS: If you are not in the dyning state and the killer hooks another survivor DS deactivates ai
- Now, I really could copy and paste my post breaking down almost all of the survivor perks, but it'll be easier to just link
- The post above explains alot of my issues with survivor perks. Unlike almost every single killer perk in the game, many survivor perks are two situational to become meta. For example, I absolutely love Autodidact and run it quite often, its not a meta perk, but it is really situational. This perk not only relies on me being the person to heal someone, but is handy capped if others are helping and relies on getting a skill check. For example, I've been running this perk all week so far. I rarely end the game with 5 stacks and more commonly end with 2-3 stacks.
I can see why a lot of killers get upset with perks like BT and DS depending on the survivors you are getting, but I don't see them as bad perks. They server their purpose (DS with an asterisks) very well. I just believe until BHVR stops making survivor perks so situational they they wont see use at least once per game, the survivor meta is never really going to change. Even going with their latest perks, I was actually kinda happy to see soul guard. I though that was going to be a new perk on my build all the time. I ran it for four days straight and used the "Endurance" effect once and never got to use the "pick self up" feature. Why would a survivor to choose to run a perk, that might only activate once every few days compared to a perk like dead hard or BT which has a chance of being useful once per match? Killer perks are almost always useful every single match?
-- Sorry that was a little long, but the reason you see those second chance perks so often is because they are useful almost every single match. ---
Sorry I must have forgotten or missed it, I kinda like to explain my thought process in detail as you can probably tell by now. DS is in both a better and worst position than it used to be in. I really hope one day they add the condition I mentioned above to turn the perk from an anti-momentum perk to a anti-tunneling perk, but only the devs can answer that.
-- Hopefully this helps you understand where I am coming from when we're talking about perks --
Now l would love to bring up your next statement
Which I'm asking, is why not also aknowledge the frustration aspects that comes when playing killer, and be more proactive at fixing these issues.
There are plenty of survivors on the forums as well, I just find it odd that it's pretty rare to see any post about quitting the game or taking a break.
Perhaps we, who play mostly killer, we are all snowflakes? Idk, I just feel there's too many "killer meltdown" post compared to zero from survivors.
I mean they have been, my point in bring up the nerfs to those perks was to show that they heard they were frustrations playing against those perks specifically and they adjusted it. Now don't get me wrong they aren't perfect solutions, but there fixes for killers weren't perfect for survivors either.
The question comes down to, how often do you see DS and BT and perks like that being used against you? Not sure if I stated this before, I mainly play killer unless I am playing with my GF. I see this perks in my end game screen all the time, I rarely every have issues with them during the matches though, because my playstyle doesn't really allow them to trigger. Don't get me wrong I see them and god can someone blocking me in a hall with BT and DS trigger me because its stopping me from chasing the person I want to. But that isn't the common game for me, its the exception. Yes I want conditions added to these perks to make them a little less of a careless perk and more and a perk that has tactic to it. I do think the devs are going to come back around to them, I just don't think it's as big of an issue as its made out to be.
As for the "killer meltdown" I actually never understood this, ask my GF, I can pretty much laugh away anything that happens when I play killer, but survivor I'll be screaming my head off. I expect the survivors to play smart and I expect killers to play using my similar ethics. I don't think these killers are snowflakes. I think a combination of stress and game feedback is tell them they are doing bad and making them feel bad.
Honestly one of the biggest changes I want the devs to make. I want them to remove "Entity Displeased" message on a 2k. I've seen many devs mention that the goal of the game is a 2k with 2 escape... but if that is true why does the game tell the killer they failed when that happens? I think the game has a PR issue instead of a balance issue (I mean it has a balance issue too, but I find the PR one greater at the moment).
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I usually get instant Survivor Queues from morning till afternoon and instant Killer Queues on Evening. In the Evening, I have to wait like 2-3 minutes for Survivor, and in the Morning till afternoon I have to wait for like 5-10 minutes as Killer. It shifted to fast/slow even more, like Survivor in general is faster since PH got released (even now, when I barely see any PHs) and Killer is even longer.
Regarding Bugs - yeah, those are frustrating. But Bugs affect every Player. Like, the Billy Bug makes some Chainsaw Hits ridiculous. I dont know if its actual Hitbox is way too big or if it just looks horribly wrong, but either way is not good as Survivor.
I am also getting used to Billys Bugs, playing him a lot lately, the Bugs are not that bad. But thats after not touching him for 2 months (or since when he became bugged), so I might just forgot how smooth he actually was, lol.
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I just want to please the entity
so he doesnt leave me like my father did.
But if I dont ultra 4k sweaty hes always displeased... always... please come home its been 21 years and I just want to meet you
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All my time in the game and also in the forum, since 2017, devs didn't did ######### for help killers, almost all survivor nerfs are so small that have no impact on the game
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ah I see I was just shocked that it took only 17 seconds to finish a single gen with all that, but nos surprised but golly imagine if it was for the whole game.