New take on a healing perk

Since we are in a "no heal meta"(more or less) I thought of a new, interesting concept for a healing perk. Something different than holding M1 for 32 seconds or getting healed over time(it's actually the opposite)
Here it is:
Every time you or the last survivor you fully healed repair the equivalent of a full generator, gain a token, for a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens. When you have at least one token, press the activate ability button(may need another keybinding option in settings) to heal one health state(from dying to injured or from injured to healthy) over 3 seconds(3 seconds so you have to plan for it, like Head On). You will passively lose the health state over 30/35/40 seconds. While the timer is active, you suffer from the Broken Status effect.
So, let's say you have a token and you are on the ground. Activate the perk, after 3 seconds you are injured and can run from the killer. After the timer ends(40 seconds for tier 3) you go back down. You can not heal or do anything to stop that, you will go back down when the timer ends. Essentially, you have only 40 seconds to lose the killer or you are screwed.
Similarly, if you are injured and use the perk, after 3 seconds you became healthy. When the timer expires you go back to injured and there's no way to prevent that, not even Adrenaline(because of the Broken status effect applied during the timer).
I thought it's a cool new concept, more active gameplay for a healing perk(you don't sit and m1 or sit in a locker). Of course, the numbers can be tweaked. The idea behind the perk is to give you as small window of hope, if you are skilled enough to take advantage of it and lose the killer in that time frame(and also if you do your objective: heal survivors and repair generators to activate the perk).
What do you guys think?
That's just adrenaline and unbreakable but you get to use it multiple time per match. 3 seconds is almost nothing in dbd. Hell the stun from getting a hit as the killer is almost 3 seconds plus the sprint burst you get after being hit. This would be so unbelievably broken. Itd be MoM all over again.