Noed Change idea?


Noed is frustrating to go against and takes no skill however I have and idea of a slight tweak to the perk

Keep the totems keep the 1 hit down but the movement speed should change

How about

Noed 1 - exposed status effect if dull totem is still up but get a 10% movement debuff

Noed 2 - exposed status effect if dull totem is still up but get a 5% movement debuff

Noed 3- exposed status effect if dull totem is still up but get a 0% movement debuff

I feel like it will still be used but having the thought of being slower in exchange of 1 hit down at the end of the game some killer might use other perks. Alot of survivors say that killers should be punished for failing keeping the gens up and this movement debuff would be a slight punishment .


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Having a movement speed debuff, especially of that magnitude, would make the perk completely unusable until tier 3.

    Just give it some kind of BP effect and scale that.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    Not really because u still get 1 hit downs and vault speeds would be the same

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Vault speed is irrelevant, you shouldn't be vaulting in the first place, and a 1 hit down is irrelevant if you can't get to them in order to use it.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    It definitely needs a nerf/rework its going to put dbd in a bad place balancing wise later down the line and with new payers each month they will just rely on this perk and will never get good

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If they truly never do get good then they will eventually start facing and losing to Survivors that DID get good.

    But regardless that doesn't change the fact that a MS reduction like what you have proposed would Kill the perk.

  • Buff_DeathslingerPls
    Buff_DeathslingerPls Member Posts: 32

    noed 1 is a no no, a whole 10% off a normal speed killer is terrible, putting them at 105%

    if they are 110% killers, then they become the same speed of survivors. Hag, deathslinger, huntress. almost impossible.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    Well how about 5/3/0 debuff would that kill the perk because I don't want to kill it I want it to be less popular but I still believe that killer should be punished for failing and also gets rewarded for keeping totems up also u get a 1 hit down.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Look, you don't need a debuff. The perk would have to be balanced without it anyways because tier 3 is the one that matters. It's not hard to just have a meaningless end-game BP buff that scales from 50% to 100% and call it a day. You ultimately have the nerf you wanted of removing the speed boost, the only difference being that now someone who wants to use the perk anyways can meaningfully do so with the Tier 1.

    And yes a 5% or even 3% debuff would kill the perk at those tiers.

  • Buff_DeathslingerPls
    Buff_DeathslingerPls Member Posts: 32

    I kinda prefer Otz's way of reworking noed.

    But my outlook on it is running noed decreases your chance of winning anyway, its basically 1 less perk till the end of the game, and even so it can just be broken.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,517
    edited June 2020

    I just think NOED should reactivate 3 random gens if all the totems weren't cleansed. In other words it forces survivors to do 1 extra gen if they don't cleanse the totems.

    I like the idea of punishing "gen rushing", but I want it to punish it by giving the killer more time to make skillful plays, not just free downs, which is the issue with the current version.

    This turns it into a slowdown perk instead of a crutch second chance perk. It's current version rewards you for the survivors being lazy and you doing nothing skillful. This new version rewards you, but only if you can make skillful plays.

    Current NOED is a fair perk, it's just not a healthy perk for the game.

  • thetaRama
    thetaRama Member Posts: 22

    Noed is fine how it is, just like ds

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Noed is trash. If you have 4 people alive in the end game an insta down probably isn't going to help considering most good players will just leave once they find out you have it.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    The OG Noed was guaranteed and permanent during endgame. When hag introduced totems it was relegated to being a totem perk. You want to nerf it further ok i guess but speed debuffs of any kind almost ensure the survivor will escape.

  • Lt_R1ZE
    Lt_R1ZE Member Posts: 44

    I like the idea of the extra gen would sound interesting

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    You have either never played tier 1 meyers, or killer at all, if you think 105% movement speed (not to mention the slower than 115 killers) doesnt make you useless. There is a reason that ranged killers and killers with enhanced mobility are slower. If the noed worked from the very start of the game then sure, I'd dig this change. Hex: Noed in exchange of your speed every survivor is one hit away from being downed. And you lose 10% movement speed or something like that. And then when the perk breaks you lose the one hit but gain your original speed. Because looping a 105% killer (with a terror radius mind you) is the easiest thing in the world. If you knew where tier 1 meyers was the entire time and you were trying to loop him around just some rocks and a pallet, you could hold him there for like 30, maybe 40 seconds before having to drop the pallet and move on, gaining insane distance on him, if he breaks it.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    I agree that NOED serves as a crutch/second chance perk for unskilled killers. I prefer Killer over Survivor and I NEVER use Blood Warden and NOED because all they do is allow me to swoop in and get the kills I already should have managed earlier in the match. If you let the survivors get all the gens done to even ACTIVATE NOED there's only two reasons:

    1) You did a bad job and don't deserve the bloodpoints from hooks and kills, do better next time

    2) They were a really good SWF and you just got unlucky, better luck next time. It happens.

    If you use NOED as a killer I look down my nose at you, considering I can get get Ruthless no perk on some killers I play. Learn to be a killer that people can respect.