PSA: saving your Gateaus for double BP is useless

BP stacks additively, not multiplicatively. We’ve seen this with literally every double BP event. Bringing a Gateau will net you 304% (100+100+104), not 408 (204*2).
Also, if they actually worked, you’d be able to spend them NOW, and they’d be going into a feedback loop where you can purchase more exponentially and use those to get more to spend more, etc...
The reason why people are using those Offerings during Double BP is that others are using them as well. Or at least the chance is higher that other players will throw in a Gateau or a BPS.
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Yes, but that also is pointless. How is that going to get you extra BP? They also don’t stack multiplicatively with each other, they’re still additive.
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You can repeat the same again, I am not that dumb. I understand you.
But like I said - during Double BPs players tend to use those Offerings. If I throw in a BPS on a random day, I will get 100% Bonus BPs, while everyone else gets 100% + whatever they are using. So the guy who uses an Escape Cake/Pudding gets more BPs than me, who actually uses the Offering to give everyone double Points.
But during Double BP-Events, the chance that other players are using the Offerings is higher. So it might not only be me using a BPS, but also another player. Sure that those are additive, but 100% (for double BP) + 100% (for my BPS) + 100% (for the other BPS) is 300%. If the number of BPS used would not be higher during Double BP-Events, players would not use them. Basically a cycle.
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it doesn’t make any sense though. If you don’t use them you still benefit from other players’. And if you do use them it doesn’t matter when, you’ll always benefit from them. What you SHOULD do is use them now so that you get to buy more for whenever you feel like using them.
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I am mostly playing in a 2 man SWF. The bugged Gateau only gives 140% extra BPs, but my friend and I will give each other 208% Bonus BPs.
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Right, wait until they’re fixed and if the event is still going THEN use them. Forgot to mention that
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I think people are mostly saving them for when theyre stackable (HOPEFULLY today). Yes using them now to get more is the smart move, once tge event is over though saving them for a double xp event is the smart move.
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There's likely going to be more people using them while the event is on so they'll be stackable. Saving them for after the event will just be using a marginally better BPS.
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I have to explain this to my friends literally EVERY double bp event when they ask why i'm not usin my party streamers. Besides, double bp events are all ebony moris and things like infinite t3 myers. Why the hell would I use my offerings then?
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I would love to use the fixed ones, right now. How abou tha
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@ggallinftw so help me out , if on 2xp 5 ppl put on a bps you do you get your end game + 2xp and then the 500k ontop ? Or are you saying that it dont work like —> , end game + 2xp and then the 500 which would be the 5 bps, would not get the 2xp to make it 1000
I hope that made sence lol if not I will try explain abit better @Aven_Fallen
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Yeah you got it. Double bp gives 100% extra for a total of 200% bp. Each streamers adds another 100% so add 5 and you're getting 700%. So basically you get your end game score multiplied by 6 as your bonus.
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Okay, seems this forum works like the game and is not posting my reply.
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Yeah you got it. 2x bp plus 5 party streamers gives you 7x bp and not 10x bp. Each streamer just adds an additional 100% to your 100% extra that you get during a double bp event.
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It all fine and dandy they dont expire, but right now, we wanted them to work, so that, after a match you could buy even more in the bloodwebs. A comment like this from the developers, make me think, as others pointed out, that it is deliberate from you guys side, so we don't get the full benefit. A better way you could have done this, was to either make them more rare in the bloodweb, or just one week or whatever, this is just not good enough. Be frank and upfront, and don't say we shouldnt worry. It's not very nice what you are doing atm. I hope you prolong the event, thats the only way to make up for this "mistake"
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Let people use their offerings how they want to. Who gives a sh*t about whether it's additive or multiplicative more is more, and that's all that matters to people.
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Yeah you got it. The party streamer just adds another 100% to your bonus. 2x bp plus 5 party streamers ends up as 7x bp.
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Or, you guys could fix the event.
It's unbelievably embarrassing to have your own anniversary event broken like that, but it's almost expected from BHVR these days. It's kind of why you guys have become a meme.
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Thank you :) you kno I’ve played this game for over 3 year and didnt kno that XD wow feel like a proper noob
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Sure, but then there are no more cakes to get.
The whole reason the event is fun to (some) people is the immense exponential growth you can get from stacking cakes, using those BP to get more cakes than you used, and repeat. It's a big event with a lot of potential, especially for all those new players you intended to attract with the free play time and such.
If they're broken now and are fixed when the event is over or something, all that potential is lost. Then it's just a bunch of BPS - which is nice, don't get me wrong - but it's a massive loss compared to the feedback loop that would be happening for those players right now.
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But we can’t get more gateaux after the event, right? So typically people will use them during the event because everyone else does, boosting everyone’s BP and allowing everyone to get more gateaux on multiple killers/survivors. We can’t do that now though so can you understand why people are a bit frustrated? Even if they don’t expire, we’re not getting the benefit of other people’s offerings which usually would allow us to get more gateaux during the event window.
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Lol i wouldn't say not knowin the exact way the cakes stack makes ya a noob. At the end of the day either way still ends up with the same outcome... LOTS OF BP ;)
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Pretty much like someone said, the best time to use cakes is now and for the rest of the event, it'll be even better when the cakes are fixed and stacked and everyone is using them.
Spend 1 cake and get enough BP to find 2-4 more cakes in the bloodweb, keep that cycle going.
Playing killer atm with BBQ and a cake and getting around 100k - 108k BP from a decent match.
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I'm using my gateaus to get more of them. For the price of one gateau, I can get three more. That's a pretty good trade-off, imo.
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It's basic game theory
If you use them, you profit (+140, for you)
If everyone saves them, everyone profits (+104 from your cake, +416 from the others)
As the overall gain is much better with the second option , if not necessarily all but a large percentage of the playerbase save their cakes, everyone wins - a lot.
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They are extending the event to the 14th. There is also going to be a one off bloodpoint bonus on login between 7th and 14th July.
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The gateau bug will be fixed next hot fix (think they said next week)
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They are fixing the bug after two weeks and extending the event by one
Could have just released the cakes in a fixed state and made the event only one week, and we'd have a similar result
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You will NEVER get people to understand the math I tried last year and people thought I was stupid.
The only benefit to use then during double event is if you found people more willing to farm.
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Don't forget that during double bp events you get base 100% so thats 300% for just one offering and on average you can get through 1-2 bloodwebs with that and can get more bp items which helps you level and max characters you like faster. Also they can play slow now and fast then which really can suit people and their playstyles
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It makes you realize how out of touch they are and always will be with their community.
be nice, they’re doing a pretty good job so far