Suggestion: Have Addons/Offerings/Items above 'Rare' be disabled between ranks 20-15.

Now, why, I hear you ask?

Well, I think it's not the best first impressions to a new player when they get obliterated by something like an Iri-King & "Obedience" Carter's Notes wielding Doc who also burned an Ebony Mori or similar. (I only used that example 'cause I've seen it a lot)

It would probably be a nightmare to implement, but at the same time it'd make the lower ranks a better experience for new players. At least I'd hope.


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    That idea’s stupid

  • TiredFluffball
    TiredFluffball Member Posts: 32

    TIL caring about newer players is stupid.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @TiredFluffball said:
    TIL caring about newer players is stupid.

    Must of felt so good coming with this “amazing idea”. Except that rank 1’s invade lower rank matches all the time. It’d actually make it worse, they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves. THIS NEVER CROSSED YOUR MIND!?

  • TiredFluffball
    TiredFluffball Member Posts: 32

    Would you care to elaborate, as it stands that statement is a little on the vague side. Also, you don't have to be a smartass.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The matchmaking is broken. Imagine a lvl 18 noob killer with just basic addons vs a swf group, where 3 of them have full access to ultra-rare items. you think that will help the newbie killer?

    But even without swf, having rank differences occur quite regular. Your idea would put one fraction at a (greater than now) disadvantage right from the start.

  • TiredFluffball
    TiredFluffball Member Posts: 32

    @sulaiman said:
    The matchmaking is broken. Imagine a lvl 18 noob killer with just basic addons vs a swf group, where 3 of them have full access to ultra-rare items. you think that will help the newbie killer?

    But even without swf, having rank differences occur quite regular. Your idea would put one fraction at a (greater than now) disadvantage right from the start.

    And there we go, an actual response. Thank you.