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Why are so many purple rank killers using noed?



  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    Finally someone gets it. NoED is great when you're new and learning a killer. But it stops you from improving if you rely on it.

    DS, BT, Unbreakable all do the same thing but with more power. If you consistently need to use these perks, you don't understand how to survive.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Whats going on is that ever since the devs destroyed ruin because it was "annoying for low ranks" the gens get done in like 2 mins if its a swf, solo qs usually take a bit longer but mostly what 5 6 mins. Noed is a no skill second chance perk for killers just like DS unbreakable soul guard DH borrowed etc. Best part is that u can easily deny the 1 second chance perk killers have if u just cleansed the totems. What can the killer do to counter DS? slug u? oh wait unbreakable well just hit them again right oh wait soul guard. Plus its not very fun to have 2 gens done by the time u downed 1 person.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    I mean can we talk about DS DH borrowed unbreakable etc.? they all punish the killer for what? killing u?

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    if you paid attention, youd notice that for those 15 games in a row, survivors were using combos of dead hard, borrowed time, decisive and unbreakable. Survivors also regularly start within 10-15 meters and in full view of a generator without having to put any effort into it.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Idk use 1 of the 2 perks that tell u where totems are? or use a map? not like u can't do it buddy i believe in u, i believe u can hold m1 on a totem

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Just because you need one hit less, it doesnt mean you get a ,,free kill"

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    I mean he said he can't possibly know how many totems are left on the map if he is not in a swf. Small game detective's hunch and rainbow map would like to know your location.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Or, you know...actually be a good survivor and get used to where totems spawn. Even on indoor maps it's not difficult. People whining about NOED are bad survivors. Plain and simple. They don't know how to play the video game.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Cuz it’s a good perk that’s like asking why everyone in purple and red runs ds adrenaline bt unbreakable

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Depends on your point of view and how fast you are at tunneling. But in either case. Lets say you were 100% correct. My objective is making sure you guys dont escape. And your claim is that noed is a "punishment" for doing gens efficiently. I would still argue that, bt, ds, unbreakable, and what not is the exact same thing. I am being punished efficiently hitting you, downing you, slugging you. Leaving you there with the intention of buying myself time because I need more time to kill you because I am not playing one of the trifecta of killers (nurse, spirit, billy).

    Slugging you. Going for your ally. And forcing another ally to come pick you up. Whoops unbreakable I gained ######### all and got punished for being efficient.

    Hitting-/Downing you. You are chasing the last unhooked survivor to your basement of survivor kebab. Whoops you either get punished for trying to down them too fast, or punished for actually downing them too fast.

    Yes unbreakable and ds are onehit wonders but NOED has its own limitations, only after 5 gens are done. Only if any totems are left. Whoops it spawned right next to the last gen. Whoops I never found anyoneand they all escaped. Not to forget key + hatch is also a thing that potentially just circumvents it.

    What im trying to say in this very drawn out sentence is. Either put on detectives hunch and start doing totems or get the ######### out the exit gate and stop whining about a strong but fair perk.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    No it isn't that simple ds typically punishes tunnelers, borrowed punishes tunnelers, unbreakable punishes sluggers, and dh I can agree just a perk for greeding loops and if used correctly can be near uncounterable but waiting for them to use it usually works fine.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Which is exactly what happens if a killer is going to focus the recently unhooked survivor

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    What a great response to the conversation anything else?

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So I have to use one of the two bad perks on the off chance the killer has noed instead of good perks that help survivability? You realize how dumb that sounds?

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok lets start with unbreakable its almost like you are purposely ignoring the fact that even a slugged survivor with unbreakable is still off gens therefore still slowing down gen speed and helping you in your ultimate goal killing all survivors by giving you more time. Hitting the survivor that does the unhooking would be better because now you have 2 injured survivor and two outcomes they can spend time healing or they are 1 hit and working on gens. DS also has limitations it has to be within 60 seconds and you have to have been hooked. It really bugs me that old ds was actually stronger because it could be used before getting hooked and completely deny you hooks yet this DS is complained about more. And once again im not gonna put on a low tier perk on the off chance of noed. And what about solo its too many things you have to think of like what if my team cleansed x amount of totems or how can I find the totems you aren't accounting for solo survivors and I solo a lot. Solo is way harder than swf because most of the time you have to carry your team cleansing totems is more of a time waster.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Thats just patently false. It can happen, it doesnt always. And were not talking about focusing on one survivor, slugging the unhokdd survivor happens all the time. At least once a game, and its vecause unhookers do dumb #########.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Lets stop using the word "invulnerability" because that would mean you cant down me and that's no where near true and guess what DS isn't an anti tunneling perk that's what the community considers it because it helps against tunnelers its more of an anti momentum perk. Let me tell you this if you try to hook a survivor within that 60 seconds of ds you deserved to be DS you know the risk, but even though that specific situation you told me has happened it isn't really likely that you will down and hook 2 survivors and find the other survivor and get hit by ds because t isn't hard to throw a couple a pallets and have 2 30 second chases. Also look on the bright side their ds is gone now.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Yeah it doesn't always happen but it happens especially with pyramid heads realease he gets you tormented hooks you, then tunnels you then back in a cage. Not all unhookers do a dumb unhook the killers just want to tunnel.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    u realize how dumb u sound with all your ######### points u are making? if noed is a problem to u do bones thats the counter deal with it

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    How is my point about me rather running a good perk than running a low tier perk on a chance a -chance- that noed will be in play. your only argument is do bones and run a perk that isn't a good argument especially because you aren't taking solo survivors in consideration and if you don't see the problem with that then stop replying to my comments because you are clearly not smart.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Surprise surprise solo is harder. Who would have thought.

    Unbreakable. I never said it was worthless, I said that compared to having 3 survivors busy I actually barely have 1.5. The time it takes to get up with unbreakable vs the time it takes to get fully healed by someone else who also has to travel there. Just saying im getting punished for being efficient with chasing + downing.

    Ofc I am gonna hit the person unhooking if I have a choice but more often than not survivors use hooked survivors as shields, or the unhooked survivors with bt are gonna run into you delaying you like crazy. Here I am actually getting punished for trying to go for someone else because either 1. I get past him but he blocked me for a long time letting the other guy get away unscathed. 2. I hit the bt, bt activates and now one is sprinting away with most likely ds and maybe even unbreakable. Going for that guy could be considered suicide but the other guy is full health and nowhere to be seen besides his fading scratch marks. This happens a lot.

    Id say yes the old ds was more powerful....but primarily in the hands of the obsession. In anyone elses hands they had to get a lot of the wiggle meter done before they could get out. Plus I recall spinning and swinging into the air helped a lot as a counter to the old ds. Now it works equally on everyone but under certain conditions. I would remove the timer and let it be activated forever, but deactivated until another survivors gets hooked, and permanently deactivated when EGC starts or something like that. It can still work as anti tunnel but no need to punish killers for playing insanely well.

    Ok so you are not gonna use a low tier perk to counter a fairly powerful one. Fair enough thats up to you, but I dont understand the mentality. If I hate something enough to straight up call it a "punishment for playing efficiently". I still call playing efficiently getting as many bp and emblems as possible. And cleansing totems is part of that. Running ds, unbreakable, bt, spine chill and more just incase the killer either plays in a way they find annoying or to try and counter specific killer(spine chill vs stealth).

    But if you truly want a reason to cleanse totems, i'll say it again Emblems + bloodpoints and Inner strength. I used to run it with detectives hunch for shits and giggles but it turned out to be fairly good combo. Because most of the time as a survivor, perks are nice to have but not a neccesity. A few tunnelers here and there but if I took 20 games a day, I would meet maybe 1 or 2 actual tunnelers and a few where I am just unlucky, the last one or I just made a mistake. I wouldnt "get" to use ds in over half of my games, same with unbreakable. But as killer the only perks I almost never get to use are my hex perks, because they can be removed in the first few seconds of the game. Or maybe never.

    So I'll say it again. Stop whining or start cleansing.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Exactly. They are you opponent.

    NOED is fine and a legit perk to run if you like. It's a killer 'second chance' perk albeit with counters to balance it out... how many second chance perks do survivors have? By the logic expressed by many of these posts, any survivor that runs DS DH etc etc is a lazy useless survivor who needs to learn how to escape and has to cruch out on these perks. It's rubbish from both sides... use NOED, DS, BT, DH if you like they are legit perks and can be played around.

    What most of these discussions are likely is survivors rush gens to the exclusion of all else, killer runs NOED, downs survivor expecting an easy escape turns 4 escape into 3-4k, one player comes to the forums to whine about NOED because they didn't get their expected escape.

    Same thing for DS, killer fails to draw out DS early downs suvivor in egc survivor pops killer and runs out gate, killer comes to forum to whine about DS.

    Just stop it you big collection of whiney babies and play and enjoy the game.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    If a survivor is attempting to unhook in front of you hit the unhooker they try to do the 1 for 1 and you trade a down. the situation you talk about is on the chance they have bt which isn't every survivor. And in reality even with bt the person with bt on isn't gonna be able to body block before you can hit the unhooker unless you are far away. This means you should have a down on the unhook survivor and maybe a hit on the survivor with bt. I think DS is fine as it is. Deactivating it permanently during egc would be bad as it has counter eating it early. DS is most strong during that time. If a killer eats it early they wont have to worry about that. I would understand DS deactivating if another survivor was hooked if it was an anti tunnel perk but it isn't. The reason im saying noed punishes survivors for playing effectively because it is a straight up crutch that gives you free 1 shot downs and a speed boost for failing to stop gens from being completed if you failed at that you don't deserve buffs of any kind. Its not even about hating on the perk its about the crutch it gives for killers who don't deserve.

    But same to you stop whining about ds and start slugging.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    DH is the only legit crutch perk that you listed. I wouldn't have to run ds if killers didn't bother tunneling every game.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Sigh, no perk is a crutch perk (kind of my point) reread the post maybe I wasn't clear. Any perk when used well can give you an edge and people cry crutch when they fail to play around it instead of admitting they got outplayed (Sometimes the random chance of pure luck plays into this too). It eases the beat to the ego, basic human psychology.

    Some perks are better than others and can be more broadly applied, some are more specific or niche, while some have too many downsides to be useful outside of very specific niche's, and some perks improve recovery from a mistake or a good oponent play (these are counters not crutches).

    So a killer builds around an endgame design that punishes survivors once gens are done with quick downs, blocked exits and good tracking. Any downs/hits during the game are bonus gravy. Its a legit build which has crazy snowball potential and one application of the perks.

    Feeling bad for running a particular perk is just silly. Think up a build and run the perks you enjoy.

    Lastly DH is great, as killer I love it, most people have no idea how to use it and often screw it up resulting in free hits. I'm also more likely to tunnel the DS user to draw it out early, which is a very effective way to work around it. You don't need to tunnel/repeat slug when there is no DS.

    If there was an equivalent perk to NOED on survivor side it would probably be adrenalin. Late game perk that means you don't have to really heal throughout the game and can get a free pass even if making mistakes when the gens all pop, again not a crutch a counter to being hit or down near the endgame.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    There we go calling noed a crutch and ignoring that ds, unbreakbable bt and spine chill are crutch perks as well. "Just play better you wont need them". I said I was done and I meant it. You cannot be reached with logic. Good day sir

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308
    edited June 2020

    look kid u are obviously tilted already. u said theres no way for u to know if all totems are cleansed unless u are in a swf, i tell u there are perks for it and u can even use a map, if noed is so annoying and makes your little pp soft then counter it. your whining about it won't make killers not use it, it only will encourage ppl to use it if it triggers u so much.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I don't know what more you want me to say on the matter, as now I'm simply repeating myself. You either use perks that help find totems, you go off memory by learning spawn points, you look for the lit totem after all gens or done, or do nothing and try to escape. The fact that you consider cleansing totems as 'wasting time' says much, however.

    So, as everybody else says: Do bones. Don't do them, risk NOED. There is no middle ground here, nor is it that hard to do.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok so first of all im not tilted, and using words like "pp" in an argument ruins your credibility so im done responding to your replies you are obviously trolling.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I can accept that but same goes just slug don't slug risk DS, don't tunnel do tunnel risk bt.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Explain how ds,unbreakable,bt, and SPINE CHILL are crutches. Ik killer mains love to complain about those three but spine chill now you are just nit picking. DS and unbreakable are needed to even have fun playing this game tunneling and camping is far to common to not run this perk combo. If killers didn't do that then survivors wouldn't need that perk combo. Borrowed time you just wanna tunnel its painfully obvious man nobody complains about bt unless they want to go after the recently hooked survivor.

  • picada0123
    picada0123 Member Posts: 7

    because NOED is good

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    • DS is a crutch for when you can't avoid the killer for 60 seconds after being unhooked.
    • BT is a crutch for when you can't perform safe unhooks.
    • Unbreakable is a crutch for when you can't win chases.
    • Spine Chill is a crutch for when you can't counter stealth killers.

    All perks are crutches. They either help you deal with things you wouldn't be able to deal with on your own (see above), or provide boosts to your abilities you wouldn't otherwise have (for example, Alert).

  • beannutt
    beannutt Member Posts: 3

    NOED isn’t simply just a guaranteed second chance. Many survivors cleanse totems and last game I encountered NOED someone was cleansing a totem as the exit gate opened and it was 90 and it turned into the NOED totem. Instantly got rid of it. The entirety of the game you play with 3 perks just for the chance of getting a down. That’s a serious handicap. There’s perks like DS which aren’t completely good just for tunneling! it literally lasts for a minute which is a long time. I main survivor and I think NOED is more fair than say Judiths Tombstone, Rancor, Blood Warden, etc. There’s perks each side hates but it’s hard to appease everybody without it being unfair.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Why are so many [pick a colour] rank survivors using Decisive Strike? I've counted and seen survivors using it every game for the last decade.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    All perks are not crutches just passive abilities. DS is not a crutch for when you cant avoid the killer for 60 seconds. If they tunnel you that's near impossible. BT is a counter for tunneling killers you can not always perform a safe hook save especially at end game if the killer is trying to secure a 1k and camping. Unbreakable is a counter to slugging not if you lose a chase. Spine chill is mostly used in sync with resilience for the vault speed build and has a side ability of telling you when the killer is looking in your direction/coming.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Most likely due to the event. It brings all the douches out who like to cause maximum butt hurt.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Because it's a perk in the game that you can use. Why are you using perks?

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    No. DS punishes the 90% of Killers who don't tunnel. It is very common to hook someone, go down another as the first is saved, hook that one, then run into the first one and outplay them only to get DS'd because you did it within the last 60 seconds. No tunneling involved at all. Good players getting punished because of bad players who make mediocre players whine.

  • GrilledCheese
    GrilledCheese Member Posts: 12

    It’s Because it rewards brain dead killers for losing

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    They're testing the efficeny of new Small Game.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    It’s a crutch perk that usually results in securing at least one kill, and potentially avoiding a depip. I wish the killer had to do something to use NOED, rather than just getting it by default. The speed boost it gives is absolutely unnecessary though.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    Do bones, jesus christ.

    they basically have 3 perks the entire game. If all bones get cleansed noed never activates

    it's a fair perk

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Why did y'all necro this?

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    And D. Strike rewards brain dead Survivors for getting caught. Your point?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Because they paid for the Perk with the BP they earned and can use it if they feel the desire? There is kind of an ebb and flow in NOED use. When Survivors stop bothering with Totems for awhile (or as much) NOED use goes up. When Survivors are bang on the ball and Totems drop like flies, NOED use goes down. Myself, personally, I don't like End Game Perks because I prefer to kill you all before the last Generator is brought on line. Even so, I will put NOED in from time to time to mix things up, or if I'm trying out a very SLOW Killer without a map offering. Sometimes I want insurance. Who are you (or any of us) to tell Killers what they should not be using? A better question is whether or not you and your friends, after getting NOED after NOED, took the time to put in Totem-hunting Perks and started cleansing them all right along with Generators. It sounds like it is time for you to start doing that secondary objective.

  • Noz
    Noz Member Posts: 176

    "Good killers don't need noed". Guess tournament killers are bad then.

    I don't use noed, mostly because you get so much hate messages if you do. But I understand why people do it. Unless you run undying+ruin or pop your gens will be gone after 5 minutes and likely 3 or 4 survivors will still be alive, which is perfect for noed.

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193

    Because I've had all the gens done in less than 3 minutes for so many games and derank every game, so why not use a second chance?