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Real question on the community

Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

Hi so I am new player to this game, on PC steam. Is the community at wide generally just toxic or is it not the norm for someone to tell me to do harm to my mother after a game? in incredible graphic detail. I know general trash talk is a given on the internet but I've seen some really vile stuff that puts a known toxic community like league to shame.

I've been trash talked as a killer by getting 1-4 kills an told its not a victory by ever changing criteria. I know camping is bad form so I leave, see another survivor bolt for it, then get trash talked for you know chasing them? Or am I not supposed to chase a survivor when I see them an give them a head start?

I have maybe lv 5 on a new killer, have two basic traits, go up against flash light spamming very rare add-on and maxed perk survivors an they just say awful things after a game. I mean yeah I can ignore it but its like every game.


  • Wubalubadubdub03
    Wubalubadubdub03 Member Posts: 141
    edited June 2020

    All you can do is ignore it and not care.

    Not everyone is toxic, but if one out of four survivors is toxic, then you will have a toxic survivor every game.

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    I've run more into full teams being toxic no matter what th eout come, perpetually, like to the point I'm making an actual forum post instead of igrnong it.

  • TheShaboodle
    TheShaboodle Member Posts: 16

    Sometimes video games are just like that. It's impossible to find a multiplayer game these days without a certain level of toxicity. I find it amusing though to be honest.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,815
    edited June 2020

    I've had the whole spectrum on this game. There are salty people who will whine in the post game chat, but there are also plenty of funny and nice people. I think people tend to feel the community is toxic because the toxic people are going to stick out in your mind way more that the people who just said gg wp, or who simply left the lobby after they were sacrificed instead of waiting around flame you in the chat.

  • cruddiermouse
    cruddiermouse Member Posts: 4

    I've been playing for about 3 months and have had some trolling, but nothing like you've experienced. I usually have really fun games. Though lately this week I've been experiencing a lot more trolling than usual with the killers I'm playing against. Like they'll taunt me, strike me down to let someone help me, then follow me around but not hurt me, tea bag me, randomly hit me ect.

  • cruddiermouse
    cruddiermouse Member Posts: 4

    I'm sorry someone said that about your mother. That is disgusting and not okay. I noticed you can't message a player anymore by clicking their username. So maybe this will be harder for people to send hate mail. Try to enjoy the game and I hope you have a better experience soon

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    Every game so far has ended with me either being flamed or worse. The game is also really unbalanced towards killers if every surv spams a flash light an discord. There is a level of coordination that just isn't present with random groups with no chat.

    Top it off I'm liek maybe lv 16 an running into full groups with max very rare traits an addons, I'm barely starting an barely able to get anything in a game without 2 gens going down in 30 seconds.

    Oh my favorite was someone telling me they hope my Dad gets Corona. Well he did an he's doing his best. :(

    Got to say I'm not enjoying it as I get deeper into the game/.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I'm sorry that you had this experience. I promise there are nice players out there too. Just remember, when people act like that, it's because this video game is all they have in life.

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    Think I'm gonna try to get my money back the community is toxic as all get out.

    Tons of twitch streamers with the .ttv on their names all in voice chat, very clearly high lv when I'm lv 16 first time going through.

    In before the "git gud" the game was built as an oisolating game an adding voice chat to coordinate 4 peopel over one not only ruins the immersion its just not fun to play against, even more so when the streamers go right into trash talking me and telling to kill myself, always a classic and defintely not going to poison a wide population of current or potential players to do the exact same thing.

    I was really enjoying this at the start but its just toxic, I wlak away form every game not frustrated by it but by the player base.

    Why am ai getting matched against high lv players this early? it took me a bit to figure out that the purple talents are form high lv an I barely have a green talent to put up against that. Even ussing addons na offerings I can;t counter a 4 man voice team.

    Whats the refund process for this game?

  • Exiled5267
    Exiled5267 Member Posts: 11

    wow just wow O_O thats never happend all if ever gotten was people gen rushing me

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020

    Its never ending, So many games with any survivor detah end with

    A I should go kill myself,

    B kill/mutilate my mom

    C kill/mutilate my dad

    D a mix of B and C or

    E everything I did was wrong no matter the out come, even if I hook an leave I still camped or did something else I apparently "shouldn't" do but the game allows me to. Am I supposed to give survivors some sort of head start? Is there some sort of killer/survivor contract I am not aware of?

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    Honestly that just is what people become after a while they build up good stuff use it then make fun of people. Usually it will pass but it comes in waves of people so in never truly stops. After a while you will just tune it out or wind them up to see how far they will go because entertainment like this is always fun to watch. Either way people will always be toxic in this game as with every game so just enjoy it, ignore it, or join it.

  • Azxx93
    Azxx93 Member Posts: 117

    You need to have the game for less than 14 days and only played less than 2 hours if you have not played it for less than 2 hours but had it for over 14 days you can still refund it it will just take longer

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this how community is new player will never stay game never grow because people like this.

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2020

    Submitted it to steam, I tried two more games an all it did was turn into how I should kill myself against a streamer group, I am mad every time after every game. This is not fun. Your community is not fun. Its completely counter balanced against killers which is the real main draw I had to the game. It sucks. I don;t want to feel bad after a game, I already have enough going on to feel bad about I don;t need it from a game.

    Its repeated streamers or discord groups with all matching names an characters. The match making is so unbalanced I don;t understand how the developers let this ride. Its just awful its the worst I've seen in a game that looks like they're actually trying but its just not functional.

    Edit: This community is poison god damn.

    Post edited by Someguy28 on
  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    I'm so sorry you are being treated like this. I have personally tried to be a voice of reason here on the forums and peoples' responses to that speak volumes for how bad the toxicity is. I am on console, so we don't have chat, but I know you can turn it off in the settings for PC. If you can't get a refund, but want to give it another shot, maybe you could try making a posting on here asking for nice people to play with.

    Other than that, I don't know how to help. Even AAA devs struggle with managing toxicity, so I don't think Behavior has to tools or manpower to implement anything else. Their current reporting system is incredibly sub-optimal.

  • Someguy28
    Someguy28 Member Posts: 10

    Ok refund got rejected. Guess I can make lemons out of a awful balanced game.

    I am sure AAA devs are tyring but ther eneeds to be a detriment per friend list survivor ona team or a bonus to the killer per survivor friends ortherwise is 2-4 survivors running circles around the killer and spamming flash lights.

    And for Christ sakes do something about flash lights. Two survivors with a flash light an I can;t even do anything as a killer. Can;t pick up for hooks, can;t hit anything, can't break pallets can't even perform most actions.

    Its not fun or even reasonable with 4 flash lights.

  • Rullisi
    Rullisi Member Posts: 392

    Learning to have thick skin helps