The new event is unfair

I think it's pretty clear.
A survivor has to find the crown and make sure they escape while a killer can literally grab it and afk for the rest of the game. How is this fair? Why can't both sides get the same treatment and need to just finish the trial no matter the result? I main both killer and survivor and I don't get why they couldn't treat both sides equally.
I have to agree. There is so many killers making this event a bad taste by purely tunneling anyone with a shiny aura.
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Because if survivors just have to finish the trial they'll just run right to the killer and kill themselves.
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I took the crown as a killer and wasn't given it are you sure that's how it works? Also I'm sorry's a...stupid little halo crown and it will probably result in you getting tunneled if you wear it anyways.
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Were you a licensed killer by any chance?
And, tbh, i'll have to look for a swf group at this point. I'm just getting angry im not escaping with the crown.
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I was bubba yeah do they not have crowns?
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Yes, licensed killers/survivors dont have crowns, just the originals.
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People kill themselves on first hook anyway?
The faster people get they're cosmetic item, the faster games can go back to normal.
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Really? What console do you play on? Because on Xbox (I track a ton of personal stats) the suicide rate is approximately 3.2%, meaning I experience it once every 11 games, there or there about.
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If the Killer can afk, then that means you can Survive. So what's the issue?
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Since this event has started first hook suicides are becoming very common, people just want their cosmetic.
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That... doesn't really make sense.
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Why doesn't it?
If not one gen pops in the first few minutes and all you see is survivors running around past gens looking for crown, it's encouraging first hook suicides for the people that actually want to play the game.
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That's nothing new tho.
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Might not be for you.
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Because one requires putting in effort while the other doesn't. That's where it gets unfair.
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Sure let’s make it “fair” killers must 4K to get crown.... wanna bet how me ebony more get played and then how many posts about killers using ebony to get crown. Conversely the devs simply give it to everyone and there is no event.
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some aren't going afk some are going out of they way (if your sparky/shiny) to sweat tunnel camp you out of the game make sure you don't survive with a crown.
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I seriously agree. I play both sides, mostly killer because I get lobbies so fast, and the difference in difficulty is insane with this event. I got every killer crown in one day. Last night I just hit roughly half the survivors. Chalk it up to me being bad at survivor maybe idk, but its a weird choice.
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While you've got a point, that doesn't change the fact it's unfair. Using your words there is no event for killers (I got all my killer crowns in less than 2 hours, no effort) there's an event only to survivors using that logic. Survivors should have it the same as killers do, sure it would be no fun no effort but it'd be fair. IMO the event idea is bad to begin with, maybe make it so the crown is actually hidden so you look for it like you do with golden toolboxes but you dont have to escape/4K when you do find it. The mechanic right now is just simply annyoing and makes it extremely easy for one side. Some people are way better at killer than survivor, why do we expect them to spend so much time trying to get crowns while some killers go out of their way to prevent them from it.
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Because nobody is doing gens!?
Why are people going to stick around when you can see auras on the hook and its just people running around looking for crowns rather than sat on a gen or going for the save.
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I agree. I've been letting a lot of people go is I'm sure I'll still pip. I'm a nice killer ( sometimes ) tbh when I was collecting the crowns for my killers I would put on streamers and send the survivors a message " halo farm " I would hook everyone twice gotta have bbq stacks and a extra hook to at least brutal killer ( not cool to depip for being nice ) and even now that I have em all I will let the last survivor go if they are sparkling 😉 so many killers are being such turds. I am seeking soooooooooo many mori's and tunneling of sparkling survivos it's not cool man
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I agree that survivors should be able to keep their crown if they find it in a match regardless of making an escape or not. I play both sides on PS4, killer and survivor, and I have to admit that it's frustrating that technically (because they're bugged rn so I'm not getting them on killers either lool) you just have to enter a match and touch the crown to keep it as a killer, but you have to avoid being tunneled and make it out to get them as survivors.
I think either make it so you need to get like a 2k or something as killer to keep the crown, or make it so that survivors can also just hop in and keep it like killers can.
Just my two cents!
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tbh as a survivor this event is torture, since collecting the objective actively works against you leaving with the crown, and so many killers are just straight up denying people who specifically would unlock a crown out of spite.
I feel like maybe you should only have to unlock 5 or 6 crowns on each side then it unlocks the rest for the respective side. Asking almost 30 games isn't too bad, but about half of those are turning into 20-30 matches each.
Idk, just not vibing with this event
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Then this discussion is void because it's talking about Killers going AFK. Even though I've either seen Killers let Survivors farm and get crowns or play it like a normal match. No different than what the typical Survivor does.
If the Killer goes AFK in your match (which I've yet to see any have. They usually either play a normal match or farm), what effort do you have to put in besides holding M1 for Gens, gate, and crown?