Matchmaking is awful

CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm sorry to be a whiner, but it is.

I'm a rank 19 killer, who just got into playing killer, and I'm being put in matches with people ranks below me, I'm talking 1-5 and they all spend all match being toxic. It's so annoying. Like I just wanted to get crowns but it sucks being ######### on every game by people who have more experience than I do as both a survivor and a killer.

Like just looking at profiles they have literal hundreds of hours more than me in the game. How is this balanced?


  • ghawdex21
    ghawdex21 Member Posts: 3

    As a rank 10 killer today I faced seven rank 1-3 survivors in four games. The rest were between 5-10 apart from one rank 17. So I feel your pain.

  • nachovsky09
    nachovsky09 Member Posts: 9

    For me i don't care who i get paired with, i want them to remove ranked matches so i can have matches faster, this way if a match goes ######### which is very often i just can play another one.

  • CyanideBlaze
    CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2020

    I'm just bumping this because I feel like it needs to be said again, but matchmaking is ######### AWFUL in this game.

    A ######### just wants to ######### play, and I am waiting 20 minutes to get dunked on by SFW red ranks and their 1 high rank Q crutch.

  • Megaguardain
    Megaguardain Member Posts: 107

    I honestly try and evaluate the Survivors in the Lobby before the match starts. If I don't like them (i.e. They're all in store bought cosmetics or prestige gear) I back out.

    But yeah, something really needs to be done about matchmaking. I'm rank almost getting exclusively purple and red ranks.