Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Idea for players with lots of thumbs up from other players

What if as a reward for being a good player/ good sport/ not toxic (judging by the amount of post game praise you receive by the report function from other players), they gave you a recolor of the crown and made it more like a halo where it sits on top of the head and was a silver color.


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  • Member Posts: 545

    It's a lovely idea! I'd be a little concerned of some players in SWF may spam that button just to get an achievement or something along those lines, but if that can be bypassed or addressed, yeah!

    A reward for action promotes better responses than punishing an action, so with some tweaks ... it may work.

  • Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2020

    Other games that use a similar honor system with rewards are often seen as ineffective. The two that come to my mind are Overwatch and League of Legends:

    Overwatch - you can commend up to 3 players in a game per match, and you get a small amount of player XP doing so. There's no reason not to do it since it's free experience, but a lot of people just spam the most efficient option and don't put any thought into it. It's not an effective measure of how that person is to play with, as if you play a lot you'll get more honors just by sheer number.

    League of Legends - you can honor one teammate per game, and if you get enough you go up an "honor level" over time with small rewards. Once again, most people will just randomly click an option since they also get a little progress in return for doing it.

    I know another game (I think Gwent?) gave some sort of currency if you give a "GG", and it was considered bad manners to not give that GG. Incentivizing systems that are meant to show something good about a player hollows out any meaning it might have had. Granted, I do agree that giving props having some sort of meaning would be nice, I just don't think rewards like this are the way to go to maintain its integrity.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2020

    The issue those other games seem to have was adding an incentive to thumbs up people.

    What if there was zero reward for doing it, so it would literally only be done because they really liked you and wanted to be nice?

    (Obviously would have to be blocked from people that are queue'd together like swf from spam liking eachother, so only randoms in other words)

    Also, an in game model like OP was wanting seems like a bit of extra work. I was thinking just a glowing light below the feet of those people in the lobby only. When other survivors or even killers saw it they would know that a lot of people liked them and assume they are probably a good sport to play with. A nice thing to see from either side in other words.

    This may seem small but I think something like this would actually have quite an impact on player interactions.

  • Member Posts: 909
    edited June 2020

    It's definitely tricky to find the balance between making people want to do it and not giving so many rewards to make it meaningless. I personally don't think I'd care about a glowing light in the lobby enough to spend time giving props (I often queue up and step away while the game starts anyways), and even then that leaves out the killer from the reward as well since survivors can't see the killer, and so there'd have to be another solution as far as that goes.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2020

    I was thinking we wouldn't even need a balance at all for wanting people to do it. It would just be because they thought someone was really nice or great to play with and wanted to give them a pat on the back if you will. I wasn't thinking of it as being something you're trying to work towards. It wouldn't be an achievement people are trying to get, it would just point out people that were nice to play with.

    For the killer his glow wouldn't actually need to be on him. It could be something as simple as entity claws around the campfire, fog in the lobby around the survivors, a light shining down above the survivors etc. Basically just something that changes the scenery around the survivors to let them know that the killer lobby they're in is a nice guy! (hey this is a cool guy maybe we should put the keys and flashlights away guys lol)

    Just seems like something small that would build a little comradery in the community. Something I think we can all agree would be a nice change.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Feel like its something SWFs would just farm up by giving eachother thumbs up every game

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    I don't think people think of Honor in League as "ineffective". People in League don't just click a random person, they honor people who did the best and you can only honor one(now sometimes they'll just look at who got the most kills or whatever, but that doesn't really change anything because honor in league is generally about who was the MVP, not who was "so nice I just liked playing with them and wanted to commend them". The only bad thing about Honor in League of Legends is that it takes a long time to raise, and if it's taken away by a mistake(people wrongfully punished for example) it's not compensated and they have an even worse time raising it back to what it was before it was removed. The rewards aren't even that good anymore honestly. In order to get Honor 5 you practically have to no life the game before it resets.

    So basically lobby dodge anyone who doesn't have those effects? I could get behind knowing a killer I'm facing is a genuine human being. Might even make the ones that aren't aspire to be like that so they get lobbies, lol. That said I don't think flashlights are anything "toxic". They're meant to help the player using them in a multitude of ways, not to be nasty to a killer, it's the player who is using the flashlight that may be the problem in those scenarios.

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