Another Noed Rework Suggestion

Velarica Member Posts: 76
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm sure I'm the 543rd person to suggest this. But here it goes.


Once the exit gates are powered, if any dull totems remain, a random dull totem is converted into a hex totem with these effects:

When a survivor begins to open an exit gate (pulls the lever) they become exposed for 30/45/60 seconds. Their aura is revealed during the opening process and for 5 seconds after they let go.

Hex NOED V2:

Once the exit gates are powered, if any dull totems remain, a random dull totem is converted into a hex totem with these effects:

All survivors within 12/16/20 (10/14/18?) meters of an exit gate have their aura revealed and gain the exposed status effect. Exposed lasts for 15 seconds after they exit the area.

Noed V3:

when an exit gate is opened the entity prevents escape from that exit gate for 20/30/40 seconds and grants the exposed effect to the one who opened it for the duration. (This one overlaps with Bloodwarden too much IMO)

Noed V4:

Once the exit gates are powered, all survivors within 8/12/16 meters of an exit gate have their aura revealed and gain the exposed status effect. Exposed lasts for 15 seconds after they exit the area. (Just V2 but not a hex)

Just a few ways to balance Noed about denying exit gates rather than just going kill crazy. I should specify this is a bit of a followup to a discussion in the discussion area of the forums. To summarize the point I made there. Currently Noed does not align with the primary purpose of killers, which is to deny escape. The perk focuses on getting kills at the expense of all else. These reworks will align the perk towards denying escape from the map rather than outright killing survivors.

Post edited by Velarica on


  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    How about instead, just make it so it's not a hex

  • Velarica
    Velarica Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2020


    Eh I had a few more suggestions but i didnt like them so i removed them from this post!

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    While I in general dont dislike some of the suggestions for the perk. I would like to add that a lot of perks dont add up to the primary purpose of killers and survivors which means that one of your reasons for the change dont make a lick of sense, or that you are only using that logic on this perk.

    1. Personally considering its a hex, I dont think their should be a timer on how long they are exposed. But otherwise I think this is a fairly interesting suggestion. Maybe instead of aura, it should just be a timed killer instinct that goes on longer and longer depending on the level of the perk.
    2. I really like this, maybe the numbers need fiddling but this one is probably my favorite of your suggestion.
    3. Well besides this one but thats just because it would be insanely strong and I like easy late games. This seems op as #########. Considering running this with blood warden and a 2 other late game perks. But maybe at some points survivors would wisen to this meta and cleanse totems, nullifying the easy kills somewhat and ruining the strongest aspect of the build.
    4. I like number 4 but I think it would be too strong. Or maybe at some points survivors would start running anti aura perks. Who knows. But I think this one is too strong.