Can the devs actually review and attempt tome missions please?

I gave this feedback on the survey sent out for Tome II and I had so badly hoped that maybe it would be taken into consideration for Tome III but that doesn't seem the case. I genuinely mean this to the devs: do you actually THINK about-truly CONSIDER the implications within the game of the challenges that you place in the game?

I am currently STUCK and unable to progress Tome III Chapter III because of the challenges. One branch has Benevolence Gold, which is highly unlikely at Rank 10 Survivor, another two has KATE DENSON REQUIRED challenges and I don't have her because of the six perks offered in her DLC not enough of them seem worthwhile, one of them requires hitting ALL FOUR SURVIVORS IN THE MATCH with an single use of Feral Frenzy on Legion (I love Legion but I've only ever seen this occur once in my playtime) and the last one that's really getting me right now is this:

This. This is an actual joke. A FULL MINUTE of hidden time RIGHT BESIDE A KILLER but NOT IN A CHASE WITH THEM. Anyone who plays survivor can tell you that unless you have an afk killer that you can stand by, the only way to get this is by following a killer the ENTIRE MATCH and just HOPING they don't turn around and notice you. Why is this a problem? Because it means that you're doing nothing to help your team the entire match. Just to follow the Killer and get this mission.

This isn't even a hypothetical. I've tried it three rounds now and STILL haven't gotten the mission done, and I've screwed my team over. I've apologized and explained that I'm doing a mission but the crux of the matter is that I'm tired of seeing challenges on the tome that promote terrible playstyle. Stop making missions that do that please. And if you don't REALIZE they promote bad playstyle then you need to be more in touch with the game and the playerbase.


  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I for one like those kind of challenges. Yes the 60 seconds one was annoying, even more so since there's no in-game Challenge tracking to know how much progress you have, so you don't know if you've reached the 60 or if you're missing 2 seconds. Or if you were 1 meter too far from the killer and it didn't count.

    Benevolent emblems are the easiest ones to get Iridescent on. It's shared by the entire team. Just make sure to go for only safe unhooks and heal someone once or twice and you should get it. Heck, I got it one time after getting hooked right as the game started and tunneled off hook twice.

    Also, for the Legion one.. You have to hit survivors 4 times... so you can hit 3 and hit the last one twice, that counts as 4. But in the last level, it requires 5 hits.. so yeah, hit all 4 survivors once, then last one twice.

    Some of the challenges require you to play more than one match to complete. It wouldn't be challenging if it took only 2 days to complete the entire thing. But some shouldn't take forever.

    As for challenges requiring paid characters to complete.. they're in it for the money, it's a way to get players to buy their DLC, nothing wrong with that.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    There are some that are easy but there are a lot that are very difficult to do. Especially for beginning players.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Thing is, they need to be challenging enough for people who have been playing the game for a while.. I'm not a great survivor/killer by any means, but I do enjoy when challenges give a bit of a challenge, and make me play differently than I usually do when it's just "do generators" challenges.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited June 2020

    You think that's bad? Level 4 has the same challenge except you also have to escape.

    I would like to know the thought process behind creating the challenges because it seems like they're being created for a different game. Do nothing for 60 seconds? Grab Survivors even though the mechanic is busted?

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2020

    But for the paid ones, I said in my survey feedback that they should make those challenges on a side track, and allow you to at least reach the epilogue and for the charm and rift frags, and then have those side missions be entirely optional.

    And I almost started crying when you said "Only go for safe unhooks"

    You're right but...have you PLAYED THIS GAME SWEETIE

    I literally have a this homemade sign on my twitch because of how often people dummy unhook

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Yeah I agree with that.. Making non-paid challenges hidden behind paid character challenges is lame. I don't mind the paid character to be at the end of a path, or an entirely different path from the free stuff.. but not in the middle of the road

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I don't get you. There is one entry point directly requesting the Dwight hiding challenge and a Kate challenge. The complete level 3 is not depending on these 2 challenges, you have two other entry points to finish the whole level and just let these 2 challenges undone. So you can't really be stuck because of them. If gold benevolent and Boil over really is a problem, you still can go the killer path to bypass these.

    But Benevolent is the easiest emblem to get to gold to be honest. It is like just 2 actions needed, either fully healing someone or do a safe unhook, or one of each. Bring a medkit or BT should be super easy to get to gold. If others are too fast for you, bring Kindred or Empathy, so you know where you need to go or if someone is already on the way. Really, gold is not a problem.

    And just as tip to finish the Dwight challenge: hunting the killer doesn't work, because he is faster than you. And if he turns around, you will be in a chase, not getting hiding time either. Bring "the game" or "Hawkins" or "Midwhich". Probably even Badham works with the school and the buildings. I actually did that challenge on swamp on the pier, while I was hiding and someone was chased around the pier, me switching levels everytime they did, so the killer can't see me. The main buildings on the map would work as well.

    Btw you don't have to hit all survivors with Frenzy. You can also hit the third survivor twice. The challenge does not say "apply Deep Wounds 4 times". And another note: If you don't have Kate, then finishing the Dwight challenge does not even help you to finish level 3. And another one: Level 3 IS actually putting the pay DLC challenges on an optional side bar. You can go around all the prereq challenges by at least one path.

    That's actually just 30 seconds, not 60.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    hiding for 60 sec not challenging and could mess up the game in the end.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Each path's entry points has challenges blocking it that are undoable by either Kate DLC or ridiculous challenges.

    As for your calculations for Bene gold, they're entirely off.

    You start at 35 points. A survivor getting hooked removes 10. Unhooking them refunds that 10. 20 is awarded to you for a successful unhook. 10 is awarded for a heal (If you get the full heal to yourself, less if it's partial). So you need to get the unhook AND the heal both which I will admit isn't hard-however this only gives you a 5-point buffer for gold. You need 60, and 35 - 10 + 10 + 20 +10 = 65.

    To retain this gold, every other hook for the rest of the match must be unhooked if you are not the unhooker, OR you need to be the unhooker/healer to successfully buffer your points.

    As for the Dwight stealth mission it sounds to me like you got lucky, still doesn't invalidate my point that it is a terrible mission. All I can think is that your poor teammate(s) being looped could have used some peel from you and instead you were hiding and being no help to them. That's borderline unsportsmanlike in the AFK/refusing to play game category.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2020

    I have to check again, if they changed something on benevolent emblems. Starting value should be 44.

    Still, it is just that "one" action, unhook someone and heal him at the hook. That may be disturbed, so you need to get a second action. And that sounds to me like pretty doable and not like a blocker.

    I got lucky on the Dwight mission, still having the right map makes it decently easier to get it, because you can be in the killer range without him being able to see you. And this entry point is not relevant for you as the next one is a Kate challenge.

    And third: you can still go the killer path, if the benevolent emblems are too hard for you. But I really can't believe that gold emblem benevolent is such a pain. Seriously, bring Kindred or Empathy. Or BT and We'll make it. Just one of these perks will already help you a lot

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    It only helps me as much as I can get lucky to have good teammates. Even my 100% is still only 25% of the team's capacity, and getting a team with proper peel or teammates that don't go zooming off like a scared sheep the moment I unlock them is a rarity. I wouldn't be complaining otherwise.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2020

    We'll make it is visible to others, so when the killer is not near, they have a reason to stay. If you have BT, it is a free 20 points on each unhook. If you run Kindred, you will always see if you are close enough to go for the unhook. If you run Empathy, you will always see where someone is chased so you can get close to be the quickest for the unhook, or you will know where to go to get some healing points.

    Two of these perks are non-teachables, Empathy is at least on your Claudette which is a base character. So you should have survivors to run these perks. And let's not pretend like all survivors in 10 games in a row play like rank 20s, even if you need 10 games to get 3 of the emblems, I wouldn't call it "stuck". If you need more than 10 games, then I would rather guess that you don't go for heals/saves for whatever reason. If you want the challenge done, there should literally be nothing being able to stop you from doing so except yourself. It is very unlikely that you don't get a single unhook in a game unless you don't try it

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    And you STILL can go the killer path to dodge these challenges

  • blacknite15
    blacknite15 Member Posts: 56

    God forbid you change your playstyle and do something a little "out there" for a couple matches, and then go back to holding m1 on generators for the other 364 days a year. Getting gold benevolance at rank 10 is also a joke what are you talking about?

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I totally agree with that. I’m just saying they should make it so it’s challenging for everyone but not so challenging that it’s off-putting for newer players so much that it drives them away yk?

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    This. This is an actual joke. A FULL MINUTE of hidden time RIGHT BESIDE A KILLER but NOT IN A CHASE WITH THEM. Anyone who plays survivor can tell you that unless you have an afk killer that you can stand by, the only way to get this is by following a killer the ENTIRE MATCH and just HOPING they don't turn around and notice you.

    From personal experience, i got it in like 1st try. And yeah just follow the killer while they're chasing someone else and when you think you've got enough go back to doing generators.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Alright so update I managed to get the Benes-I chose to play early in the morning instead of at night and there's a definite difference in the brain cell usage between playerbase in these times.

    And I got Tome III all done! Yay!

    Funny part was I got some money and bought Kate so I can now do her missions now that I don't need them haha.

    Also this thread shows if anything that people have different skills and playstyles-I still never got the Dwight mission, however, I see a lot of people complaining about the difficulty of the Legion FF mission and I've gotten all of them easily, and I literally run no perks on Legion. Different strokes for different folks.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    So now that you managed to complete these challenges you were complaining about, did your opinion all of a sudden change?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I actually enjoy the challenges that make me use different builds or play differently. I enjoyed using Windows of Opportunity to find pallets for the pallet stuns challenges, or using a sabotage build for those challenges, or heck, the No Mither one.. that was a stressful one. Or the 4 basement kills one on killer. I don't mind playing regular styles of games, but it brings a new dimension to the game to have to play differently from how I usually play.

  • IamDwight
    IamDwight Member Posts: 236

    A lot of the challenges are increasingly becoming more and more unreasonable with each and every tome.

    Not everyone has the patience of a saint.

    I'm that guy that actually likes to do challenges (for fun / to pass time), but DBD by far has the most annoying of all games I've ever played.


    The biggest factor in DBD's challenge system that makes it so frustrating is the pure fact that 90% of them are all HEAVILY RNG dependant.

    If challenges didn't require you to be completely unproductive, or the killer doesn't sweat their balls off - I wouldn't have such an issue with them.

    There's a lot of challenges that you will simply never get without farming. Unless you're the most competitive godly player in the game.

    As a casual player myself, I find a lot of the challenges to be very frustrating. I don't wanna have to sweat just to complete challenges.