SO tired of campers



  • CyanideBlaze
    CyanideBlaze Member Posts: 143
    edited June 2020

    See, here's the thing, though. That change likely happened due to feedback.

    I HAVE only been playing a few months, so yknow, I am def not well-versed in how bad it used to be, but I have heard the tales from friends who admit they stopped playing the game because of the way it was, and have been considering reinstalling only because I have started playing it and Pyramid Head is now present.

    But again, if I want to add complaints, this is a forum, and I am free to do so, and if you have an issue with complaints, why even read or bump such threads up with your replies?

    ALSO, I would not be complaining if it hadn't happened consistently throughout a gaming session. If it were once or twice, whatever, but four times? Yeah, I'm complaining. That's ten minutes to get into those games so forty minutes wasted.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,511
    edited June 2020

    Dont have time realistically to do all 5 gens and all 5 totems when someones camping people. Since if the first survivor goes down quickly thats 3 on gens.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    You can't get camped if you dont go down. Either learn to loop or learn to stealth.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    But you can find NOED after rushing the gens. Then you just need to do one totem. Meanwhile, stealth keeps you alive, because the killer isn't going to open one of the gates.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    The problem with camping is you don't realize they are camping immediately. If you knew the second they hooked the first survivor, that they would face camp, then 3 survivors can make it out by doing gens. However, survivors have no way knowing that a killer is going to face camp until some time into the face camp. At that point, the killer is definitely going to get 2 survivors.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Two matches today involving camping:

    1 - First survivor to get hooked gets camped. Kindred makes this obvious. Despite this 2 survivors run to unhook as fast as possible. The killer gets a free hit on the survivor that gets there first, plus he immediately hits the hooked survivor as soon as they are on the ground and hooks them again. He also camps again. If you found yourself thinking those other 2 survivors realized giving the killer free hits and hooks wasn't smart you would be wrong. They both immediately ran back to unhook again. This cycle repeats until all 3 of them are sacrificed. During that time I was able to complete 2 generators. That's it. No missed skill checks. The odds were pretty good at that point the killer was getting a 4k, and he did.

    2 - First survivor to get hooked gets camped. Kindred makes this obvious. The other 3 survivors all work on generators. By the time the hooked survivor reached struggle phase 2 generators have been done and a 3rd is nearly done. One survivor swoops in and unhooks just before struggle phase starts. The survivor that unhooked was running borrowed time. Borrowed time meant the killer didn't get to immediately get a second take down and hook of the first survivor. Within moments the 3rd generator finishes. By the time the killer gets his second hook the 4th generator is done. While the killer is camping this time the 5th generator gets finished. The borrowed time survivor once again comes running in and unhooks. 3 survivors escaped. The 4th just barely missed escaping.

    If someone camps as a killer and has lots of games like #1 what incentive do they have to do anything different? Survivors literally hand them easy wins. On the other hand if someone camps as a killer and has lots of games like #2 how long do you think it will take before they try a new strategy? Care to guess which type of games are way more common? If you guessed #1 you are correct. #2 is a rarity.

    So..... coming from a survivor main..... I have a problem with camping, but it isn't with killers that camp. It's with survivors that don't realize camping would be a losing strategy if they would just play like they have a brain.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Really need to stop using this as a counter argument. It's not a counter argument, it's just derailing the discussion.

    Seriously, stop it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020


    No one is arguing that it is a bad strat for a killer. Most people who facecamp aren't looking for "what is the most optimal way of playing the game?".

    The problem lies in that, THAT camped survivor should also be able to play the game. Currently there aren't any built-in mechanics that either create a consequence for the killer camping excessively, nor that give the survivor camped options once on the hook. Not to mention in DBD those people hardly get points, let alone touch a gen if at all.

    Just because 3 people can get out of a match where the filler face-camped shouldn't give a killer license to abuse a mechanic simply because they feel like it that day. In some cases it can be considered the right move, but that isn't what is being discussed here.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Shouln't a killer who is not top 1% loose against a top 1% team?

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Yes, that is exactly what I meant. When I'm against swats, it really isn't playing the game when I'm just running around the map.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    How is camping even comparable to an optimal team?

    Do you realize one is literally just standing by the hook while the other is actually playing the game? lol

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Me holding W is playing the game? Hardly. And I could also use the ever so popular "I'm not having fun" argument here.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Am I supposed to have sympathy?

    Do gens. If you're the one being camped, move on to your next game. It's that easy.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Little to no skill to camp and yeah it sucks. The best counter is to do gens and do bones.

    It works on poorly skilled survivors who are overly altruistic and those who prefer to run around like idiots and do nothing the entire match aka the wait for the hatch players.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The thing is, that this is in my book a fair game - the team is just better / more experienced. When a bubba is facecamping a random survivor, it has nothing to do with skill. I dont mind getting camped, but i can see why so many survivors hate it so much.

    I also really dont think you can compare loosing vs a better player with loosing vs a camper.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Yeah it is really fair putting killer with 250 hours against team where they have 2k hours each.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I agree with you on that of course but that is complaining about the matchmaking, which has nothing to do with the topic.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    They are looking for exactly what is the most optimal way of playing the game. What is more optimal than being able to stand around and have the other side literally hand you an easy win?

    I don't dispute that the camped survivor deserves a chance to play the game. However, the reason so many people are being camped and not able to play is because survivors willingly make camping an optimal strategy for a killer to get 3 or 4 kills almost every match. The consequence a killer needs to face for camping is that they don't get that optimal easy 3 or 4 kill match nearly every time they camp. The way to make that happen is for survivors to play smart.

    I guarantee you if killers that camp started getting 1 kill per match, or occasionally 2 you would see a lot more survivors not be in that predicament because camping wouldn't happen nearly as often.

    But asking for consequences in this situation is basically asking BHVR to punish killers because survivors play without any discernible strategy.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    Yeah, camping is lame. I mean, in some cases it's a fair tactic but marginally it's lame. There have been attempts to fix this to my knowledge by the devs but almost every attempt to do so is exploited by the players. The problem we have as a community with camping is that there is no real way to disuade it because every fix just invents a new exploitation in trade off from the old one that is using hook saves as camping grounds.

    CANxOFxCORN Member Posts: 204

    I constantly climb killer to around rank 4-6 then start noticing sweaty SWF's almost every match, mind you I am playing legit up until that point (I main Doctor, Deathslinger, and now Pyramid Head), No Camping, No Tunneling (I even intentionally avoid chasing a freshly unhooked surv), even occasionally carry what would be a 4k to the hatch. Then I get sick of the Flashlight gang, Barry Sanders running around a pallet jungle gym for 3 minutes while the team gets 4 gens done (Oh yeah after a minute and a half, I'm supposed to respect them and waste another minute and a half finding and downing another Surv), Everyone having the same 4 perks, all rank 1-4. Then run into the "Baby Killer", "EZ", "Trash".

    So then I bust out my Bubba, and FaceCamp until im yellow rank, with Insidious, Iron Grasp, Lightborn, and NOED. Id say roughly 80% of the time, instead of just doing gens, they come to the hook, attempt to blind me, point at me, and I walk away with 2k-4k with it. Then in the post game chat I get my fulfillment of post game salt, Not that that's what im looking for, but its funny people take a game that serious. So I leave them with the "Entitled Survivor", "4k EZ", "Trash".

    In the end I play to have fun, this cycle of climbing from yellow-red, back to yellow, is how I have fun (both legit and camping). Who is anyone, to tell any individual how to have fun on a game title they purchased?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    They are looking to troll. Not to play the game.

    How exactly is the camped survivor willingly making this an 'optimal' strat when most of them get 2 kills at best?

    I'll say it again. Not everyone who face camps is looking to PLAY the game. They are looking to troll. You are giving your opinion on the ones who are probably new and don't know how to play optimally. Not the ones who KNOW this isn't how you're suppose to play the game but it's more important for them to troll.

    "But asking for consequences in this situation is basically asking BHVR to punish killers because survivors play without any discernible strategy."

    No. I am asking for the devs to have a hard look at how easy it is to camp and abuse this built in mechanic and adjust it as they did window vaulting.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Nobody said the camped survivor is willingly doing it. I have a feeling you know that though. I know there are some killers that do it to troll. However, utilizing the principle of occams razor what is the simplest answer? Is it that the majority of campers are doing it to be trolls, or that camping is a way to win quickly and easily with a lot of points.

    I will let it go there though. Obviously we don't agree, and that's ok.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    DBD used to have an anti camp feature.

    It got abused so badly by SWF that it was removed and the devs never attempted it again.

    SWF has been an issue for both killers and survivors since the game's inception sense making anything that would counter killer camping/tunneling against solo survivors would and have been abused SWF.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited June 2020


    I play both killer and survivor and my argument isn't "Who does?" or "Who doesn't". My argument is the accessibility that you can have it anytime you want vs anytime you need.

    My response to the willingly part was in response to this:

    "However, the reason so many people are being camped and not able to play is because survivors willingly make camping an optimal strategy for a killer to get 3 or 4 kills almost every match."

    You are using survivors as making it an optimal strategy when many times the killer can just proxy the hook and get back when the survivor hasn't even landed on their feet before the unhook happens. So at which point do we stop considering it a "survivor's mistake?".... which is why I pointed to where the camping originally starts. With the camped survivor, not the other 3.

    There is no simple answer. Because too many scenarios can be involved, I also don't think people are asking for camping to be completely gone. I think people are just tired of the boring games it promotes when someone just stands asking for the camped survivors to make up for the points elsewhere or for there to be another option for them isn't asking for camping to be removed... as many seem to think.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Does it suck? Yes...

    But bannable offense? Ha.

  • Jmang1245
    Jmang1245 Member Posts: 31

    Yeh its really frustrating. I think the reason so many Killers camp is because they are either lazy, or they dont want to get looped by survivors and made to feel powerless. As u know certain killers powers promote camping, ie Hag, Leatherface, Hillybilly. They really need to create a perk that synergizes well with borrowed time but one that applies to the person performing the hook rescue, as in the hook rescuer can take 3 hits before entering the dying state once the perk is active. But then they'd also need to remove the grab function when some1 is making a hook rescue. I've no doubt if they made this perk and removed the killer grab function for hook saves that camping would be reduced by 90 percent in Dead by Daylight.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Maybe take your own advice and quit complaining left and right about SWFs? Your insinuation that SWFs just bully killers is hyperbolic to say the least. We get it you hate SWFs - deal with it - take your own advice.

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    You still had a chance to catch them it's ur lack of skills compared to theirs it ain't comparable in any sense with camping while it's annoying because you lost a game you still had ur chance and u were able to properly play the game in camping u can't if u dc u get penalty, if u don't u need to just look at floor until u die and get punished by depiping for killers choice not even distraction points or anything like that meaning you wasted your time into nothing and I'm pretty sure no-one wants to play the game like that especially because sometime quee times are obnoxious I believe it's annoying to deal with 4 swf but you still get to play your game

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    what if a survivor is being chase by the killer near the hook?

  • Jmang1245
    Jmang1245 Member Posts: 31

    And yet Camping in Dead by Daylight is still happening on a regular basis.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465

    This isn't going to stop camping, this will just promote more farming.

    What you're suggesting is they bring back old bt. Survivors would literally run towards the hooked survivor while the killer is chasing them to unhook the survivor. Most of the time killers wouldn't even be camping they would chase the survivor with bt, and the survivor would just run straight to the hooked survivor.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    Camping has 2 possible causes. 1 bad killer players camping because it is the only way they make pressure. 2 u hook a survivor in a good spot with 3 gens, leave this sector is 4 escapes.

    i dont have the solution for this problem.

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