Why is everyone so angry?

Why can't we all just have fun and play a good game :o?

....No, really. After game chat is the worst. I want to say "gg" if I had a good time, but the most random comments can escalate people so quickly. It's like they're touchy as f*** and super on edge.

I stopped playing killer because I was tired of being harassed and now the other survivors are harassing me when I play survivor lol. Several times now in games, certain survivors have gotten angry that I am doing generators and not running around in the middle for who the f*** knows what reason, so I can die and they can hook farm me I would guess. They run up to me and point in the direction they want me to go and if I don't listen, they will jump around me and create loud noise notifications and try to run the killer into me.

The community in general just really needs to be cleaned up; the extreme negativity, sandbagging, name calling, threats, attempted harassment through other platforms, and general anger and angst all need to stop. I don't know how to go about fixing it, but all I can say is I hope the new reporting system helps and that the devs crack down on it.


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    I have begun a crusade against toxicity, but alas I have actually had decent luck at avoiding it as of late. Rest assured that I will continue to actively report users that violate the rules.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857

    Why can't we all just have fun and play a good game :o?

    ....No, really. After game chat is the worst. I want to say "gg" if I had a good time, but the most random comments can escalate people so quickly. It's like they're touchy as f*** and super on edge.

    I stopped playing killer because I was tired of being harassed and now the other survivors are harassing me when I play survivor lol. Several times now in games, certain survivors have gotten angry that I am doing generators and not running around in the middle for who the f*** knows what reason, so I can die and they can hook farm me I would guess. They run up to me and point in the direction they want me to go and if I don't listen, they will jump around me and create loud noise notifications and try to run the killer into me.

    The community in general just really needs to be cleaned up; the extreme negativity, sandbagging, name calling, threats, attempted harassment through other platforms, and general anger and angst all need to stop. I don't know how to go about fixing it, but all I can say is I hope the new reporting system helps and that the devs crack down on it.

    0h yehhh, reporting could help. Community is quite toxic. 
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Why can't we all just have fun and play a good game :o?

    ....No, really. After game chat is the worst. I want to say "gg" if I had a good time, but the most random comments can escalate people so quickly. It's like they're touchy as f*** and super on edge.

    I stopped playing killer because I was tired of being harassed and now the other survivors are harassing me when I play survivor lol. Several times now in games, certain survivors have gotten angry that I am doing generators and not running around in the middle for who the f*** knows what reason, so I can die and they can hook farm me I would guess. They run up to me and point in the direction they want me to go and if I don't listen, they will jump around me and create loud noise notifications and try to run the killer into me.

    The community in general just really needs to be cleaned up; the extreme negativity, sandbagging, name calling, threats, attempted harassment through other platforms, and general anger and angst all need to stop. I don't know how to go about fixing it, but all I can say is I hope the new reporting system helps and that the devs crack down on it.

    0h yehhh, reporting could help. Community is quite toxic. 
    We just need to remember two things:
    - use the in-game tool
    - get evidence
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    Lol, I understand how you feel. Used to have so many negative comments on my Steam profile that I had to put it on private at some point. Some people are sportsmanlike and will say good game, others are salty as hell and throw some trash at you that isn't true. Same goes to the ''ez'' spam when I go against SWF & DS. I just let it happen and move on. The toxic and salty people stand out, so instead of attacking back I just leave and hope that maybe one day these people will realize how incredibly immature they are and turn to the good side. Can't say I have met many actual friendly people in the games i've had, and when I do it's mostly killers (I'm a survivor main with a neutral opinion).

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @JoannaVO said:
    Lol, I understand how you feel. Used to have so many negative comments on my Steam profile that I had to put it on private at some point. Some people are sportsmanlike and will say good game, others are salty as hell and throw some trash at you that isn't true. Same goes to the ''ez'' spam when I go against SWF & DS. I just let it happen and move on. The toxic and salty people stand out, so instead of attacking back I just leave and hope that maybe one day these people will realize how incredibly immature they are and turn to the good side. Can't say I have met many actual friendly people in the games i've had, and when I do it's mostly killers (I'm a survivor main with a neutral opinion).

    You should open up your profile again, now with the reporting rule update, no one with a brain will post hate. As a neat bonus, you can report anyone that does still hate and get them banned!

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @serabeth90 said:
    Why can't we all just have fun and play a good game :o?

    ....No, really. After game chat is the worst. I want to say "gg" if I had a good time, but the most random comments can escalate people so quickly. It's like they're touchy as f*** and super on edge.

    I stopped playing killer because I was tired of being harassed and now the other survivors are harassing me when I play survivor lol. Several times now in games, certain survivors have gotten angry that I am doing generators and not running around in the middle for who the f*** knows what reason, so I can die and they can hook farm me I would guess. They run up to me and point in the direction they want me to go and if I don't listen, they will jump around me and create loud noise notifications and try to run the killer into me.

    The community in general just really needs to be cleaned up; the extreme negativity, sandbagging, name calling, threats, attempted harassment through other platforms, and general anger and angst all need to stop. I don't know how to go about fixing it, but all I can say is I hope the new reporting system helps and that the devs crack down on it.

    You know whats sad.

    Devs even support this toxic behaviour by giving away the fog whisperes to certain streamers promoting exactly the toxic playstyle.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    You will never get harmony. I love Dbd, but the player community is one of the most toxic you'll come across, and I don't think that will change. That's not to say everyone in it is like that. Of course they're not. Just that the majority are.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:
    Lol, I understand how you feel. Used to have so many negative comments on my Steam profile that I had to put it on private at some point. Some people are sportsmanlike and will say good game, others are salty as hell and throw some trash at you that isn't true. Same goes to the ''ez'' spam when I go against SWF & DS. I just let it happen and move on. The toxic and salty people stand out, so instead of attacking back I just leave and hope that maybe one day these people will realize how incredibly immature they are and turn to the good side. Can't say I have met many actual friendly people in the games i've had, and when I do it's mostly killers (I'm a survivor main with a neutral opinion).

    You should open up your profile again, now with the reporting rule update, no one with a brain will post hate. As a neat bonus, you can report anyone that does still hate and get them banned!

    Just rather not have toxic people to go to my profile, feels so peaceful when it's on private and they actually need to send a friendship request to throw their salt at you :). I have never really bothered too much about reporting since I don't take their insults too personal, it's just slightly annoying.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    For many of us, a brutal and gory game like this is a way to vent our daily frustration. Some of us (a large number I think) is still able to keep it civilized. And there's those who can't. It's not so hard to ignore the latter though. I would suggest to decide whether you're here for kind words or a game.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware how humiliating it can be when someone adds insult to injury, but some people are like that and they're not likely to change.
    Your name suggests you're a gal, and generally girls take it even harder, but just think about it this way: the guy who insults you after game is probably some unsuccessful, miserable, Mom's basement type of loser, more likely to be pitied than hated by others in RL. And please don't expect much from reporting, save for the most obnoxious ones or RL threats and the like. The right action is not to look for protection, just to get tougher.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:

    @JoannaVO said:
    Lol, I understand how you feel. Used to have so many negative comments on my Steam profile that I had to put it on private at some point. Some people are sportsmanlike and will say good game, others are salty as hell and throw some trash at you that isn't true. Same goes to the ''ez'' spam when I go against SWF & DS. I just let it happen and move on. The toxic and salty people stand out, so instead of attacking back I just leave and hope that maybe one day these people will realize how incredibly immature they are and turn to the good side. Can't say I have met many actual friendly people in the games i've had, and when I do it's mostly killers (I'm a survivor main with a neutral opinion).

    You should open up your profile again, now with the reporting rule update, no one with a brain will post hate. As a neat bonus, you can report anyone that does still hate and get them banned!

    Just rather not have toxic people to go to my profile, feels so peaceful when it's on private and they actually need to send a friendship request to throw their salt at you :). I have never really bothered too much about reporting since I don't take their insults too personal, it's just slightly annoying.

    But if you report, you help others too...
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    To answer your question of:

    Why Do People Get Angry

    I shall turn to an artical written by Ryan Martin Ph. D

    -In the past, I've written that people become angry in fairly predictable circumstances. Specifically, that people become angry when they perceive something as unpleasant, unfair, blameworthy, etc. That's prompted some questions, though, as to why some people get angry more intensely or more often than others.

    As a way of answering that, I'm going to turn to Dr. Jerry Deffenbacher's 1996 model of anger where he outlines how anger results from a combination of the trigger event, the qualities of the individual, and the individual's appraisal of the situation.

    Trigger event

    To start, let's look at the simplest part of this formula: the trigger event. There is always some sort of event that happens right before someone gets angry that serves as the trigger (e.g., being cut off in traffic, being insulted by a coworker). Typically, people think that their anger is caused by these situations and they say things like, "I got mad because I got cut off by the driver in front of me" or "that guy made me so mad." The implication here is that those events caused their anger directly, and there were no other mitigating factors. Of course, we know that can't be true. If it were, everyone would respond the same way to such situations. In other words, we would all react the same when we were cut off in traffic or when we were insulted.

    Individual characteristics

    What, then, are the other elements that cause our anger? First, there are the characteristics of the individual--in this case, the person who was cut off or insulted. Here, there are actually two things that matter: personality traits and the pre-anger state. Starting with the personality traits, we know that there are certain characteristics that make people more likely to experience anger (e.g., narcissism, competitiveness, low-frustration tolerance). While an exhaustive review of these personality traits is well beyond the scope of this post, it's perfectly intuitive that a highly competitive person would get angry when cut off in traffic since, to them, driving may be more of a competition with the others on the road. Likewise, a narcissistic person may think of himself or herself as the most important person on the road and be irritated by the other driver for that reason.

    The second part of this, the preanger state, includes how the person was feeling physiologically and psychologically right before the situation. When people are tired, anxious, or already angry, they are more likely to respond with anger. Some of this has to do with simple physiological arousal. A nervous person already has an elevated heart rate so doesn't have as far to go to become angry.

    Appraisal of the situation

    Ultimately, though, whether or not we get angry in response to a particular situation has to do with how we appraise or evaluate the situation. To illustrate this, let me give you an example. About ten years ago, I was seeing a movie with some friends and, even though my friend was well over 17-years-old, he was carded when buying his ticket. The interaction looked like this:

    My friend as he handed over his ID: "Are you serious?"

    Guy at the counter as he looked at the ID and handed him his ticket: "Sorry, but we are told to ask whenever we are unsure."

    That's it. It seemed pretty straightforward to me and, though I recognized that asking for the ID was probably unnecessary, it wasn't much of an inconvenience and it was remedied pretty easily. I thought it was over until we got into the theater and my friend said, "I can't believe that guy! Can you believe he thought I was under 17?!"

    That wasn't the end of it either. For the rest of the evening, my friend kept bringing it up, talking about how this guy had tried to embarrass him, how he should be fired, and so on. When I mentioned that it seemed like a simple mistake, he got angry with me, saying, "No one should make a mistake like that!"

    I can't tell you why my friend felt so strongly about it. Maybe looking young was personal to him for some reason. Maybe there was something about how the guy asked for his ID that felt rude to him. What I can tell you is that our appraisals of the event were very different and his appraisal led to him getting very angry.

    This is what psychologists refer to as cognitive appraisal and it's the cornerstone of Dr. Deffenbacher's model of anger. He argues that we get angry when we appraise a situation as blameworthy, unjustified, punishable, etc. In this instance, my friend had decided that this request was unjustified ("no one should make a mistake like that") and punishable ("he should be fired"). If he'd interpreted the situation a little differently (e.g., "that's a foolish request but it isn't a big deal"), he wouldn't have become so angry.

    The important thing to remember about cognitive appraisal is that a person's anger-inducing interpretation or appraisal of a situation isn't necessarily inaccurate. This was an extreme example where my friend and I interpreted the situation in very different ways, and I would never go so far as to suggest that his interpretation was wrong and mine was right. In fact, as I've argued in previous posts, sometimes people are absolutely correct in their appraisal that they have been treated unfairly and, in those cases, anger is a perfectly reasonable emotion to feel.

    **Hopefully this has been as helpful of an answer anyone can give.


  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Game mechanics are mostly to blame. That and certain popular individuals who will not be named simply because they don't deserve the attention they get.

    The hook mechanic creates a king of the hill style gameplay where the killer will often need to balance the hunt with protecting the captured person so to delay the game. This gameplay makes one player incapable of playing the game whilst hooked and makes any failed escapes feel horrible and directs anger at the survivors or killer. This has made many people vengeful towards killers so they will do anything to mess up the killer and if they are in control will use that position to make the killer incapable of performing his role i.e. flashlight stuns decisive strike and rushing gens with powerful toolboxes.

    Killer then respond back with mori's and aggressive play styles with little opportunity for survivors to play. slugging and hard camping using nasty perks like insidious and mori's to remove players fast. This creates a cycle of survivors and killer each trying to exploits the imbalances of the game to get their revenge. Its a cycle that has some solutions. Rancor for me has allowed me to play in a less exploitative fashion as i can deal with the obnoxious ds user by instadowning and mori them outright. This directly hurts the players who is exploiting an imbalance in the game the same way hard camping killers can be massively hurt by perks like borrowed time making tunneling less attractive. Then their are perks like bamboozle that fix certain exploitable areas in the game so killers can respond to players who rely on large crazy powerful loops.

    As for popular personalities a lot of players like to see the flashy plays if you'll pardon the pun and with perks and items like ds, flashlights and instaheals. Chases can be prolonged massively making many games frustrating for killer. In turn this creates an audience of killer players who want the ds players to be moried next to the hatch or bleed out on the ground whilst nodding and hitting hooked players.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052
    I always a make a point to bully toxic players with gameplay rather than words. And I mean actually toxic. Not camping or gen rushing. Those are annoying but not toxic. Toxic would be like this where they were trying to run around the killer and tap gens, then instaheal and teabag and #########. https://youtu.be/9I49KPiEKhY
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I like to give a gg afterwards, but when I get salty or harsh comments I send em this " gg sorry you felt it was a waste of your time and thanks, atleast is was fun for me."
  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100

    @George_Soros said:
    For many of us, a brutal and gory game like this is a way to vent our daily frustration. Some of us (a large number I think) is still able to keep it civilized. And there's those who can't. It's not so hard to ignore the latter though. I would suggest to decide whether you're here for kind words or a game.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware how humiliating it can be when someone adds insult to injury, but some people are like that and they're not likely to change.
    Your name suggests you're a gal, and generally girls take it even harder, but just think about it this way: the guy who insults you after game is probably some unsuccessful, miserable, Mom's basement type of loser, more likely to be pitied than hated by others in RL. And please don't expect much from reporting, save for the most obnoxious ones or RL threats and the like. The right action is not to look for protection, just to get tougher.

    Everyone else seems to be saying that reporting works, but I have mostly not been using this feature. Especially not after I read that we are not supposed to report people who dc because that's an automated process to target those people. The only time I've sent a report on someone for something other than a dc was actually when I was a killer and a survivor was directing hatred, racial and other slurs, and telling another survivor to go kill themselves IRL because they dared to leave the game instead of unhook them.

    You're right, though, to some extent. I need to just grow thicker skin and either not participate in chat or ignore all the vitriol. My boyfriend told me much the same when I complained to him that people were being mean to me in a video game lol XD. It just makes me so upset, though, because I know that I always treat people online in a friendly manner and with respect, or I don't engage at all. Like, a killer tunnels me the whole game, causing me to depip, while the rest of the team does generators and escapes? I'm super p***ed and I'm thinking he's a baddie for needing to tunnel me just to get 1 kill. But I don't say this; I simply leave the game after dying.

    And yet it's not so much the words I had an issue with as getting harassed and farmed in game by two fellow survivors that were creating loud noise notifications and body blocking me when the killer came. One of them even managed to hook farm me as he instantly got me off the hook in front of the killer even though I had planned to not press space bar when it wanted me to struggle.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    I have 2 favorite instances as a survivor that involved salt.

    First and foremost i have a screen shot in my Steam Gallery of a killer accusing me, a survivor, of lag switching. I don't think i've ever laughed at something so hard in my entire existence.

    Second, being screamed at post game for not hook rushing and "being immersed" using Iron Will and Urban Ev Online gaming is severely plagued by both the underage and the immature a like. These "free weekends/weeks" do not help, as anyone can just pick the game up and troll to their heart's content. There are plenty of VAC/EAC banned players who make new accounts just to play the free time and create toxicity.

    The problem BHVR faces, is that.. if they banned for everything they say they'll ban for, they wont have a playerbase to play the game lol.. So they have to pick and choose the truly extreme in most cases.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @George_Soros said: 
    For many of us, a brutal and gory game like this is a way to vent our daily frustration. Some of us (a large number I think) is still able to keep it civilized. And there's those who can't. It's not so hard to ignore the latter though. I would suggest to decide whether you're here for kind words or a game.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware how humiliating it can be when someone adds insult to injury, but some people are like that and they're not likely to change.
    Your name suggests you're a gal, and generally girls take it even harder, but just think about it this way: the guy who insults you after game is probably some unsuccessful, miserable, Mom's basement type of loser, more likely to be pitied than hated by others in RL. And please don't expect much from reporting, save for the most obnoxious ones or RL threats and the like. The right action is not to look for protection, just to get tougher.

    Everyone else seems to be saying that reporting works, but I have mostly not been using this feature. Especially not after I read that we are not supposed to report people who dc because that's an automated process to target those people. The only time I've sent a report on someone for something other than a dc was actually when I was a killer and a survivor was directing hatred, racial and other slurs, and telling another survivor to go kill themselves IRL because they dared to leave the game instead of unhook them.

    You're right, though, to some extent. I need to just grow thicker skin and either not participate in chat or ignore all the vitriol. My boyfriend told me much the same when I complained to him that people were being mean to me in a video game lol XD. It just makes me so upset, though, because I know that I always treat people online in a friendly manner and with respect, or I don't engage at all. Like, a killer tunnels me the whole game, causing me to depip, while the rest of the team does generators and escapes? I'm super p***ed and I'm thinking he's a baddie for needing to tunnel me just to get 1 kill. But I don't say this; I simply leave the game after dying.

    And yet it's not so much the words I had an issue with as getting harassed and farmed in game by two fellow survivors that were creating loud noise notifications and body blocking me when the killer came. One of them even managed to hook farm me as he instantly got me off the hook in front of the killer even though I had planned to not press space bar when it wanted me to struggle.

    Oh I believe that's actually griefing and it is reportable, and, if repeated, punishable by soft ban at least. If you're really up in arms against such behaviour, you should record all your games, and keep the footage of the problematic ones. Since the reporting system can be used in bad faith too, for more serious issues (that is, cheating, griefing, RL threats or extreme insults) you can only expect real results if you have proof. In fact, if you take the effort to do that, you do a lot of good for the game. I doubt we can ever get rid of all the bad eggs, but making some of them face some consequences will be good for dbd. And for their character :)
    Take it easy and have fun 
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Kinda hard to be nice when survivors run the show and berate you for pointing out blatant balance issues.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    edited September 2018

    @serabeth90 said:
    Why can't we all just have fun and play a good game :o?

    ....No, really. After game chat is the worst. I want to say "gg" if I had a good time, but the most random comments can escalate people so quickly. It's like they're touchy as f*** and super on edge.

    I stopped playing killer because I was tired of being harassed and now the other survivors are harassing me when I play survivor lol. Several times now in games, certain survivors have gotten angry that I am doing generators and not running around in the middle for who the f*** knows what reason, so I can die and they can hook farm me I would guess. They run up to me and point in the direction they want me to go and if I don't listen, they will jump around me and create loud noise notifications and try to run the killer into me.

    The community in general just really needs to be cleaned up; the extreme negativity, sandbagging, name calling, threats, attempted harassment through other platforms, and general anger and angst all need to stop. I don't know how to go about fixing it, but all I can say is I hope the new reporting system helps and that the devs crack down on it.

    well sandbagging if i think i know what your talking about is aloud in-game. if a survivor un hooks me right next to you and i get downed and the other survivor gets chased and gets downed, i get saved i might just sandbag them if they are getting chased especially if i think they have were gonna live forever. i mean i run were gonna live forever but i always bring borrowed time with it.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The majority of the people who play Dead by Daylight are (hopefully) 18+. This means that many of us have obligations to work to pay for rent on apartments or make mortgage payments, maybe gas money. All in all, we don't have piles of free time just lying around.

    I for one am in my college years right now. I think I have seen other users mention schools such as a Pig and a Quentin whose names I won't disclose. Being a student reduces my playtime so every suboptimal game hits harder than when I was relaxing over the summer.

    Overall, this game's got a heck of a grind, and when we feel we've had our time wasted we can be, difficult.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    JoannaVO said:

    @Peasant said:

     @JoannaVO said:

    Lol, I understand how you feel. Used to have so many negative comments on my Steam profile that I had to put it on private at some point. Some people are sportsmanlike and will say good game, others are salty as hell and throw some trash at you that isn't true. Same goes to the ''ez'' spam when I go against SWF & DS. I just let it happen and move on. The toxic and salty people stand out, so instead of attacking back I just leave and hope that maybe one day these people will realize how incredibly immature they are and turn to the good side. Can't say I have met many actual friendly people in the games i've had, and when I do it's mostly killers (I'm a survivor main with a neutral opinion).

    You should open up your profile again, now with the reporting rule update, no one with a brain will post hate. As a neat bonus, you can report anyone that does still hate and get them banned!

    Just rather not have toxic people to go to my profile, feels so peaceful when it's on private and they actually need to send a friendship request to throw their salt at you :). I have never really bothered too much about reporting since I don't take their insults too personal, it's just slightly annoying.

    But if you report, you help others too...

    Correct, but people on the internet insult fast. If it would go to a unacceptable extreme level then I would report, but those are just some insults that, if you are familiar on the internet, you have heard many times before.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    ^ Plus if I would report every player that insults me, I would be busy all day and not get to the point of enjoying the game anymore.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2018

    @Peasant said:
    The majority of the people who play Dead by Daylight are (hopefully) 18+. This means that many of us have obligations to work to pay for rent on apartments or make mortgage payments, maybe gas money. All in all, we don't have piles of free time just lying around.

    I for one am in my college years right now. I think I have seen other users mention schools such as a Pig and a Quentin whose names I won't disclose. Being a student reduces my playtime so every suboptimal game hits harder than when I was relaxing over the summer.

    Overall, this game's got a heck of a grind, and when we feel we've had our time wasted we can be, difficult.

    I know what you mean, but a lot of the issues are with the game design and not actual players. You can hope that people are nice and play in a manner generally accepted by the community as "sportsmanlike." But camping and tunneling are not bannable offenses and the game kind of encourages that behavior in a way. Sometimes in order to be "nice", I have to actively continue to hunt the other survivors when I get a notification that my hook target has been rescued. Also if I don't have a hook by the time 2-3 gens are done and the survivors are keen on quickly rescuing each other, I can profit more by tunneling 1 person to take them out of the game.

    If I get angry because someone repeatedly camps me on a hook, my anger (mostly) goes to the game developers. If I get annoyed enough, I'll stop playing the game. At no point will I further waste more time by harassing and getting into pointless arguments and trading insults with people on the internet.