Nobody wants to play as a killer
I main killee and surv, for being honestly is too easy play killer on red ranks. Is more awfull play surv cause is not your work what matter, what really matters is teamwork and without that surely u gonna get a bad game, but like killer is just your skill so learn how to kill surv
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On ps4
I get more red rank killers when I'm in purple ranks. So I try to stay there because then I have an equal match.
(I'm red ranks until rank reset)
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this guy dont speak for killer mains plz, your rank 20 ass out of here
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Those are jus basic builds i dont use any of those perks when i genrush lol
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I'm a red rank killer and when I get tired of stressful games I camp hard. It's a lot less stressful and sometimes even good SWF teams just wants to save and they all end up slugged. Camping in red ranks is underrated. The less you need to run around the better.
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Maybe you’re just unlucky, I’ve played killer recently on pc from rank 20 to 10 and they were pretty much all babies and I 4k’d each time. Reaching rank 10 gave me better survivors even red ranks, but I still get at least 2k so it’s a pretty even game each time. Matchmaking seems to be fair for me at least
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Don't mind losing as a killer, do mind when survivors feel a need to rub it in both in & out of the game.
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I have plenty of fun stomping on cocky death squads with Spirit.
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I play killer alot.
Though I only play Spirit right now, to keep my sanity.
I used to play Nurse, but dedicated servers and her rework made her a giant bugfest for almost 14 months now :(
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Im on PS4 Rank 2 killer currently back and fourth between 1 and 2. And I only play killer. I usually can get right into a game. And I usually vs a variety of different players. It's never all red ranks or swfs . Some days it's just non stop bs teams that drive me crazy and some days it's chill potatoes.
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I suspect it's a vicious circle; there aren't enough high-rank killers to match with high-rank survivors, so low-rank and medium-rank killers get matched with high-rank survivors and get steamrolled and depip, and then the average rank of killers is even lower, making the disparity even worse.
I honestly think that the root cause is SWF. Even when I was a low-rank killer playing against high-rank survivors, if they weren't SWF I could usually do well, and sometimes even 4k. But a good SWF team is unbeatable regardless of their rank.
I used to think that the problem was just with the matchmaking, but the more I play and the more I do well against non-SWF high-rank teams and terrible against SWF teams regardless of rank, the more I realize that SWF with voice chat is the real problem, because the game balance is designed around the survivors having limited information about what each other are doing, and if the survivors have perfect knowledge of what each other are doing and can coordinate their efforts, the balance completely breaks.
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Idk, I def feel like matchmaking is the main issue, though. I literally only play Killer to do rift tasks and it's pure misery.
All I get are red ranks, and I'm rank 16 (which took absolute hell to get to). I had two rank 1's, a rank 4 and a rank 6 in a match, and that seems to be all I get. Two red ranks at the very least every game. That just shouldn't be a thing that happens in general if matchmaking had any kind of control at all.
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Playing as killer feels ######### because the whole game is a balancing nightmare. Is the game balanced towards SWFs or not? Is there an official statement? Because playing versus SWFs makes the game literally not fun to play. Lots of perks and "features" of the game don't work. It's not balanced towards it.
I think the devs should just implement voice chat and rebalance the game around it. Right now it's hit or miss playing killer. The experiences of the game differ too much. Just put a walkie talkie into the left hand of the survivors or whatever.
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I completely understand OP's point of view. I'm into my first 25-30 hrs playing Killer and the amount of times I get matched vs swf where each player has thousands of hours play time is absurd. (steam friends lists tell the whole story) People will reply "Git Gud" but that's exactly the point. There is definitely a skill gap between your first hundred to couple hundred hours played and people who have been playing for thousands of hours a piece and are coordinating over discord. Maybe there should be a match making system implemented that takes these variables into account?
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The game in PS4 is not broken. PC is superior, but PS4 isn't broken (I play on both). I'm able to get to red ranks as both roles without much of any struggle.
You can blame the PS4 all you want, but it really comes down to your personal skill and perk/ add-on selection (and no, platinum trophy on PSN doesn't mean SQUAT).
Many people also SWF, which could be the reason why some survivors in a match are red ranks, while others are not.
When I SWF, there is usually one or two red ranks with everyone else being (usually) green or lower.
Many people prefer SWF because being stuck with a random team is unbearable.
It's also better to SWF since 90% of killers tunnel and/or camp anyways.
You're free to play the blame game, but it it won't ever yield any results for you.
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4 years of dealing with basically the same thing over and over, often ends with people not wanting to play.
There is a reason people deem survivors to be more fun and what not. Solo queue survivor is terrible. SWF is unbalanced. And playing killer is a coin toss. Killer beats solos basically every time, SWF beats killer almost always. Which makes less people want to solo queue, it becomes as stressful as playing killer. So they hope to SWF, and I can't blame them. It's more fun with friends, you have people you can trust and communicate with, instead of random people that are usually twice baked potatoes. But this whole situation is what causes so many of the balancing issues. And nothing can be buffed or nerfed without severe backlash of some sort.
It is an unfortunate truth, that killer can be very stressful and unfun to play, more often than survivor. It has gotten better over the years, don't get me wrong. I would be lying if I said otherwise. But that doesn't mean killer isn't still stressful and sometimes infuriating to play.
The big draw for playing killer, at least for me. Is that it is much for unique than survivor. All the survivors are the same, the only thing is the perks and what they look like. Each killer is very different, and not just a skin. But with the imbalance, it has pretty much made me stop playing the game altogether.
I feel SWF is an unfair advantage so I don't commonly play SWF. Solo is stomped to easily, which made me not want to play solo queue. So I go to killer, which has felt more like a chore than an enjoyable experience the last year or so.
So I left instead of putting myself through this unnecessary annoyance.
I will always have hope for the game though.
Maybe next patch will make me want to come back. 10th times the charm?
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I'm saying that I suspect the matchmaking is bad because there are too few high-rank killers and too few low-rank survivors. It doesn't matter how good the matchmaking algorithm is if all the survivors online are R1 and all the killers online are R20; the only possible matches are R1 survivors vs an R20 killer. (Obviously the pool would probably never be that extreme, but I bet it IS pretty close to that.)
So if high-rank survivors vs low-rank killers is the only available matchmaking option, then the game needs to do something else to even the odds, like handicapping survivors on a sliding scale based on how far their rank is from the killer's rank (preferably per survivor, and in a way that could also be reversed, to give a low-rank survivor a boost against a high-rank killer).
Here's a suggestion I had for the handicap:
Other people have also made good suggestions, like adjusting the points needed to pip / depip based on the difference between the killer's rank and the survivors' ranks. (Although I'd personally prefer a fix that makes the game more fun over a fix that consoles me for an un-fun game.)
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Your first mistake is using the ranks of survivors as a reason for your loss.
The truth is, survivor ranking is so nonsensically and ridiculously easy that the players you'd face at green, purple or even yellow ranks are no different than the ones you're facing at red ranks. Red's are just as potato as anyone else.
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MM based on hours. Wouldn't that make the game worth logging into.
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MM based on hours played?
Hah, no thanks. Stop equating "time spent" to "performance". That's the absolute worst, lowest-common-denominator way to think about things.
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I'm a rank 13 killer and I go against red ranks all the time I don't find it a big deal bc sometimes you'll get the altruistic teams or the teams that hear a heartbeat and run or the swf but you'll still get 1 to 2k at least I do so quit complaining having the platinum doesn't mean anything its pretty easy to get
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That's an awful idea. You can't punish people for playing with their friends.
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I agree a lot with what you say except for solo (most of the time).
I only play solo queue because I liked the challenge. But the gameplay has gotten stale and boring. It's always the same problems, whether the killer sucks, the survivor team sucks (including yourself), or you have a "toxic" killer or survivor team.
Unfortunately I stopped playing killer because of issues like these, and while I certainly wasn't the best killer I was decent. The same goes for survivor, and BHVR thinking that a MMR system is going to help alleviate this is quite short sighted.
The reality is that the game itself is fundamentally imbalanced due to the asymmetrical nature of it. Trying to balance a 1v4 is a difficult task, and the more "complexity" you add in the form of perks and counter perks, moves and counter moves, the more difficult it will be to balance it all well.
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"What should it be based on?"
Uh, I don't know....actual performance, maybe? Crazy thought, I know.
I can't imagine the thought process of people who actually think that the people at the top of a ranking system should be whoever logged in the most.
It sounds a lot like the MMO player mindset, where people get married to the game and want their time played to be some badge of honor or grant them some privilege, rather than trying to actually excel in their gameplay.
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The current emblem system is broken and everyone knows it - including the developers - so don't sit there and try using it as some proof that MMR based on performance isn't possible.
(Actually, many of the systems that killer emblems use aren't THAT bad other than the issues with certain killers powers not counting. It's the survivor systems that are the most broken, and often due to a simple limit to the objectives on the map that can be completed. But yes, kills/escapes should count more than they do, seeing as how they're the primary objective. No, they're not "just RNG".)
But yeah, go ahead and tell us that your rank should just be your total time played, and then even have enough of a lack of awareness to act smug about your brilliant idea.
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Too many people fall into play survivor, myself included due to the stress and imbalance with survivors (should I mention SWFs?)
Queue times currently force the killers to wait much longer as I predicted with the new MMR & batch matchmaking.
This will eventually be reverted back once they realise people play killer after giving up on survivor wait times... chop change chop change, good for toxcity.
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Because red ranks are not red ranks anymore. There are people like me, that in reality are green rank. Or if you compare it to overwatch, gold rank and some there are grandmaster, so much much better at looping. Face them in a SWF team and you have no chance.
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Yeah theirs those to but the only way to get better is to play against better ppl and eventually you'll get them
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Playing killer isn't fun. When I do decide to play killer I get screwed but survivors. The best way to play as killer is to find a way to slow generator times down. Ever since they nerfed hex ruin it's been Hell for killers.
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I seriously don't understand where the heck are you living guys who say survivor waiting times suck...
At any time during day or night for me(Eastern Europe) it doesn't take more than 1-2 minutes to find a match as a survivor(playing solo, rank 2)...
As a killer though, unless I don't play after 9 PM in the evening, I can wait up to 15-20 minutes to find a match(rank 6 as killer) only for that match to be paired against hardcore rank 1-2 survivors who bully me 90% of the time...For that I HATE AND DESPISE playing as a killer!
If I were a developer, I'd switch the entire game to a 3 kills/1 escape rate. To be very hard for survivors to escape so that it feels extremely rewarding when you manage to escape, but not to hurt their points and be able to black pip or even pip even if you die most of the times...But for a killer to feel like a killer and have power in the game!!! *Friday the 13th* * cough * . That is a game done perfectly in terms of balance where killer actually has the powerful role in the game!
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Last time I played as killer I was rank 20 against 3 rank 1, seriously. While this crap happens I'm not comfortable playing as killer.
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I think it's more that nobody wants to play versus red-rank survivors. It's not every group, but it's close enough that when I get to rank 5 or 6 and start seeing them I can be virtually guaranteed that the match is going to be unpleasant, win or lose, with all the various toxic and unsportsmanlike behavior that . DbD is literally the only multiplayer game I've played where I start sandbagging and playing characters I know I'm not good at the better rank I get, just so I can de-rank into more pleasant environments.
I'm not so uber good at killer that playing in the 12-8 range means I 4k every time, i definitely don't, but it's definitely not exactly fair in those matches either. People are better sports though and everybody seems to enjoy themselves more, despite the fact that I win more than I probably should.
Dunno what the solution is except for an indefinite blacklist or more robust reporting and penalty system, but I'd just as soon not play at all than get cursed out by 14 year olds whether I win or lose, which is 9/10 (probably more like 19/20) games vs full red ranks.
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"I'm not punishing them I'm just punishing them!"
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You have to camp / tunnel and hope they are over altruistic and ain't doing gens.
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I enjoy playing killer more than survivor, though often times I wish the survivor objective was 6 gens instead of 5. That way it would feel a bit more chill and not just like a rushed match ping-ponging between the best decisions you can make while an invisible countdown timer is ticking down mercilessly because the 3 survivors you aren't chasing are probably holding M1.
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I love playing killer, but when I try it takes forever to get a match or I get told no network connection. After awhile I give up and play survivor.
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I have around 1800 hours in DBD and the majority were spent as killer. I have taken two 6 month breaks since the game released. This improved my mental health. There is no doubt that the game was designed to be frustrating and you have to keep that in mind by taking breaks between matches. I honestly would play more killer if the queues were better. I am just not willing to spend a long time waiting for a match anymore. I would just rather shut down the game and play something enjoyable.
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It's not just Killers though. Match making for solo Survivors is a vexing heap of poo as well. (I'm AbysmalFish) Match starts with me and another survivor spawn at a gen and we only work on it for a moment before Leatherface heads our way. I urban evade unseen while my teammate gets downed. Leatherface immediately leaves after hook because of BBQ and I get the safe unhook. My other teammate gets downed within 20 seconds of the unhook so from here on out my three teammates get insta downed/hooked due to BBQ and I play safe unhooker until Leatherface just starts slugging. I almost got my team back up but in the chaos of newly raised lowbies Leatherface found me and it was only a matter of time.
Give me three other survivors with the same amount of play time as either me or Leatherface and we would have had a fun match. Instead I get three straight off the shelf new players vs BBQ sigh <--This is literally 60%-70%ish of my matches at this rank. 2-3 other teammates who have no clue of BBQ and the Killer running the gauntlet in 5 minutes flat. Sometimes I get hatch. Rarely I get the Escape door. Lots of times I die in the end. What can you do when your team don't know they are being seen and auto die? This is the reality of the majority of my solo Survivor matches at this rank, and it's the worst game play imaginable.
Match making that is based off hours played, amount of unlocked teachable perks, general mmr rating, and swf would go a long long way. Anything but this or the OP's example.
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@TokenGolem Those killer perks. Its been along time they didnt play killer, not a newbie. U alone can not carry other 3 newbies for sure.
I didnt play survivor for a long time, I became rank20 (used to be purple) with most of perks. usually I out live green rank as rank 18.
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The reason i dont like playing is cause kuller mains NONSTOP cry about anything. I wad playing high purple ranks for a week or two post patch like some half year ago. And killers were literally like 3K'ing almost every game some games were 2k and still more were 4k but it was like 75 percent kill rate and killers... They were ACTUALLY still crying about keys. Like you know why people dont play the game? Cause tis game is one of the most cry baby infested games i have ever played in my DECADES worth of online gaming experience.
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Well keys are just mass DCs... if you don't want to play then don't queue up. Even with an ebony mori you gotta chase people and hook em once then down them again (as stupid and unfair as they are).
Here's how keys work for the killer - "hmm I don't see any of the survivors, maybe - oop match ended you lost." Whether killers are OP or not an item that just instantly ends the game for no good reason and gives points and the win to the person who pushed the forfeit button is essentially the worst designed game mechanic imaginable, in any game in any context.
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I'm a rank 1 killer main who's played since Christmas of 2017. I kinda hate playing killer now because it's either boring or infuriating, and then survivor, HOOOOO, 20 minutes just to get either tunneled to oblivion, terrible teammates, or a rank 20 killer and a boringly easy match. I have surv at rank 3. I find the game super boring and actually dread playing it, but at the same time, it's the only one I wanna play...
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I am still ❤ing killer, don't change my mind.
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It's true that the game shouldn't be very stressful, but you need some stress as well to push yourself above the limit. It happens anytime when you want to get better and this situation can be seen to any other competitive game. The matchmaking currently is not very bad(in my region-East Asia) because every game I play I find them slightly challenging which should be the feeling as you go against killer/survivors similar to your level or slightly higher. There are Definitely more survivor players in game because its 4 vs 1. Also it is because SWF is the most prefered option when playing with friends and since you probably got the game recommended from your friends and will play with them, SWF is a popular choice than the killer. No matter how much they fix the matchmaking in any way Survivors will be more played, meaning there will more more experienced survivors and this will require more skills to play against them, as a killer(so playing killer will be always tougher)
It's also true that some pay-to-win factors such as exclusive dlc characters with perks are present, however skills are also really required in the game and sometimes, more than perks. I have met tons of SFW team with 4 Decisive Strike and Head On, still managed to secure 4k with trapper level 5 (recently prestiged) or with wraith level 1(had missions). I have also played Myers with full build with both red addons and 4 max level dlc exclusive perks, and sometimes haven't secure any kills because the survivors in that game played really well, with efficient looping and stealth, etc. So I would Not say it's 'Pure' pay to win game.
Shrines of Secret are also there where you can unlock many teachable perks including dlc exclusive ones, and I did get Bbq&Chilli and other such as Decisive strike before buying the respective characters, so I won't complain much (I only have 400 hours).
The Dlcs are also worth buying because their qualities are pretty good. The game company also gotta earn as well for providing these services and purchasing licenses so In my opinion It does worth spending some bucks and try out these characters/skins even you have their teachable perks.
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I have been playing against constant Reds and Purples since my killer rank hit 17. Overall that doesn't fully bother me. That just means by the time I get survivors that are actually my rank...those last about 2 - 3 mins. What bothers me are the Toxic, Trolling, non-skill based, entitled Red ranks that think their gods, cause they can ######### body block. Now, most games I still clap... but it is far too stressful. Example one of these matches lasted for almost 50 minutes. They genrushed and the last 3 were in a cute lil L shape. They would go to push, rescue, run away and Heal. I started to be message that I needed to stop "dragging the game" and just let them win.... At the end, I was told I should of tunneled more...?
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I was going against rank 1 survivors at rank 20. Granted, there are a lot of rank ones that are just plain awful because the ranking system isn't very good.
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You know, all they need to do, is limit swf to just 2 people. Yea, easy countered by sending party invites once in the lobby, but don't let survivors see who they are paired up with.
Lack of High rank killers is the problem, gen rushing is the problem, since they nerfed hex:ruin
Playing killer isn't fun period. It is extremely stressful, one mistake screws you, one chase that lasts too long screws you.
There is countless things the devs could do but they wont.
1. Allow survivors to only have 3 perks
2. Have a rank system on perks, which allows you to only have 1 perk from each rank so you aren't overpowered.
3. Limit swf to 2 people
4. Let the killer have 5 perks.
5. Fix the emblem ranking. Far too easy for either side to pip up, red rank survivors are absolute potatoes most of the time.
6. Ban all communications in the game to prevent toxic survivors gloating or sending toxic messages after the game (yes i am a survivor main btw)
7. Actually fix the existing bugs, every time i gen grab, i get stuck in the grab animation whilst the survivor runs off, i down a survivor and there not there , but 30 yards away because of lag so now i am forced to run deerstalker to find them. People running thru closed exit gates is a good one, real fair that.
The game is broken, and the game is dying.
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I say that you ought to be interested in playing killer in order to enjoy it. It's not, generally, a cakewalk for your always alone. However, if you have perseverance and vigor playing as killer shouldnt be a tense and emotional ordeal. It can be enjoyable and funny sometimes and some matches can even be calming and not frustrating. Pick the killer your excellent in and with the correct perks and addons plus your skill as an individual, it could become a cakewalk most of the time.
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Speak for yourself, loads of people like playing killer including me
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another mans trash is another mans treasure