what the devs were really telling us by giving us the bbq and lunar cosmetics and what they werent

recently everyone was given the event cosmetics from the lunar event and the summer bbq event as compensation for a bug that happened a few years ago (TLDR at the bottom)
this in and of itself is not bad its good actually i love having more kate cosmetics
they also did this with convention exclusive cosmetics as well to stop the black market sale of the codes which again was great
the problem is in both times they have done this there has been an uproar of people being angry about them because they dont like that their hard work was basically all for naught during the events or the fact that they went to a convetion and got a cool skin cause of it
this has also cause huge discussions about bringing back legacy and why it should /shouldnt be done which i will not state my opinion on here
but the act of them giving these event cosmetics tells us a few things about what the devs intend
we are going to be less likely to get event cosmetics that we actually have to play for in events to come this is eviddent by the claudette and deathslinger cosmetics and the crown cosmetics from this event.. being honest they dont take much work at all to obtain
and this also tells us that we will never have the lunar and bbq events back at least not as they were
because if they were gonna bring the events back they couldve brought the event skins back during the events and sold them for a discounted price like many other games do
this is highly disappointing
i never got to experience these events, i never got to grab a lantern to attempt to escape with it i never got to see the margarita machines in game i never got to earn the special event currency or eperince the anticipation of finally unlocking a cosmetic after a hard grind
and by giving us these cosmetics back they are effectively telling those of use who missed it that we never wil get to experience it, they are saying that hey you missed out on the event experience but dont worry heres the cosmetic you wouldve got had you played anyways
this is what i dont like about it, sure cosmetics are great but if they are just given to you freely when there was once an option to work for them to do special limited time actions to obtain them it feels cheap
i would rather not have gotten the items and had the events come back to try and earn them again with new event exclusive cosmetics on top of them to give those of us who missed out a chance to experience the event like everyone else had
it seems like something so small but the vibe im getting from the devs is that they dont care enough to even try
they have said that they want events to take a backseat to focus on balance and new content and thats fine id rather have a game thats well polised with few new additions every few months then a crude product with new content every week
but the fact still remains is they they arent even willing to try with these events anymore
i know the devs still care about the community but their ways of showing us have hidden truths behind it
TLDR: i would rather experience the event proper to get the cosmetics again then just have them given to me and i think the devs are saying they arent willing to try and bring them back at all by giving these to us
So I read all of it and I'd like to talk about some points:
Event Cosmetics vs. Convention Cosmetics vs. Legacy:
This will always be a controversial topic and will bring discussions with it.
Legacy: I know what a grind it was to earn them, when the Bloodwebs back then were a mess. I play DBD on console and never got to experience Legacy and wished for an equivalent for console users. I understand that it is tied to an atrocious grind when you weren't even able to get the only perk in the web because it was too far away and the entity snatched it infront of your eyes. However going by BHVR's logic they "must" give Legacy out to everyone too. We Console Players and Mobile Players weren't able to earn Legacy because those versions weren't a thing back then. And since they didn't want to left people out of cosmetics that aren't available to everyone (at least for a specific time), they should distribute Legacy for the same reason if we use their logic. I hope that there will come something similar to Legacy, so that everyone can earn something like this and the original golden Legacy stays exclusive.
Convention Cosmetics: In my opinion, these are the only ones that have the right to be distributed among all players. Not because they were tied to specific events all over the world, but because they were being sold for real money and really expensive. It was the right thing to do, to stop the black market.
Event Cosmetics: Difficult topic IMO. Look at Legacy and you understand the basic logic for these cosmetics. I think they shouldn't have distributed them that easily.
Events in General:
I think you're right about them not doing the events in the same style again. I'm only talking about the cosmetics, not game mechanics.
Lunar Year event:
The first one with a real event (not the one were they just gave the rooster shirts to original four):
Cosmetics to earn: Feng Shirt, David Jacket, Huntress Mask.
David Jacket and Huntress Mask were locked behind an objective (earning the coins to unlock them) and it was wonderful. You weren't forced to play specific characters, just the role and you unlocked them on the go.
Feng Shirt was a global event that everyone contributed to it without having to change his/her way of playing.
Second Lunar Year Event:
Even better than the first one. Feng Cosmetic, Ace Cosmetic, Huntress Cosmetic.
You earned your event currency and you were able to go to the cosmetic shop to choose whichever Event Cosmetic you want. You could have only get Fengs hair or Ace's Jacket or even two whole outfits.
Third Lunar Year Event:
The worst Event I've ever seen. I don't like the idea of having to force players to log into the game to earn basic cosmetics that are just recolours of standard cosmetic pieces. The two main cosmetics (Rat Legion and Jeff) were locked behind a paywall without being able to earn them like the event before. If they did that event like the second one, people would have been also able to unlock previous ones like Feng or Ace (Like the Halloween-Event, where you can unlock the Hallowed Blight forms of previous characters)
Anniversary Events:
I really liked the one they did on the first year with daily challenges to unlock things like the Blood Party Streamers as a permanent offering (They should do the same thing for the cakes last year (103%)) and new weapons for Killers and as the ultimate last unlockable a whole new map.
Barbecue and Margarita Event:
It really was a fun event without making the survivors to change their playstyle. Only Exception was that they went straight to Margarita Machines and Killer would patrol those ones.
I think the Devs became "lazy" if we think about events that happened in the past. It's not cool to hide event cosmetics behind paywalls during their specific events (afterwards is okay for me, but not for Auric Cells only). I wish for next year, that they re-introduce their old anniversary event with a global challenge.
Also it is not difficult to enable once per year in August (e.g.) the Margarita machines and Grill Hooks (even if they are of cosmetic nature and not tied to an event.) Just to mix things up. They already have those assets and it is not like they would have to programm and design any of those again. They said they would take a break from creating events like the Pustula and Lantern ones to focus on fixes, so there is a hope atleast.
We have to see how the developers will handle the event cosmetics of this anniversary, since there's no one that couldn't benefit of the cosmetics while the anniversary lasts.
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people still sell cosmetic codes more than ever lol. it didnt do anything to stop it
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But to be honest. Those that still buy them are the real losers in this case. Since every cosmetic that needs a code is available to everyone in this game, I don't see why there's the necessity to buy them.
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Thank you for your polite and we'll said response as I said I never got to experience these events but I would love the chance to experience them I hope the devs do something like them again cause it would be super fun
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I used too be extremely excited when a event was coming out but the last couple ones have been a mood killer for me.