I'm gonna start throwing matches.
I'm a killer main and I have bad anxiety, playing this game is very stressful and my doctor tells me to avoid it but I like this kind of mouse and cat game except the mouse always beats the sh*t out of the cat...
I am currently Rank 10, I can never make it past that because all I get match with in this Rank is Red rank try-hards who won't stop bashing my brain with pallets then flashlight and teabagging.
So I'm just going to join matches and go AFK, since I still get points for just being there and I'm just trying to level up, having a good time in this game is impossible for average skilled killers.
But before I do that I wanna know if I will get banned if I don't play after being put in a match too many times.
I don't care if I get put back to Rank 20, at least I will have less chance of being put with Red Ranks.
Afk is bannable but if you want to walk around and hit people idk
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Hopefully all players will report you and get you banned soon.
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Yes, being AFK is bannable
Instead of throwing a fit and ruining 4 people's game, you could just, not play. Lots of other games out there that you can play, I'd recommend finding one of them and playing that instead.
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I just want to gain XP...
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Why would you get banned for afk? Killer doesn't even have to participate for survivors to escape. And he's not obliged to hit or chase anyone...did they really say it was bannable?
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You never mentioned anything about the survivor side...why not try being the mouse? While it is incredibly easy, you may have more fun.
If you’re not having fun, than this isn’t a “game”.
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I mean if you’re gonna throw matches that’s on you. But just know that de-ranking won’t really help you out as matchmaking is at its worst so you’ll still be getting red ranks even at low ranks because the game is trash when it comes to matchmaking. I don’t see the point of going AFK. you should either switch killers or switch up perks or your playstyle, don’t make survivors have a boring game just because you’re having a bad day.
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How about taking a break until they fix the matchmaking? Man, i think you really should listen to your doctor, since your health is more important than anything else..
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wraith cloaked makes it harder for them to get points off you and might even make them de pip if you never hit chase or hook them
You can get 1k just for opening the gate to to make the match go by quicker
Once you do they usually wait doe the timer to run all the way down so look for the hatch and you might be able to close that before the last person walks for even more points.
There's really no difference between throwing and doing poorly, I'm just letting you know how to get points without survivor interactions. You can also just kick a gen over and over or pull them off gens and throw them down.
If you dont hit they catch on pretty quick and you can even catch them off guard if they think your throwing but pulling them for grabs
Ways to gain lots of points is doctor and just shock them over and over or hag and just put traps everywhere
I hope after all your throw matches you can get some better perks and give playing another try.
Post edited by Mandy on4 -
Tbh I don't really want survivors to not have fun but I am NOT having fun as a killer so why should I care about their fun?
I just spent 5-6 minute chasing a sweaty Rank 1 and 4 gens were already done. The pos had the nerve to teabag me afterward...
I will try my best to not give up mid-match and maximize my play because I am not awful at the game, I'm just put against players who are way above my skill level.
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You are not alone as killer for feeling this way.
The game is very stacked for survivors its really clear
I hope you find your fun in this game any way you can
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As long as you kinda somewhat participate, you should be fine. AFKing as Wraith will get you reported and possibly banned if you do it repeatedly, but you're not going to get banned if you at least pretend to chase a few times or something. Walk around as Doc and shock people a few times or put some traps down as Trapper or whatever.
Just be aware that de-ranking isn't going to help you that much. I'm rank 16 and I still get purple and red rank survivors in my matches. There is no de-pipping past rank 16 except for disconnecting (which will get you banned) and rank reset.
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Yes, matchmaking is a joke and hopefully it can be improved upon by the upcoming MMR system. That may not end up being a perfect solution, but AFKing in matches to derank is a much, much worse solution- and a 100% bannable offense. Not recommended.
People do (rightfully so) poke fun at the "play Civ 5" comment the devs made about killer frustrations, but if every match is actually causing you a lot of serious anxiety and frustration, playing something else is not a bad idea. Otherwise, maybe try a new Killer, or maybe burn some map offerings so you don't get sent to some of the more survivor sided maps?
Also, no idea why people are dogpiling on this guy
If someone is AFKing repeatedly in matches, they SHOULD get reported and banned. I hope OP finds a better solution to their issues, but if they go ahead with their AFKing plan then a ban is completely warranted.
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If your going to just go AFK every match, why are you even playing the game? If it stresses you out so much, take a break. Come back to it with a fresh head and see how you feel then. Everyone who's played any side will tell you how stressful it can become, and forcing yourself to play more will only make you hate the game more. I've been there more times than I can count, and continuing playing when it makes you feel that way isn't the answer. You could even just try survivor instead. It's far less stressful since you don't have to constantly moniter every possible action. Solo survivor is pretty much a roulette wheel at times for sure, but it can be more fun that killer.
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Nobody is defending the behaviour. I told him he needed to put the game down for awhile. Thats an appropriate response.
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He wants to play, just with less tryhards is what I got. New account or take a break and wait out a rank reset or two, is my suggestion.
You could also try changing your mindset or your goals. Of course it’s stressing to try and 4K every game or master being a killer, so why do it? I’ve been playing this game for years and I’ve gone through all the killer metamorphoses phases before hitting Zin.
Now you could moonwalk 360 flashlight blind me and I’d just shrug it off, or I could trap a not so stealthy survivor in a corner, shake my head slowly and disapprovingly before walking away. If you let survivors get to you personally or let their antics morally cripple you, then you lost no matter the outcome of the match~
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I mean technically it is bannable because it’s “unsportsmanlike” so I’d recommend just hitting survivors and learn loops while farming. You’ll derank but it honestly won’t matter from how broken matchmaking is.
If it was up to me I would say just put the game down for awhile until you can cope with your anxiety a little better. Hopefully by then matchmaking will be better so you can actually enjoy killer. I get you want to play because obviously you’ve spent money on it but “90$” isn’t worth stressing out each match and feeling terrible about playing.
I send my best regards to you!
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So you're going to get $90 of value from the game by booting up games and then not playing? Meanwhile you're ruining the game for four strangers who are just trying to play a match.
I'm not seeing the logic here. If you don't like the game and/or can't handle the game physically per your Doctor's orders, booting it up and then not playing it seems like a huge waste of your time.
Explain it to me like I'm five how you're getting any value of any kind in this plan? Just wanting to punish four strangers because you spent $90 on a game you end up not liking and now you're bitter? You feel like if the game is on, somehow you're getting your moneys worth just sitting there picking your nose? Are you hoping that somehow you'll stop getting super stressed out by the game if it's just on in the background? Like, what's the end game here?
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6 minutes chasing someone.
And expects the gens to dont be done lol
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It doesn't matter how far you derank. The new improved matchmaking will make sure you have at least 1 red, purple and green rank in your lobby.
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Hey Spencer, my reccomendation to you is to be a 'farming killer'. Soon as you start the match look for the first survivor and try to get their attention without acting a threat. If you see one near a gen just walk up and smack the gen. Go around the map and try to get the other players on board that you are here to farm points. After you let them do a gen or two they'll learn to trust you and you can even start hooking them for points. once you've hooked all the survivors twice you can decide if you want to double cross them, haha!
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A reminder to you to keep this discussion civil please and to stop insulting each other, we don't need personal attacks on other users here thank you.
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I mean, if AFKing had a purpose like idk derank get or etc... AT LEAST u had a reason. But just AFKing for nothing? Like, duh... Turn off your pc and go outside.
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Like most others said taking a break would be best. If you can wait 12 days rank reset is around the corner. I enjoy kier but it is a stressful "job" more recently picked up survivor again still rather easy but I get enjoyment evading the killer and completing the gen they seem deadset on guarding. Yes 90 bucks is quite the investment bit you dont have to play it each and everyday to "get the value" of your money, that's sunk cost fallacy kicking in. The game isnt getting the plug pulled anytime soon it's fine to take a break.
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Goodness I can relate. I'm mentally ill and I have to watch out with this game cause it can make me highly anxious and angry. However, I spoke some sense into myself that it's just a game and how I shouldnt be emotional but to instead persevere. Though, I only get like this if I lose as a killer not as survivor so I'm with you. I know the struggle haahaa.
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I say this seriously: Go play Stardew Valley. You would not believe the amount of people who claim that game helped them in some way. Myself included.
DBD is the polar opposite. I appreciate it for that. It's exciting but stressful. I'd never recommend it to someone who is dealing with a lot of stress already.
This game probs just isn't for you, and that's okay. Accept the loss of money, or just play it once in a while. I have a library full of games I use to like and no longer play, either because I got tired of them, beat them, or found something new. It comes with the territory of investing in games.
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i so farm don't go afk do what you want like if survivor starts going toxic ignore him hit other survivors gen get point forget what other say
btw turn end game chat off. no one needs that.
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I have been doing some killer challenges. I do the challenge, hook everyone once (for BBC) and wait by the gate to open it. As a rank 19 killer, it still takes some minutes for them to finish gens while I'm afk. Is it bannable?
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take a break
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If it stresses you out so much then just drop the game. There's no need to play the game if it's literally causing health issues.
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All I'm saying is if a doctor suggests you avoid the game, it's probably a good idea to not play said game.
AFAIK going completely afk is bannable, however a but of participation at the start into going afk should be fine I think. Perform a few actions and then leave, open Civ 5, and check back in about 8 minutes.
If you ever wanna talk though man, comment on my profile. I'll give you a way to contact me of your choosing and try and help.
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My advise would be to change your standards for winning a game. I find most matches there are 1 or 2 survivors too good for me to chase, so I don't. I literally just leave them be and look for a survivor I might have fun against. Obviously this doesn't always work, and if you find yourself getting stressed by a toxic 4 man it's better to walk away than create health issues.
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You sound fun. Also sounds like you're a terrible killer if you're chasing one survivor for 4 gens.
Red ranks are probably in there worst state ever littered with many players who belong at rank 8-10, easy pipping/playing a lot has flooded red ranks with average players.
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You should change your win condition. Aim for just getting 4 barbecue stacks or chase and down survivors without hooking them. You can have good fun with Speed Limiter Leatherface who is a good choice as nobody would expect you to win. Controller Nurse/Huntress are good choices if you want to naturally derank (unless you happen to be good at those killers of course!). You could be banned for playing AFK but you can't be banned for being rubbish.
Don't forget that the Start Game Uncollapse might be with us soon which will help.
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Don't take it so seriously. The game becomes stressful if you let it. I'd suggest running meme builds since if you win, your a god. If you lose, then it's not a try hard build.
One that I love is Brutal Strength, Lightborn, Fire Up and Franklin's Demise. If you see multiple flashlights in a lobby this build is extremely fun. This messes up flashlight users muscle memory and will just be annoying for them.
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At day matchmaking fair for me. Night only red ranks. Try play more games daytime
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If a game causes you this much anxiety don't play it. I highly doubt your doctor told you to stop playing a game but if you are talking to the doctor about how a game makes you feel. Delete game uninstall. Games should be fun
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You will also find red ranks on rank 20. Believe me.
I take many breaks from the game and just come sometimes back to look if something has changed from the things that are important to me and I bet to you, if I start now a match I will be matched with 2 or more red ranks.
But that's ok for me, since I just do testruns anyways, aka. picking my favorite killer and "can I do now xyz again"... "No". "Still not changed back".
"Then let us take again a break" :).
That's my playstyle since almost a year by now, I think.
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I know that feel, I had the same experience with LoL which made me quit the game for good.
We all know that the matchmaking changes won't go live for at least another year. People have been asking for changes for up to 2 years so far and nothing has happened. I'd be sincerely amazed if we saw ANYTHING within the next 12 months.
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AFKing i just as bannable as farming, but with a farming killer, it takes even longer to get out of the match...
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I'd have to disagree with that, some players just want to get their missions done and some survivors are more than eager to help since they also get to do their own mission(s). Trying to get missions done that require you to grab a certain amount of survivors or to trap them within an x amount of traps can be very challenging to pull off, that's where cooperation comes in. Also everyone gets to keep the crown they've found, another plus.
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When I wanted to derank to do some adepts I really didn't want to do it by dcing or afking or anything like that, the way I did it also helped me get better at losing, i.e. less anxious about it.
You pick a killer that sucks or that you suck at - I went leatherface which fits both of those. No addons, no perks except BBQ, and a horrible map offering. Luckily although I play bubba I had a ton of haddonfield offerings on him.
And just focus on getting your BBQ stacks. Fully expect to lose, expect to get BM'ed, the certainty is kinda refreshing. If you somehow do well and the survivors brought 16 meta perks, even better.
Edit: I still think in your case taking a break would be better but if you didn't listen to your doc you probably won't to me
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Clearly your not enjoying so stop playing instead of ruining others experience
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I agree to everything you said.
If you don't want to watch them at the end teabagging, just avoid going near the exit gates. Stay somewhere where you don't see the survivors directly once the gates are opened. If you think they're trying to bully you and don't open the gates, open them by yourself, you get points for opening the gates as the killer and you push the survivors to leave within 2 minutes.
But as the others said: Take care of yourself and take a break if you need to.
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From what I read, you need to stop and take a break. Really, if the game is affecting you this way, it's better to stop for some time. I have been playing the game for more than 2 years and twice I have taken a break for a month from the game, because it was stressing me out so much. It helped a lot. When I felt ready, I came back and if I get stressed out again, I'll stop. No game is worth hurting your health like that.
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You can open the Exit Gates as the Killer? How? Since when???
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Thats not the whole truth, I think that a Problem is, that Killers, that get bored or something to bully low rank survivors, that just started to play the game. After those new survivors get bullied, camped and tunneled for a few games, they just deinstall the whole game and claim it as bad, because they never experienced a really fun experience with the game. Because of that there are not that many low rank survivors out there you could play with.
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Actually that is a reason to report someone, because if you wait sometimes about 5-10 min to find a lobby, and after you load in the killer is afk AND you depip, because you won't get any Altruism and Boldness points it just sucks that you have to spent something about 5-15 minutes in this match, just to doing generators without a killer.
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At the same time as end game collapse and closing the hatch