Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Survivors are carried by terrible game design and pretend they're not. Here's proof.

I'm playing wraith. Pallet breaker wraith. A completely non meta and for fun build. I've been suffering a whole ######### LOT doing this, but it's fun so I've ignored even some of the worst matches. Sure I could pick spirit and stomp these people however there's nothing inherently interesting and all I get in return are over privileged survivors complaining in chat. "Oh BOO HOO I'm running DS, BT, Dead, and some other crutch perk. We're just trying to play for FUN and you have to sweat up our game and ruin our EXPERIENCE!"

But this god damn match took the straw. I haven't seen something as "Dead by Daylight in a nuttshell" as this in a while. I start the match on Asylum. IMMEDIATELY go as fast as I can to the farthest gen, spot 3 survivors, and pop. It's already finished. I chase and down a survivor in a pretty damn quick chase considering the pallets she had and what I had. Hook her and notice a guy just running straight at me because why not. She suicide trades the guy off the hook. Didn't have enough time to hit her and proc BT. By the time I get her on the hook, BOOM another gen pops.

I turn for 1 damn second and the guy WHO WAS ALREADY HOOKED rushes back in, dives the hook, and both of them run. I could only hit the guy who was unhooked and yep, BT. Knowing that no matter what I do here both of them are really damn likely to DS I just disconnect. This game is such a joke.



  • KRG
    KRG Member Posts: 96


  • CronaWins
    CronaWins Member Posts: 650

    I know the feels. I find a survivor in the first 30 seconds of the match. Had quite a quick chase, downed them, carried them to a hook. 3 gens pop.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2020

    1 person has BT and is on the move and I'm not chasing him into shack just to get a DS slug, the unhooker probably still had a few seconds of BT up, and even if he didn't that's still a DS slug. I can go and waste my time ATTEMPTING to find 1 of the other 2 guys but that's unlikely to happen successfully. Even if I do find 1 they've really wasted nothing. DS would still up for the both of the suicide survivors until I eat it, it's not like BT has limited uses, and in that short period of time that resulted in only like 2 pallets wasted and 2 hooks 2 whole gens flew by.

    Maybe I'm just bad at math here, feel free to tell me if I am. But even IF the match continues at that pace I'm still only going to kill 1 damn person, MAYBE 2.

    Hypothetically speaking though, even IF I kill all damn 4 of them and have my self a ######### victory dance around the hatch, what was the point? I've gained nothing of value having to play against that brainless broken ass gameplay that does nothing but frustrate killers.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Oh it's definitely an easier win than one where survivors play smart. Yes, two survivors braindead threw themselves at him multiple times. All I'm saying is that it's frustrating that after that exchange, four survivors are still alive through no extra effort or skill on the survivors' part and they ate up enough time for a bunch of gens to get done. He's still in a good spot to do well, but I understand the frustration. I don't think it's ever cool to DC - even when I'm in a de-pip phase I at least put in an effort to chase people around for the fun of it - but I get why it felt obnoxious and defeating enough to just not want to deal with it.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    You're not the first and probably not the last, but I'll still correct you. You missed the entire point of the post. Read it again and then read the comments. Also it was 2, not 3.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I am so sorry i didnt get that you only wanted to tunnel those two survivors carelessly. LOL

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    "Over privileged survivors" 🤣 I can't. I really can't.

    And meanwhile they were all being altruistic and no one was on a gen.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    So you admit Spirit can easily 4k, which by definition is terrible game design. But at the same time you say survivors are the ones carried by terrible game design.


  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    The issue is nowadays everyone thinks he is the best gamer in the world. Losing always means bad game mechanic and never less skill

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Funny story:

    Me looping killer for 5 minutes. 4 gens. Me thinking "easy win, shouldn't be that hard to do last gen".

    Well they 3 genned themselves and we ALL died at the end despite the killer throwing the game like a monkey chasing me that long.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    The point was that I was punished by game mechanics from the survivor side that took no skill, effort, or thought at all.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Did you miss the part where a gen got done in the time it took me to kill and hook a guy suiciding for a trade?

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    I'm saying that at the very least I'm not a bad player and if I was playing something strong and meta I could've wiped that lobby with no where near the same level of frustration and effort. A bad killer is not going to win those matches, and even a good killer will struggle. Huntress is considered top tier and players like Ralph still regularly lose to coordinated groups.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    I'm sure it was TOTALLY a problem of lack of skill and if I held W better I could've totally walked to that Gen faster so they couldn't complete it by the time it took me to walk an almost straight path to them. I could've also probably pressed space bar better to hook those guys while the other 2 did a gen.

    Also as a reply to your second comment: If you think this post was me complaining about that game being unwinnable then you've completely missed the point. Try again.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    Im so stupid? I didn't DC because I can't handle how other people play. If they both had DS and used it that's it done for the rest of the match. 1 perk down. Your the reason the community is toxic because you want people to use perks you can down them and hook them with

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    Quite right. Would you DC if you were down 1-0 at half time on fifa? No. The OP is a baby.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Thats probably one bad game out of nine good games. Just move on.

    You will get sweaty SWF groups, a bit like how survivors get killers with Ebony Moris or Sweaty Spirits.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
    edited July 2020

    me with freddy: good luck getting bt off and i always pick up the unhooked survivor to burn ds. Gentimes personally arent a problem for high pressure killers. And gens are supposed to get stronger for the killer as more get done. You can even lead the survivors into a 3 gen which is basically gl for them.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    When was the last killer nerf? Survivors have had more nerfs lately.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    What do you want ? You chose to use weaker perks on a weaker killer on a weak killer map. And even with all that it sounds like a okay start don't be afraid of DS the good thing about using it first hook is on their next hook they won't have it .as others have said you can't win them all but DCing is not the answer

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Last killer nerf was actually legit a few days ago, if you count The Executioner not being able to see or go near cages a nerf. If yous dont see that as a nerf then i believe it was Gearhead being nerfed before its release, but that was a perk nk one was going to use anyways.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    PH nerf was needed as it just made tunneling easier and like you say gearhead was useless pre nerf. The last few big changes have been in killers favour. Weakened strong loops, smaller maps. Tool box nerf. A few minor killer buffs , if you keep going back Freddy and doctor buffs whatever MOM was. Intaheals. The only meaningful killer nerf I can think of is ruin?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So you had 2 hooks practicly givin to you. Half the team injured and you only lost 2 gens. You also learned that these survivors liked to BT rush the hook against a wraith who can litterally disable it with his power

    If you slugged on of those guys you would have gotten the pressure ball rolling. You probably could have downed the other one and made it back to your slug to catch another survivor and injure them too

    I'm sorry bud, but it sounds like you ragequited from a easy victory. The first gens are irrelivent. Don't lose your cool over them

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    From what i read from the post, the issue you have is with the gen speed, RNG of spawns, and "braindead" perks. RNG is RNG, they could of spawned together on a gen you patrol first, or seperate, far away, close by etc. Thats just bad luck, but losing one gen is far from a game loss, especially when you are then close to 3 survivors

    Gen speeds are also being looked at. It takes 3 survivors roughly 30s without toolboxes/perks aiding them, which as wraith i know for a fact is more than enough time for you to get to any generator if you beeline straight for it, so i believe you might be being a bit dramatic with your words

    And as for that hook trading fiasco. Yes it was perks that enabled them to get away, but it was also you who turned that into a "losing" situation. From what you wrote you downed and hooked a guy, they get unhooked whilst you down the savior, and then immediately put the savior onto the hook. Say you waited just a few seconds, you could have hooked the guy and the first survivors borrowed time would have expired, meaning you can then down them and create shedloads of pressure

    2 gens popping early into a match isn't an issue either. Gens happen, if they're not going to happen thats the matchmaking really fouling up and giving you a team to crush. In the Devs idea of a perfect world, if you go against teams your level and skill, all 5 gens will be done and 2 people escaping. Only reason i would say that is bad currently is the way the emblem system works but thats an entirely different story

    There are "braindead" "uncounterable" perks on either side, but you being out played by them is your own fault. They are as much a part of the game as anything, and you yourself admit you where playing around BT in the first place so it wasn't ignorance that got you into your situation. Infact, you could have turned there hubris over there perks into a hook and a slug, which depending on your playstyle is a GG

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    Oh i know The Executioner "nerf" was needed, i barely even see it as a nerf tbh since you shouldn't camp cages to begin with, and i believe the devs fully intended the cage mechanic to just be a different flavour of slugging

    The last major nerf was of course as you say ruin, but that was more for the health of the game. Then there was of course the loop changes which was a nerf to survivors but also necessary. But it would be disingenuous to not mention the freddy add on nerfs, the spirit "nerf" where she collide mid phase, the nerf of Hangmand Trick from the PTB, which killed all chance of that perk seeing play and of course, them gutting nurse. And on the survivor side they had a minor gen speed nerf for co-op fixing, the sabotage change which could be argued as a buff or nerf, and of course as you mentioned, the changing of the instaheals.

    Buff and nerf wise, the devs are pretty central on it, not heavily favouring one side or enougher with the changes they make. Although people argue the bias is more on the changes they dont make, but screw getting into "that" discussion

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    I think we're making the same point the Devs are trying to balance and that will mean buffs and nerfs to both sides. Some people like to just pick the ones they want.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Well, if you want to have fun, play any killer and if you want to win, play the top 5 or suffer.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    So again we come back to the point where survivors like you think it's fair that you can gain a massive amount of leverage on killers by using game mechanics that require next to no skill, practice, or thought at all. People like me aren't the problem, it's people like you.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    So because survivors are unbalanced I should just accept the fact that I can't play with fun builds. Gotcha. I'll try doing some Spirit games with ebony mori.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    I play survivor and killer equally so don't know why your being so argumentative. Your a big cry baby and need to stop going in a massive huff. Your in the wrong here for DCing. If it was that bad go stand iin the corner facing the corner and wait for the game to end. Its people like YOU who ruin the game. Your ego is bigger than your brain

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    He doesn't have a fun built as he is sweatmaster420blazeitLUL

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Here;s what you don't understand though, no one wants to play this game when it's just 4 people bullying you and ignoring you like you are an inconvenience and not the ######### killer. So long as we have groups that will rush killers and just simply over power them due to perk combinations that make them almost 100% safe despite doing risky/stupid actions this game will always have people complaining.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Obviously I didn't make a straight line. I walked around the main center building of asylum while looking at the other 2 gens along the way. But considering the area there was no way I could've gotten to that side of the map any faster. They did have leader as well as toolboxes.

    A major flaw in your argument that everyone else is also using is that you assume I can just down them whenever I want. "Just eat the DS." "Just wait out BT and slug." Completely ignoring the fact that they have plenty of pallets around and strong structures. The best thing I could've done was wait about 5 seconds and slug the person who got unhooked first and then attempt a chase after the second. The problem with that though is he'll either have unbreakable or his teammates will get him up in no time because they aren't that far way. We were directly outside of the central building and they were completing the upstairs gen. That place is filled with god pallets.

    I slug the first, chase the second into shack, MAYBE get him at best 20 seconds later, and then by the time I get a hook off 2 people will already be on another gen. It's not impossible, but NOTHING about this game was going to be enjoyable in any way at all.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    I'm quite happy to play against 4 blemdettees with flashlights and get tea bagged. Do you know why?? I have a life and don't let a game impact my life

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Wow. You so eloquently shut all of my points down by saying I have no life.

    I'm glad you enjoy the bully sim that is this game. Others like myself would like to see it changed.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    So basically what you're saying is that you have no place in this argument. Good, you can play the game how ever you want and treat it however seriously you want to. We're not obligated to follow the same standards. Go live your life and let us play our little games however we want then. Or are you saying this thread on the internet impacts your life in some meaningful way that makes you want to continue arguing?

    Also you're contradicting yourself with your previous post. If the game doesn't impact you in any way how are people like me ruining it for you?

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    I've never said the games ruined for me. But you evidently ruined it for 2 other players by DCing.

  • Frareid88
    Frareid88 Member Posts: 276

    It's never going to change as it's 4 v 1. Is it so hard to grasp

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    So we should just leave the game as it is now and not bother trying to fix it? No one comes into this game thinking the survivors will be able to bully the killer and control the flow of the game. No one but asshats wants that. So we need to work on it.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    The RUIN nerf ######### over many killers entirely way harder than the mapchanges, instaheal and everything else NEEDED to be adressed because it was outright broken to a ridiculous level. Killers even after all these nerfs are still worse off than survivors who play for the objective.

    Just because something gets nerfed a ton doesn't mean it's weak. If survivors start at a 100 and killers were at the beginning of DBD lets say a 5, what would change if survivors got incrementally nerfed by 10 points for 5 patches? Yeah sure they'd be nerfed a ton but they'd still be stronger.

  • ccactus623
    ccactus623 Member Posts: 214

    Killer is easier than ever, ruin wasn't good for the game. I rarely have a terrible game as killer anymore