I know, another Fnaf thread, but I just want a response from a dev

I honestly just want to know if any devs have heard or cared about the whole springtrap thing.
well don't get your hopes up, from what i have seen they usually don't respond or when they do its something vague like "we're looking into it".
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Make a thread and call it
"Cute things in DBD."
And then you'll get a response.
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FnaF and DbD mix just about as well as toothpaste and orange juice.
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Spring trap was a literal child murderer. Freddy is in the game, and he was too
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Springtrap legit killed several children, he is a ######### killer roboter now with a dead body inside him. You wanna tell me such a killer doesnt fit in the game?
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Here we go again...
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FNAF would literally be the cringiest thing added to game. 100% terrible idea. Might as well add the creeper from Minecraft next.
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He really doesnt fit DBD, Springtrap might be a murderer but he isnt a slasher film/game killer, DBD is not based on psychological horror films but on slasher films.
Same goes for the xenomorph, predator, It, Pinhead and a lot more, their movies are either psychological horror or action films with jumpscares, not slasher genre.
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If they say yes then everyone will speculate the next chapter is Fnaf. If they say no then people will speculate it's not. That's the problem with this discussion.
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I'm sure the Devs would hop on it if they had the opportunity.
I personally hate the idea of adding in Fnaf but the games hugely popular and would bring in a lot of money and new players so I could see them doing it. And judging by the new legion skins they've shown they don't mind having more silly looking things in the game anymore.
The only thing stopping them would be the communities disinterest in the franchise but even then I think they'd choose to go ahead with it anyway since from a business perspective it's a no brainer.
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I’m sure they’ve seen it. However, spamming the forums with the same content repeatedly isn’t necessary. Although I personally wouldn’t want fnaf in the game, all you can do is be patient and keep hoping. I know you’re excited for the potential DLC, which is great! It’s good to be hopeful. But spamming the forums won’t make it happen any sooner, IF at all.
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Why would they reveal if they had a intrest in him? It takes about 5 months to make a killer so the next 2 are probably already set in stone
If they revealed it now all the hype would be dead by the time he releases
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I'm not super desperate, I would like if he was in the game, but this is sort of to stop those kinds of posts.
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I don't know if this will count for you, but 2 years ago, AT LEAST ONE of the devs (Sarah Robinson, the Lead UI Designer and Claudette's voice) has stated that she would like FNAF in DBD.
Here's the proof. Now can we please stop with these posts.
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one of the devs actually mentioned wanting fnaf in the game before in a campfire videos it was only mentioned though
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I'd love to see it one day, but I'm not holding my breath. The devs will do what they think is right.
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Please god I hope they don’t
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ah yes, yet ANOTHER movie killer only band wagoner
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so? what if "some" of them are, its better to branch out into other genres and to save the "big" killers for a bit later, it also broadens the horizon for new chapters and much more creativity in term's of killer / survivor game-play, also I am at least 99% sure you only mention Pinhead and other certain killers because a YouTuber said that it would be cool...I wish you bandwagon people would actually think for yourselves
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And they'll actually be known by more than 6 people 5 years from now.
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also Springtrap would be interesting and unlike any other killer we have yet seen in DBD
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FNAF isn't nearly as iconic as people would like to believe it is. I genuinely don't think it'll be remembered 20 years from now as well as Silent Hill or Halloween.