Why you changed event items drop rate?

Why you changed it in the middle of the event? That was the dumbest thing you could do. I spend 2 million BP before the 4.0.2 update and i got 5 event med-kits and 5 event fl. Today i spend, idk, 400k BP and got the same amount?
It's like mine 1.6 million BP were just gone.
Wait they did that? Even tho they are already rare to find besides the cakes cuz survivor has a million other items addons and offerings they can find lol
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Because people complained? Maybe you should have waited?
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are you complaining that its easier to get event items? i just need to be absolutely clear here
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Doesn’t even matter if he waited or not, there is still over a week of cake filled games to stockpile items from
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Why should i have waited? Event started 23rd :P
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So your "1.6 million bloodpoints" wouldn't be "wasted"? I don't see how you can complain about the items being easier to get.
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They really should've learned from past events where people complained about lackluster drop rates of event items in the Blood Web. Glad it's adjusted now, I've been semi-conservative bc I did notice the items were rarely appearing.
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I preferred the previous state. Last year the Items were too common and the Cakes were too rare. This was different now. Sadly the Cakes are less since the Hotfix... Even tho, once fixed, the Players would gain more BPs and therefore more Event Items.
Well, what a bummer.
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Because you spent all those points before they were able to get a patch out..?
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Event started 23rd, why have i waited? :P
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What difference have you noticed? It felt like I was getting an average of 1.5 cakes per bloodweb before the change. Since the change I haven't really levelled up enough to notice a reduced drop rate.
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Usually I got between 1-3 Cakes each Bloodweb. Now it is more like 1 Cake every 2-3 Bloodwebs.
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If it's true that they lowered Cake Spawn Ratio..than to me is acceptable
Yesterday i did 6 matches as a killer, farming only
Bbq+ 4 Event cakes
I earned more than a million BP in less then an hour and have unlocked about 20 more cakes (1/2 cake each bloodweb)
One week like that and i can P3 all killers lol
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Well, the Ratio did not change for Killer at all. Killers can still get a ton of Cakes and BPs because of that, while Survivors will not get many Cakes anymore.
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Are you seriously complaining thet you get event items more easily now? Also, don't make it sound as if your 1.6 mio BP were just wasted. You got items, addons, offerings with it, most notable many many event cakes!
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Are you saying that surv's cake spawn ratio decreased and killer's one remained the same ?
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Yep. But Survivors get more Flashlights and Medkits now.
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Oh wow
But this was not stated by the devs am i wrong?
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It was, it is in the Patchnotes that the Spawn Rate of Event Items was adjusted.
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item spawn rate, not offering
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Yeah, but Offerings got more rare because of that.
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First thes complain because they were too rare, now they complain because they made them less rare. Ok.
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After thinking it's ok. I got ######### ton of offerings on main surv (100+) and now i can get ######### ton of items
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Maybe you won’t whine and take advantage of a higher chance of dropping new items? I personally did so and I'm happy
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All I'm saying is that if you knew it was bugged (which they announced very clearly) and that they would be fixing it, why wouldn't you stock up?