Decisive Strike Rework

I know that ds has been reworked in the past but it still doesn't feel like it's in the role its supposed to be. Its practically a get out of jail free card and current killers have to slug a survivor for 2 minutes of a match if they want to avoid ds both times. The perk isn't even an anti-tunnel perk like most survivor players claim because of a 60 second timer on it. This timer allows you to go into at least 1 other chase and complete it then accidentally take out the first survivor and eat a ds by complete accident.
The rework would be as follows
After being unhooked decisive strike activates for 10/15/20 seconds and during that time if you enter a chase the timer is paused and if downed the timer is paused until either left by the killer not finishing the chase allowing the survivor to heal or until picked up forcing the killer to take the ds instead.
This rework would make it an actual anti-tunnel perk forcing a killer away because ds could be active on you for a very long time. If a killer instantly started chasing you off hook ds could be active for a long time even staying paused when downed for your team to heal you or the killer just taking the ds.
Jesus Christ, another one.
All DS threads should automatically be deleted already.
At max, 2 per day. This is getting ridiculous.
Your rework is flawed, all the killer has to do is Moonwalk while chasing the survivor to cancel the chase.
Do you people think your reworks through?
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Thank you so much for actually reading the post and not instantly dismissing it.
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just wait 1 minute pepega
(meming on idiot killer mains who say JuSt Do BoNeS)
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Re-read my post, and you have your answer.
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Maybe if killer complain enough ds will be nerf survivor did it with PH
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It won't because DS can actually be disabled by NOT TUNNELING THE SURVIVOR.
Or go for someone else.
Or patrolling gens,
Or slugging.
Or counting to 60.
Or staying AWARE on who has been unhooked.
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I did and you did bring up a valid point.
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Again its not fun for either survivor or killer to just have to down you for 2 minutes just to ignore it. Also read my point earlier about how if youre a good killer you can do other chases and still wind up getting dsed while not tunneling.
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this would work, it would be like borrowed but YOU proc it. only 2 changes, make the timer last a little longer, and make it so that the skillcheck is easier to hit, other than that, i think this would work.
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Yeah NOED isn't good, doing bones isn't an option considering sometimes you don't find all 5 it genuinely needs to be changed.
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Agreeable with the skill check maybe make the time 20/25/30?
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yes i think that would work perfectly! it would make the tradeoff fair for both parties, and make the amount of skill it takes, and the reward even, plus anti tunneling! 😀
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I'm glad you see it that way if only other people would share the enthusiasm with the idea as well.
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Yeah, great idea. I'll leave the survivor on the ground so I can get unbreakabled into soul guard MonkaS
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Wow and we get about 5 NoeD thread a day big deal
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Another DS thread.
Another killer who likes camp and tunnel.
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Again It isn't as simple. If you're snowballing hard then getting hit with ds out of nowhere is annoying.