DS Rework (not a straight nerf)

Here's what I want DS's text to be:

"When you are unhooked by another Survivor Decisive Strike activates.

While Decisive Strike is active, if the Killer attempts to pick you up from the dying state then if you succeed in a difficult skill check you will stun him for 3 seconds, become the Obsession and stop leaving scratchmarks for 3/4/5 seconds. This will disable Decisive Strike for the rest of the trial.

Decisive Strike will deactivate if another Survivor is unhooked while the perk is active or if the end game collapse has started.

You are more likely to be the Obsession."

This should solve all of the problems with the perk.

On the Killer Side:

Survivor wants to hop in a locker? The perk only works if you are picked up from the dying state. Being picked up from the injured or healthy state (aka: locker/interruption grabs) do not trigger the perk.

Survivor with DS unhooking in your face? You can still grab them off the unhook, and if they succeed then they lose DS (although the other Survivor might have it).

Survivors saving it for the EGC to bully you? Only works pre-gate opening, afterwards you can pick them up all you want.

Last Survivor left has DS? Close the hatch and it will be deactivated.

Survivor deliverance in your face? Perk specifically is only when ANOTHER Survivor unhooks them.

On the Survivor Side:

Killer Slugs you? The perk has no timer. He's going to be waiting there for awhile

Killer tunnels you and your good in chases? Still no timer.

Killer downs you AND the unhooker and just hooks the unhooker first? The perk disables only when the other person is UNhooked, so until someone rescues your unhooker you still have DS active and he still can't pick you up.

Killer doesn't care about the stun and wants to tunnel you anyways? You lose scratchmarks for 5 seconds when the perk activates, that's plenty of time to lose the Killer considering he is stunned for more than half that time.
