So another skin that can't be mixed?

So the new Nea skin Graff-Crafter is yet another set, is this the future of cosmetics? Are we about to see them locking every new cosmetic from now on, mixing the cosmetics is 1 of the best systems in DbD so why lock it. They could've easily made the hoodie go with the torso and u can use whatever head u want under it, or even like Bunny Feng (which was not executed quite as good the hood should've been with the torso not the head but whatever)
why you do this bhvr
The hair would look awesome with other items, yet you cannot mix anything about
Please don't start making this the norm for every new skin
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Well, bye bye creative skin mixtures.
And hello LEGENDARY skin!
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I don't like this trend. Since most of the fun is doing mashups... I won't buy this.
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Yeah, I just went to take a peek at it, and am disappointed. It's a pretty skin, but do we really have to make everything linked now? I like customizing my own look. I figured maybe Konami had done the thing with those Cheryl green rarity skins. I'm starting to think not.
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Ah, crap. Can't blame this one on konami.
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I'm so upset the headpiece would have looked really good combined with her neon top.
Ok this whole trend of linked cosmetics really needs to stop.
It's fine for legendaries but please don't do this to actual cosmetic pieces because it takes a way of massive custom aspect of it.
Also it doesn't look like we can blame Konami anymore considering this is starting to be a repeated a trend now so I don't even know if it was actually behaviour's idea to make Cheryl's cosmetics linked
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I thought it was because of licensed issues soo didn't thought there was an issue, but original characters really?
They can say it's because of the hoodie or something but what about bunny feng? I don't believe this
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I don't like this new direction of not being able to mix-and-match cosmetics
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Yep, those of us who suspected this set thing was just made to counter people not buying any of the barely-even-recolored pants they attach to every outfit may have been right on the money.
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I stared at it for a minute, and the excuse for this one could be that the shirt is tucked into the pants. If the design was for the hair to be half down, half cornrowed, then that too. Since they'd have to make it work with both the hoodie on and off, but of course they could've just made the hood detachable like Feng's, or change that hair idea. Same for the shirt, really. It's not like we're not use to crop tops.
I'm so glad they didn't make Feng's like this. I like putting her hoodie onto her other green jacket with flowers.
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Greed since noone would really ever buy the whole set. They need their cosmetic money. Done dont even need a dev.
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It has a hood is my guess? And they don’t currently have the code to just connect two cosmetics. Complete guess
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It's quite annoying because they could just remove the belt with the spray cans on the back and leave the hood on the back instead.This way you could mix and match this outfit without too many clipping issues.
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I hate their chain set idea and misuse on every new skin for now. As someone said it before that is ok to lock down the Lisa set of Cheryl Mason. But now is Nea, I believe they will keep doing this. Really said about this.
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A Set because of the Hoodie. Even tho, I am wondering if the Head Piece is with part of the Hoodie or without, because the Head Piece is only the Head itself.
But I guess it would create clipping issues with some of Neas Hairs, like the long-haired Head Pieces.
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My only explanation is because its easier and faster to create, since you have have less clipping issues to take into account. Maybe this is the first step to Behaviour just mass-producing skins at an increased rate now. Which in turn will generate more money.
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Idk how true that is, at least for me. I have gotten stuff from the rift and spent more just to match it to something I like. Same with when they gave us the event outfits. Directly bought Kate new pants. Plus I've mixed and matched new pieces with old stuff in the shop and bought them together. If anything, this is just less option.
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I'm really saddened if this is going to be the new thing. I like to make my characters look unique with mix match, but now everytime a new skin releases I am forced to look just like any other person with the skin :/ Makes me feel less unique
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Bunny Feng hoodie is separate...
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Which got released before Sets were a thing. Maybe Sets needed to be created for the Silent Hill Chapter and BHVR started to use it for other stuff as well.
I mean, I got it, it looks amazing. But I would also be happy about mix&match and I am pretty sure that most players will not use Head Pieces which clip through the hoodie.
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They need an overhaul of the cosemtics system, while I understand the hoodie is attached to the poncho, they should at least only lock those two parts together and let us choose the pants.
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I agree that the linked outfits are a huge turn off as far as encouraging people to buy cosmetics. One of the big, BIG things I love about this game is that you can mix and match things to really customize your characters. I'm really not a fan and won't be buying any of them, personally.
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I was very upset to see that this skin was “ legendary” I hope this isn’t a norm because I’m not spending 10 pound on a skin I can’t change -_- so much better being able to wear what you want
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I fully get it with the silent hill cosmetics, but why is it the same with original ones? It makes absolutely no sense.
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I remember people saying this would only happen the one time with Konami. I said they would possibly do it on other licenses. However I didn't expect them to do it for a original skin..
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This is not a legendary skin, it’s a very rare skin that happens to be a linked set.
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Ok, thought they were called legendary sets from when the silent hill chapter, but tbh it don’t matter point still stands shouldn’t be forced into a whole set, majority of the skins look better mixed up then there base skins
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Stop buying and they’ll learn
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This is exactly it.
They can create more skins at a faster rate since they don’t need to test how they interact in every possible cosmetic combination, or spend resources fixing the inevitable cosmetic issues that have to be fixed every patch. Expect this to be the new norm.
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Legendary cosmetics are their own rarity I think they're blue or white if I can remember correctly.
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It depends if it is really a win for BHVR in the end. Because more people would have bought the Set if it would be mixable. Even if they only intend to use only parts of it, players most likely buy the full outfit because it is cheaper and it might be work out with future Cosmetics.
But someone who does not like the full outfit will not buy it. And then people who dont like Sets will not buy it as well. So while it might be less workload to create the Skin, the income will most likely be less as well.
I am just wondering if I will get morid for buying and using the Skin. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I’m sure that if it’s less profitable to do it this way they’ll stop releasing sets. But the number of people I’ve seen running around with sets on tells me they won’t struggle to sell these skins.
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Yeah but that's Cheryl. Her options are a set or green skirt + crop top. Legendary skins are a whole new character. So I get those purchases.
Nea? She has so many options already. I don't see the point in buying an un-customizeable set, that in fact looks pretty similar to her other spray paint outfit.
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Personally I like the inclusion of linked sets, they can get more creative with outfits now and not have to worry about clipping issues. And maybe we can actually get some dresses that aren’t separated at the waist.
Linked sets are a new feature so we’re probably going to be seeing a lot more of them but they’re still going to continue creating separable cosmetics of course.
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@doitagain_ You pretty much nailed it. Like this would have been the answer I give.
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i supposed LEGENDARY skins will be used only as excusse to make a new model to a already existed character instead of make a new character.
and this... what is? a skin who can't me mixed because.... what exactly? i don't see the why, is still a nea, not even a different body model or animation.
and don't say because the Hood, because the hood should be part of the shirt like with the legion.
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I can understand the reason of the clipping issues but by making the them linked, while lets you the devs be more creative, the community loses that chance to mix and match to find the style that suits them.
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Technically all the dresses will still be split up. Even with these linked cosmetics. They still create icons for each 3 pieces, you just can't separate them.
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@Redhawk_uk2 That's true. However the unbreakable feature will not be used on all our outfits. So basically, once in a while a new unbreakable outfit will happen.
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The outfit is amazing so I don't mind, though I would prefer, if anything, that the head be the one part that can be mixed and matched, which I assume may also be the easiest to do so with.
That said I'm perfectly fine with it if it's a really awesome outfit, but I really hope that the number of cosmetic unbreakable outfits doesn't vastly begin to outweigh the interchangable ones
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People have played with have expressed concern that with these unlinkable outfits the outfuts that can be unlinked might drop in quality. What is your opinion on that?
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will there be the possibility that only two categories are locked?
e.g. a dress cosmetic only being locked for top and bottom?
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@Redhawk_uk2 That's not the plan at all. We will continue releasing ''normal'' outfits like we were before. This new feature only allows us to make these out of the box concepts a reality
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I dont understand how they get into doing this set-thing at all, excluding licence-issues. Everybody knows that havng separate cosmetics makes the survivors skins even worth it.
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Ok i was just concirned that this is the new norm and we won't get any skins like before, the new skin looks amazing but i just wish we could use that head on other nea skins
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If I am in a game with Scoops Ahoy Steve, Bunny Feng, $15 Lisa and now Graff-Crafter Nea - How am I expected to tunnel all four of them?
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Personally I like the inclusion of linked sets, they can get more creative with outfits now and not have to worry about clipping issues.
The Clown's Pulcinella outfit clips with itself. And it still does even today.
First bug report, before the first bug report subforum restructure:
Second bug report, after the subforum restructure but before the new system with the "Pending" / "Acknowledged" etc. buttons:
It's not a linked set but it should absolutely not clip with other parts of itself. This set went live with clipping issues and the clipping survived (at least) two bug reports. The clipping is also not hard to notice at all.
Equipping all pieces of the outfit is equivalent to it being a linked set and equipping that. Yet there were still obvious clipping issues when it was released and to this day it was not fixed.
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I feel you. There's a few outfit descriptions with really bad spelling and punctuation errors. Something you think would take literally not even 5 minutes to go in and fix. I reported it, they said they would add it to the list and since then, nothing.
It's been over a year and they really couldn't go in and fix some grammar mistakes?
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But why can't I change my weapon when using the bunny outfit for the Legion? It won't cause any clipping whatsoever, why not just bind the body and head cosmetic?