Welp time for billy to get bad touched

I'm gonna predict the future..Billy's addons will be all crap..his new overheat will feel restrictive and lame , removing the ability to risk fancy chainsaws because itll constantly overheat , and everyone will just drop him despite his camera finally being fixed...sounds like nurse all over again..
From what I saw, it doesn't look like it'll overheat so quickly that it'll be like Nurse.
Can't comment on his addons, but I'm really excited to play these two!
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Leather looks good, and hopefully it works out for him..however...billy looks rough..very very rough
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might become add-on dependent if they left carburator or spark plug (which I really don't think so), and if revving your chainsaw faster means less overheat build-up.
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The video they showed makes it seem like you only risk overheating if you chainsaw nonstop or constantly keep the saw revved. That doesn't seem like a problem to me.
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Lolf9rgive me if I doubt that very much
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Up next: Huntress and then Spirit again :)
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I don't think it'll make that much of a difference but it is a little strange. I'm also surprised they added a sound que to let survivors know when he is sprinting without mentioning it.
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I mean...there is video evidence, so...
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If course they did lol
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I demand a refund for billy and his associated dlc, I hope I don't have to get my lawyers involved.
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His weird movement rework already makes him unplayable for me
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plus the camera weve waited months for a fix on..now we know why it hasnt been fixex
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Every time changes come out killers post complains like a hive mind without even thinking once about them, not even experiencing them at all.
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Because history repeats itself..and based off the video the chainsaw cd is massive..so..yeah forgive me if I've seen this bs before and am tired of it
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Evidence of massive cd compared to pretty fast buildup yes
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What do you mean fast build-up? It only builds up quickly if you keep it revved but don't actually use it.
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You have to rev to do anything with it..which means itll be constant
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Constant what? Once you start running with the chainsaw, it heats up very slowly.
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But your always sawing around tag...his power giving him that was his only advantage..and look at that attack hit..jesus he was stuck there for a year...this is silly
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He can still do that, just not forever.
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And that cd..? It looks like it takes a year to recover and you know how reliant Billy is on his saw to be viable...this seems like itll be a disaster..and that hit cd in the video..? Its so long
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But if he uses it for thst..then what? His anti loop has been shredded because they work off the same stupid cd
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calm down Karen.
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Unless you are only Sonic-the-Hedgehogging around the map, it doesn't seem like you are going to overheat that often.
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The most balanced killer in the game gets the famous "addon" pass, hahahahha
What a joke. Guess they have to keep their terrible track record up, don't they?
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Guess we will see..obviously I'm very cynical because everyone said the same schtick about nurse..and I do t care what people assume, shes not what she should have been
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I mean, I'm using the video that I see to make my observations.
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Once again they hid it and lied up till it was nearly time to see it first hand
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So am i..clearly we arnt looking at the same things
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Apparently we aren't, since you seem to think that the chainsaw will heat up too quickly.
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Yes..because I know billy..hes reving all the time for chases and map pressure..seeing how long cd takes compared to the rev heat up shows he will be on cd very often..knee capping his map pressure
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But now it's a conformation that you are doing an action. Before they had to have visual info to know whether you were holding it and moving or using it to run.
Small details are bigger than they first look.
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Saw this coming in January.
Gauge bars are an annoying mechanic and I hate this trend of going from fun abilities to "let's play the waiting game to use your power! wee!"
Charge based is even worse, but man. All Billy needed was some addon changes. Perk reworks are fine too I guess, but leave the basekit alone.
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What overheat?
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But you seem to be ignoring how slowly the chainsaw heats up when actually running with it. That does matter.
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I love the changes they did to the perks. Hell, I'm warming up to Bubba the more I think on him.
But Billy? He was limited. Nothing new except more downsides. What fun. We joked about his power meter but we knew.
Deep down we knew it would be here eventually. I'm just glad I don't play Billy.
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That video (assuming it is without add-ons) makes it so Billy uses 25% of his heat on a single rev and a relatively small sprint takes around 50% in total. I can guess that a map wide sprint will take at least 75% if not closer to 85% based on sprinting just a few map tiles.
It is also safe to assume that Billy will have 2, maybe 3, chainsaw attempts before suffering an overheat when accounting for standard fluttering.
Add both the map travel eating your heat with how few attempts you have to land a hit, and you have a Billy that can't use his chainsaw more often than not. Odds are if you use the chainsaw sprint to travel, you wont have heat to land hits. And if you save heat for hit attempts, you can't use it to travel. Either way this is gonna be a BIG hit on the potential pressure Billy can put out.
Then once you are overheated, it looks to be a 16 second cooldown. That's a LONG time in DbD. And overheat cooldown is FASTER than normal. Who knows how long it will take heat to dissipate over time. If I had to guess, 20 seconds at least. 30 tops from 99% to 0.
This feels like what happened to the Nurse. A remake of his power in the name of counters and balance that ends up being a total nerf. Nurse wehtn from THE best Killer in the game, to something hardly anyone talks about anymore. And I fear the same for Billy.
I also feel like the devs want to make Killers balanced around being a standard M1 Killer. Wanting to make Killers need to depend on M1 hits more than using their power. I hope that isn't the case though because M1 Killers simply don't stand a chance against decent Survivors without the support of a power to give them an edge. Not only that, but the emblem system and ranking in general has NEVER shown favor to standard/default Killer gameplay as they are too slow to stall gens and too slow to kill.
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You also have to factor in that Billy will be doing stuff other than using a chainsaw, and the chainsaw will cool down passively as you do that other stuff. It will mean that you will be able to chainsaw more than what you allege.
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They dont listen well
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And you know what else is going when your just m1ing and walking...? Gens..gens are going...
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Look at the July dev post
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They say they think billy is balanced, then detail his nerf in the next paragraph. I just don't understand some of the balance decisions in this game
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You are going to be doing those things naturally at some point anyways. Billy is not permanently in chainsaw mode.
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Riiight..how much do you play him..? I'm asking because your time sawing is a lot more than you seem to think at high level
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There is nothing repeating itself. But go on with your unproofable rants.
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I don't play as him much because I prefer playing Pig. That being said, gameplay I see does not show me that Billy stays in chainsaw mode often enough that he wouldn't have meaningful chances to cool down.
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Lol they gave us the proof