Upcoming chainsaw changes are GENIUS

"ThE HeLl YoU TaLkInG AbOuT?!?": https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/167809
The ever-desired Bubba buff is HERE!! I know it is too soon to know if it will be good or not, but to me it looks really interesting. We'll see in the PTB. But to the more important thing...
I, for one, think that the addition of the overheat/cooldown/tantrum mechanic is really good. It touches on several issues that these killers have had for a long time, along with misc. stuff, namely:
-Lack of add-on variety: With overheating becoming an extra gameplay element we are going to see more add-ons devoted to extending the overheat time. Not many add-ons were revealed in the Developer Update, but expect these. Perhaps a red one that removes it altogether? Speaking of red add-ons, they are finally getting them!!! Now we can play with maneuvering (went from yellow to brown), revving time and overheat time.
-Camping: No more infinite revving face-camping Bubbas!! If they are going to camp, they cannot do it mindlessly now. More opportunities for survivors to rescue.
-Skill cap: Billy is mostly untouched. He conserves a good power that grants lethality and map pressure. If anything he will need to cooldown a few seconds between chainsaw sprints. A good Billy should have no problems. Bubba, on the other hand, will be a monster!! If they tune it correctly, Bubba will have more than enough chances of downing two or more survivors in a single sprint with the extra speed. Extra chainsaw time will open the possibility for many more mind-games. I think the change makes Bubba a high-risk, high-reward killer, what do you think?
-Realism: Machines do heat up, guys. A heated machine fails. And no, it is not another gauge you have to pay attention to, you will have sound and visual cues. Check the dev's video.
As a conclusion I would like to say that I am very excited for the upcoming changes. Mostly for Bubba, because he needed some serious love, but the add-on and perk changes are always welcome. Of course, we are weeks away from a PTB and NUMBERS CAN CHANGE!! What do you guys think? Do you like the upcoming changes, yes, no, why?
I am also very optimistic about those changes. Bubba will definitely be more fun and I can't wait to try the Add Ons and Lightborn against flashsquads.
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On paper, Bubba got a much needed touch-up and Billy got an appropriate tap down. I'm excited to see the changes in action as well. They seem solid, though.
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I'm pretty sure Bubbas will still be able to camp. They only rev the chainsaw to save a bit of time. It doesn't take long to charge fully and the AOE is so wide that for example in the basement, they could easily get both even without holding it charged by waiting until they were unhooked. This only takes a small time saver out of it at most. Sure, if they have BT it MIGHT help, but all you need to do is hit them with another chainsaw hit(of which they've added more potential hits) to down them again. I don't think that penalty will do as much to dissuade people from camping with Bubba as they think as he still has the best potential camping ability in the game even with such changes.
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Completely agree. Billy lost some of his brainless ease, and Bubba looks incredible, like you wouldn't have to actually have the chainsaw clipping through the survivor's model before you start charging it to land a hit.
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Well, it depends on the Bubba. As I said, it will counter only mindless camping. If the Bubba has a plan or a good position (or both :S), GG! Although I think that revving the chainsaw will be dangerous, because you either have to commit to it or lower and suffer cooldown. And survivors can bait it out with Sprint Burst or a Styptic Agent or something else. God, the amount of plays that can be done from both ends!!!
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I'm also not sure about the "high risk high reward" playstyle thing either, unless cancelling your power gives you the cooldown instantly, I don't see much of a risk.
Bubba keeps sprinting, if you use a Styptic, all he has to do is continue sprinting and hit you again. It's happened to me with BT. Same with Sprint Burst, his sprint now goes farther than Sprint Burst does.
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They were both fine and now they're terrible.
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It all depends on a lot of things. Maybe BT won't make you escape straight to a door but make sure you reach a window or a pallet. Also, Bubba is going faster than before, that might prompt him to bump into something if not careful.
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Care to elaborate?
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He'd hit you before you got to either in most cases unless they were right there and you could have gotten to them before your SB/BT hit movement speed ended. Again, he can hit someone with BT in the same sprint as he hit them with while they had BT up and that's NOW.
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Leatherface's chainsaw was fine. His tantrum after bumping into something was kind of stupid, but you could mindgame with it at lockers by making yourself tantrum at the end and they jump right into your frenzy. Now that's gonna be gone, and he can't even camp (the one thing he's good at) because of the new tantrum. Hillbilly is literally just a worse version of himself, he got straight up nerfed. The cartoonish and unwanted overheat mechanic will single handedly kill him. It defies basic reasoning. He was the most balanced killer, rewarding to play with still some survivor counterplay. And if his chainsaw overheats, why not Leatherfaces? Why not Deathslinger's gun? These nerfs in the form of cooldowns are so far off from what people are asking for in a rework. I don't see how these changes are so easily accepted by a lot of you.
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Leatherface's mind-game potential is going up with the rework. He has extra speed and extra duration of the chainsaw sprint. You can now play around LOS blockers and pallets while having full control of an insta-down. If you learn how to use it and down people left and right then camping becomes unnecessary. The only thing that new Billy will suffer is a little lack of map pressure. He will no longer be able to sprint around the map 24/7, but it is no big deal. I mean, could you not endure 3 seconds of cooldown after getting to the other side of the map?
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How do you know I'm not invisible 🙃?
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Nice list but i think you missed 1 category: fun
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The only issues I find are how Billy didn't need nerfed in the first place, and how he's being nerfed before anything has been mentioned about Spirit and Freddy.
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I'm sorry but that is beyond me. I cannot tell people what is fun and what is not fun. Some will like new Billy and others don't.
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"Some will like new Billy". Yeah some baby billy that doesn't even know how to flick
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Hold on, are they changing Spirit or Freddy? If yes, please tell me because I didn't know!
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Apart from the fact that billy was 100% fine, the devs said they want to increase the skillcap of billy's chainsaw with resource management. Guess what, very skilled billy's use both engravings to curve loops. Against good players they need to keep their chainsaw revd for a few seconds to bait. To do this they need to use some new addons instead of engravings.
So bye to really skilled billys and hello to SF+Enduring crap billys. Well done!
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No. The issue is that they aren't changing either of them. They're nerfing a balanced killer before nerfing the unbalanced killers.
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The devs are just gutting all of the fun killers to play as and against. Then they buff every boring killer and make them lame af on both sides. I really wouldn't be surprised if they fu-ck Oni next.