How to beat SWF easily (killer tips)

FGC_HELP Member Posts: 114

I found out a great strategy for beating red rank SWF Everytime.

#1 if you suspect they are survive with friends or are going to be toxic equip an ebony (if you have no ebonys play survivor to get bloodpoints then use those points to buy into ebonys on your main)

#2 find a survivor, if they are hard to catch, impossible to down or just too good then lose the chase and find someone else.

#3 always ebony off the first hook, this slows the game and dramatically turns the game in your favor

#4 once two people have been removed from the game the game is now in your favor, search and hook the third survivor

#5 proxy canp the hook until the rescue occurs, then chase the survivor who performed the rescue and down them, Mori if possible otherwise hook them again.

#6 now that 3 are dead find the hatch

#7 if you found the hatch close that fast, if you cannot find the hatch then keep looking unless you found the remaining survivor, in which case chase until dead.

#8 if the hatch has been closed bounce the exit gates only enough to see whether the lights are red. If you can tell the lights are not on the they have not begun that exit gate in which case quickly swap to the other exit gate.

It may be toxic but let's face it, survivors are toxic and we can do nothing to convince a survivros to play fair so we must play more toxic than them.

Depending on how strict you follow these rules you may not always up-pip but you will never be bullied


    FGC_HELP Member Posts: 114

    But this is holding the game hostage which can be banned with visual evidence, also what do you mean dodge?

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387
    edited July 2020

    You cannot predict an SWF so the ebony thing will not work.

    However, you only need to break the SWF by killing a single member of the SWF to "win".

    If you identify a solo though, let them escape for bonus points.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    ATM I like swf they always bring me cakes ^^

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    I get that being bullied as Killer sucks but this is such a boring way to play. Sure, it's efficient but we're playing this game to have fun, aren't we? This is just the "I got my feathers ruffled by a coordinated team last game" handbook. Fighting toxicity with toxicity just leads to, you guessed it, more toxicity... and fewer players in the game.

  • nicnc82
    nicnc82 Member Posts: 372

    Nah, im a red rank killer and have no issue with swfs. I am not a douche and don't tunnel or camp and rarely will mori off first hook. I sont go out of my way to make the game very unfun for survivors. And still get 3 and 4ks mostly.