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Hear me out on the billy change

So now that the overheating mechanic is in the game this severely limits his mobility now that you have done this you also have hurt his curving potential and now his backrevv potential at this point just give him the flick back because in all honesty hes gonna need it.
I made so many jokes about exactly what they did to Billy. Man I feel for you guys as a Nurse main.
Here's hoping you aren't plagued by bugs that will never get fixed from the new changes.
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I quit billy for trapper as i felt this day was coming after mcote made the joke of nerfing billy on stream that was the red flag for me to main something else. but i have over 3k hours on him. At this point just give him flick back hes actually handicapped now.
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Billy needed a mobility limit. You can still get across the map very quickly, you just have to actually think about what you're doing, you can't just mindlessly chainsaw whenever you want. Every other killer in the game has some mobility limit so it's about time Billy does too.
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While i agree at the same time just nerfing his mobility and nerfing backrevving and nerfing curving and now nerfing his map pressure while giving him nothing to compensate for it you just took a S tier Killer down to about maybe C tier in all honesty. just give him flick back at this point give him something to now handle that backrevving is dead.
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While y'all are pissed about it, I'm relieved Billy can't zone survivors as easily. Either kick the pallet or Imma run as soon as you overheat. 😂
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He's still got great mobility and maybe the easiest to use one hit downs in the game. He'll be fine.
It's funny because on PS4 I see a Hillbilly maybe every 50 games but as soon as nerfs are announced everyone acts like a Hillbilly main.
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But I loved mindlessly chain-sawing across a map. It was so nice when you accidentally ran into someone. :(
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I'm not pissed at all im simply pointing out how taking what made billy strong in the first place away while refusing to touch the areas he now lacks in is a bad balance decision and deserves heavy criticism.
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Correction he had great mobility and one of the easiest to hit one hit downs now its going to be a lot harder.
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"mindlessly chainsaw" What even. I'm going to use almost verbatim the Nurse counter arguments for this change.
It's not mindless, it takes aim and timing to get a chainsaw hit (unless you've trapped them in the geometry) and also some aim since Billy has that weird turning thing.
Even if you did nothing but run across the map the entire game you are not going to get rewarded for it unless a potato walks in front of you. By that logic, spamming it does not give you rewards, using it with precision did. Thereby all this change did was limit the amount of time you can be doing that in a match. It does not make it more skillful.
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I'm not even referring to hits so you're just arguing against something I never said. You just can't frolick around the map with insane speeds endlessly anymore. It doesn't surprise me that a Nurse main would be upset by that change.
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Correction: these things still apply, they're just slightly harder now.
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I can't help you if you think a killer having the freedom to roam around the map as a vital part of his kit is overbearing but that's all on you. Don't make other players suffer because of it.
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Designs... change. That's literally what's happening right now.
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You usually give a player something else to work with in these cases. Nurse and Billy just got straight up limited.
There is no new skillful play or tech you can do. It is purely limiting your options without opening up ANY others.
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I 100% agree with this statement this is exactly my thoughts on it.
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As far as mobility goes, it's negligible. Sprinting heats up the chainsaw at a significantly reduced rate, so you can do entire laps around the map no problem. More importantly, even if it overheats a few laps in, it doesn't cancel your chainsaw.
As far as curving and all that goes, your ability to do so is functionally unchanged. You'll only notice a difference if you miss a bunch of them or pull out your chainsaw way too early (something you don't want to do anyway because it means the survivors are going to widen the gap).
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Okay so will you be fixing his false hits that you guys claimed are fixed odd i got two in a row also why not just give him his flick back at this point curving is limited 100% there were tiles billy was forced to hold his saw at to get at the right distance to curve now that is completely handicapped and even if he can do a lap you are still heavily limiting his potential in that case.
Correct me if im wrong so you saying i can still chainsaw during overheat i just cant sprint? If thats what you are saying thats good.
All and all im against killing backrevving im also against killing curves around trucks etc where billy had to hold saw to hit.
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I remember talking to you about this. Been awhile but the gas can theory was on point.
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Oh dude this right here was why i quit billy for hag and then hag for trapper i knew this day was coming mark my words hag is next.
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Can someone pls tell me what's going on? Where is this information coming from?
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They nerfed the hell out of billy and made leatherface aight.
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You know what is crazy about this its the map pressure killers they are heavily nerfing id hate to be a hag main right now because lets face it oh boy shes going to be killed. @SpaceCoconut Id find a new main bud real talk shes 100% next on the chopping block.
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What about testing first? I mean, it is usual on this forum to speak about "Dark Times" when something happens to a Killer, but just test it. It will only really punish bad Hillbillys. Those who think they are gods when they M2 every Potato but will struggle against any semi-decent Survivor.
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Im not against testing but anyone who plays billy in their right mind can read what they did and go this right here royally limits him literally just having played billy for the time i have i can 100% say hes C tier at best assuming the wording is correct and thats actually how he will be yeah hes no longer top tier hag and spirit take S tier.
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All they have to do is nerf Spirit and IF and they'll have made every killer in the game incapable of dealing with good squads/SWF.
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Nah hag is still around they would have to nerf her she is a squad killer if played correctly but shes almost 100% next.
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Maybe they’re making changes to map pressure killers because they made a bunch of changes to make maps smaller and less safe?
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I hope Hag isn't changed man, but you may be right. I've been playing Hag/Clown/Legion through the event you know I love me some Hag.
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Most likely a fair point but again if the trend serves correct that means hag a set up killer who has limitations already is next which if that does not scare you idk what will. After her will be spirit next im calling it they want to heavily limit map pressure.
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Changes doesn't seem bad to me. Most likely won't change my playstyle except I'm going to stockpile those pallet addons. Oh boy it's gonna be fun to sprint through pallets.
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As a former Hag main, I don’t think a small nerf to her would be unwarranted in all honesty. I also think Spirit deserves another add on nerf. So the idea doesn’t really scare me, I wish the devs would make these kinds of changes more often.
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What about hag justifies a nerf in your opinion...
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There are none. She is limited in speed movement, distance, has a basic attack and her power is only to teleport for the most part. I find her well balanced, very rewarding to play even at high ranks and I will be very disappointed if they change her as they have changed, for example Freddy. In fact, the reason I never picked up playing Freddy 2.0 is because if I want to teleport, I would rather just play Hag, so I do.
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Exactly thats why im trying to figure out why people think she needs a nerf again as someone who has played her i know how strong she can be but the survivors also have to misplay very very badly inorder for her to snowball heavily and thats my concern is her snowball potential again if the trend is correct she has to be the next up on the chopping block.
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Guess I'm not gonna be playing DBD for much longer it sounds like. It was scarce enough for me to play I'll be honest. But time for the nail.
Hey guys BHVR here, let's nerf balanced killers.
I swear dude, he gets nerfed i'm good as gone.
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I think her base is mostly fine but I think her power has a bit too much range.
Just to clarify: I’m not a main on either side, I’ve played a ton of Hag and I enjoy playing against her, even when she stomps me I enjoy it. I know how Hags play so it’s fun for me to try and anticipate their placements and how they deal with structures. But I stopped playing her because I was annihilating almost every group I faced, even when I didn’t play my best.
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So, forgive me if I am wrong, but it sounds like you haven't really nerfed the god-tier Billy players that people complained about, you nerfed the Billy players that weren't very good in the first place.
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Good billy players will 100% still get downs however this limits his play styles heavily to play sweaty.
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I'm just glad that this will hinder "tailgating" survivors with the chainsaw. (literally riding their asses with it just to get a cheesy down)
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You do realize there's not really other ways to down a survivor who looks back correct? So what you just said basically is what is wrong with the developers mindset. That's the type of feedback they read and then base these changes off again if you think its easy to down survivors without back revving okay how about you try doing it play against a actual decent team and try to down them without backrevving or m1ing and come back here once you realize how insane your comment actually was.
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No more chainsaw spamming, alright. It seems that overheat works around 3 times of chainsaw in a row. 2 times after sprint... That's acceptable.
But first, if overheat cools down at too slow rate before it 'over', that would be critical. That would be almost same as 'only 3 times in one chase' nerf. Why don't you just get him killed, huh?
So pre-overheat cooldown should be faster than 66% of post-overheat cooldown. If chainsaw 2 times+wait is much slower than just 3 spam+wait, who even wants to manage it?
Why do they even makes that garbage add-on? Legion with ultra rare can break pallet, deal single health state, spriiiiiint, and EVEN DEALS NUMBERS OF DAMAGE without any charging delay. So, are we using ultra rare to become LESSER LEGION? no. god damn no.
And don't let steering affect initial curve angle. The most important skill of hillbilly is initial curve-hit. If steering affects initial angle, it interrupts the play, and no one use that garbage add-on.
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nah... it's huntress. she has the wrong number of addons
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He basically said the opposite actually. if you overheat during a sprint, you don't stop sprinting.
that means you can sprint infinitely as normal.
Effectively all this change is (which is why i really don't get the hate on it) is nerfing your ability to pull out the chainsaw too early. you can still flick-curve around things, etc.
pulling it out to early, and trying to immediately use your saw after going around the map are the only two things this effects. ie if you chainsaw sprint around the map and find a survivor but don't hit them, coming out of your sprint will give the survivor a very small window to find a loop etc on which your on cooldown, which then comes to the point of just m1ing, the overheat also degrades more quickly after its fully overheated, so if you overheat whilst sprinting around the map, the cooldown should be similar if not identical to the cooldown you'd get for just stopping chainsawing. its only there to prevent people being instantly sawed upon being found after a sprint, and to punish players pulling it out too early/back revving it only behind survivors till they can get a perfect inescapable hit.
Good billys won't be effected by this "nerf" except for the "out of sprint phase" of which just balances him out very slightly, and that only depends on how long the overheat cooldown lasts when fully overheated during a sprint. otherwise its legit just normal billy, but with cooler addons.
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Feathering is used to mindgame Survivors at loops in order to make sure you actually get something out of the resulting flick. The cooldown change make it impractical to do this and impossible to snowball in the hypothetical event that you manage to do it anyways.
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How about we just wait and see if the overheating actually hurts these things in the first place. As the person you responded to said, i dont think this is a nerf to billy mains. It just makes rookie mistakes actually punishable and at the end of the day billy walks out with an addon rework with pink addons finally
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As a survivor main, I always thought Billy was fine, like, he's not over powered and he's not under powered (before the nerf).
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In all fairness new Nurse is kinda more fun to play as a nurse main. But yeah hopefully there aren’t going to be a lot of bugs but we know there are going to be.
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I think Pig is getting it next and huntress with the addons