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So another skin that can't be mixed?



  • Member Posts: 1,752

    Lets be real, this was a business decision so people have to pay the full price for the whole thing instead of only the jacket or hair

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Also, other games will put hoodies down if a headpiece proves to be too large or it clips too much and guess what, it's not counted as a separate cosmetic. They wouldn't have to count it as a separate one if they knew what they were doing because it's just changing the position of one minor piece of the set. If that somehow proves to be too much for them, then I just relay you back to the previous easier idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    who cares about clipping? dont like it dont wear it

    this is anti consumer lol

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Meg actually has alot of different hair styles, including a pony tail so not sure why ya made that statement. As far as the Legion thing, killer cosmetics are kinda mixed on which pieces theyre tied to. If you look at Plague's cosmetics, you'll see that her "head" pieces only affect her crowns while not doing anything at all for her face, while Billy's "head" cosmetics affect everything from the waste up.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Lots of people care about clipping... Theres plenty of complaints regarding clipping of even smaller details, let alone something like abunch of hair just sprouting out of a hood or jacket.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    You are acting like people cant use a full outfit already

    Splitting it up like most other cosmetics does nothing but allow people to make their own outfits, if it clips, its their choice to wear it, for others, they can buy the full thing and wear it like that

    this choice is anti-consumer, 100%

  • Member Posts: 165

    oh well good for me cause i truly dont like anything of the new outfit, my wallet thank you whoever designed it

  • Member Posts: 195

    the only problem with this if if cosmetic sets are UNcreative an d can be split apart without clipping issues.

    See the legion sets.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm not going to lie if they just wanted it to be a money making the decision I wouldn't mind if they made cosmetic set something you have to buy the whole thing but still give you the option to mix and match after you bought the entire cosmetic.

    Don't get me wrong I'd throw a couple of toys out of the pram but still

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Killers in general vary on which cosmetic spot is for which body part. On Plague, the first spot is for just her crown while her face is apart of the 2nd spot. With Legion, the first spot is for the mask with things like hair and hood being part of the 2nd spot. Then you get killers like Billy who's first spot is for their entire top half. You kinda get left with a weird predicament.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2020

    The ponytail came with her base outfit iirc, which also came with an ugly triple braid(that clips a ton on it's own btw). Almost every hairstyle since is a side shave or masculine looking hairstyle. Besides you know it's not like I could say the words I would really call those hairstyles because feelings. The only really decent hairstyle she has is Fortune Teller.

    As for Legion, while that's true for killer cosmetics, the mask could have easily been tied to the hood that came with it. It makes the mask itself quite less valuable to me.

    If they wanna worry about clipping, they can do the work to fix it. It's not like the cosmetic sets aren't already 10 dollars each. Lisa Garland is 15 dollars and most League of Legends skins that are 1350 RP(13 dollars and 50 cents) have custom particle effects and sound effects usually and they're 2 dollars cheaper(and are usually still better looking).

  • Member Posts: 435

    I just don’t spend money for this new „outfit-sets“!!!

    I want mix and match cosmetic pieces.


    Locked outfit-sets are just the easy way to avoid clipping issues, so it’s much less work but player should buy it for the same price... and you see a lot of players don’t like this new kind of skins. But hey, it’s just a business, so why should bhvr listen to the customers?? ;)

  • Member Posts: 8,850
    edited July 2020

    I generally stick with the default Legion mask since the majority of the value comes with the 2nd slot. You get the hood, hair, ect. Now though I have the one from the rift and the event ones, so might swap it up.

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    The Aleesa outfit IS already split up. If you buy the outfit. Each piece has it's own icon, the top, head, and bottoms are separate pieces, the game just doesn't let you change them.

  • Member Posts: 167

    And because the sheep continue to purchase this crap money grab it will get worse thank you for helping make their minds up to continue to screw us with these ######### micro transactions I refuse to buy anything linked and tbh they will not get a single penny more from me till they actually FIX THIS GAME instead of pumping out this crap!

  • Member Posts: 2

    I made an account just to comment on how sad I am that the Nea skin isn't mix and match =/

    I've been playing for ~3 years and I love cosmetics so much. This Nea skin is gorgeous and I would have bought it even though I don't play her often, but the fact that I can't mix and match is really putting me off of it. It's the only reason I haven't bought the Cheryl skins too.

  • Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2020

    this is so disappointing..i main nea and was excited to see nea get a cosmetic after quite a while. i like to mix and match certain pieces with my legacy but you cant even do that with this.. i'll literally never buy a locked set. e.e

  • Member Posts: 300

    this makes me think Kunami isn't the reason Cheryl and Pyramid Head are locked. It was Behavior all along.

  • Member Posts: 300

    i've seen someone bug the hair and you can wear it on its own. they said to equip the outfit, the switch to a brown outfit or piece of clothing (they wore the red leather jacket) and the head stays but the rest of the outfit goes. This goes to show that the hood is not attached to the hair, therefore should not be a linked outfit set whatsoever

  • Member Posts: 8

    Who played Paladins a long time ago remembers that Hi-Rez literally said the same exact thing 2 years ago and completely got rid of customizable skins in their game.

    Spoiler:They got away with it. Bye-bye customization in DBD.Welcome 15$ Legendary skins.

  • Member Posts: 300

    this concept is not what anyone wants though. We want to be able to mix and match; at least let us have the hairs from these outfits to have fun with. This was the same issue with Cheryl and everyone complained about it. The linked outfit sets are not it.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Oh good, it's Paladins all over again.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Its part of their deal with konami they can add fun items and cool cosmetics but are limited to not being allowed to have them mix and match

  • Member Posts: 191

    Lets them pump out more cosmetics of the same quality for less effort, and the paypigs will lap it up.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    You know, the cool part about money is that the person who has it, can decide how to spend it. I can choose to pay the 10 Euros for a Skin nobody likes. Or I can eat those 10 Euros. I could even spend more of my money to give it to someone so that this person eats my 10 Euros.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Yep, you're well within your rights to give money to directly support stingey business practices, and screw the rest of us over in the process. Keep that head held high you absolute martyr.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Uh yeah, I can totally see your quality of life going away. I am worse than Hitler.

  • Member Posts: 175

    If they just kept the head and torso locked together, but made the legs customizable, I'd be more than down. As for the hood, make it linked to the head like Bunny Feng, or only worn up with that corresponding hairstyle. I don't see why people are so against this being mix-and-match. I'd like to be able to diversify it if I go in a lobby with one or more other Neas with the same skin so we actually LOOK different and not look like some toxic stack that're all wearing the same cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 8

    It's not about the skin look here, it's about that you can't mix and match it with other cosmetics.

    Do you think that they will just stop making sets because of a few posts here and there?You will most likely see added only locked sets for now on, because it takes less effort and it's sold at the same price.

    People like you that take dev's defense for lazy decisions make the games worse.Learnt that from Paladins, don't need this in DBD, thanks

  • Member Posts: 688

    This is not ok. The Silent Hill ones, since it was a demand from Konami, ok, we had to take and no complaints would do anything. But now it's Nea. There is no reason to make the costumes linked. It ruins the fun of mixing the cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 8

    Maybe, but in the future this might change, you never know when they will come to you with a statement like this one for "better skins"

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    Probably because the hood would clip into a lot of other cosmetics and that would look bad. Though you can already combine different pieces to create horribly ugly characters.

  • Member Posts: 927

    The only issue I have with this is pricing. Like, sometimes I would buy just one piece of an outfit cuz I liked the outfit, but didn't want to spend all my auric cells in one place. I think that if the devs want to make it so that you have to buy the entire outfit to get any of it, they should lower the price another 10% compared to each piece cost for that rarity.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I don't like much this system. As many others I love mixing cosmetics and fully personalizing my characters.

  • Member Posts: 146

    You'd think at 10 BUCKS for a COSMETIC (a virtual ware, virtual as in you are paying REAL MONEY for PIXELS because they look pretty) they'd at least give you some freedom to mix and match however you feel like. But nope, long live capitalism

    i guess

  • Member Posts: 158

    This is the TEST for new business model.

  • Member Posts: 2,551
    edited July 2020

    oopsie devs

    EDIT NOTE: don't do this, the head in the back looks so bad, I can't unsee it

  • Member Posts: 16

    not another one.... not buying this unmixaable sht.

    Its enough that i accidently baugh the silent hill survivor cosmetic in (green one) and cant mix it

  • Member Posts: 13

    I hate this kind of cosmetics too, im a fan if mixing stuff, but with those legendary skins u take us our freedom to wear what we want, pls dont bring more of this ######### we dont need it.

  • Member Posts: 308

    This is probably the first time i'll ever agree with 90% of this thread, while these sets allow the devs to make more "creative" skins (aka put hoods on them) it makes that set pretty much unlikeable as most of the time i'd buy 1 piece that i like and put it with 2 other pieces (for example Zarina's camo crop top with the head but i hate the pants in that set so i don't use them etc). Sets are just not fun and they could've easily made the Nea head and pants separate but if u wanted the hoodie u have to use the whole thing

  • Member Posts: 376

    I think these linked skins are more of a technical necessity than a marketing choice. This skin looks great but if you look at where the hood attaches and how high the waist is on the pants you can see that it crosses the usual lines where cosmetics switch. I'm guessing that the character model artists are running through their wishlist of "this would look great but can't be done as separate pieces" right now and we will start seeing normal skin pieces after or along with the 4.1 release

  • Member Posts: 308

    Well shirtless David doesn't even attach to most of the pants so theres a see through gap at his waist but that didn't stop them from making the skin

  • Member Posts: 376

    Truth, but you and many others noticed that and it makes behavior look like amateurs. Those kind of issues have even been included in patch notes in the past. I dont think they are going to exclusively release locked sets, just some skins where they would definitely have issues if mixed with others. It just gives the artists at behavior more creative freedom without eating into testing and debugging time

  • Member Posts: 918

    Agreed. I think we are going to see more sets like this, but I also don't believe that all sets will be linked in the future. I bought the set because it looks awesome and there is really nothing about it I would switch out for something else.

  • Member Posts: 945

    i still think you could make the head usable with other cosmetics as it's just hair and a mask but if you equip the body/legs the head will be equipped automatically like normal.

  • Member Posts: 145

    really dislike it too, would have loved to use the pants with my Ollie cta shirt and Golden crown, oh well i will just not buy it, my wallet probbaly means more than my words for BHVR anyway.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    If the last part "We will continue releasing ''normal'' outfits like we were before" is implying something like "at least 50% of them" I'm fine. Personally, I totally don't understand the need for the Nea outfit. For Lisa Garland I can understand it. Or for the Legion Bunnies, even when the Clown elephant also was working without being a set.

    Just as advice, regarding the massively negative feedback. The Nea outfit might have been easier to create and release, but as customizing is the big point in cosmetics, many people might be prevented from getting these. Sure I don't know the numbers, but regarding forum feedback I would guess so. I for example like Nea's hair, but not the rest of it. So I'm not gonna get anything of that, because even if I got it for free I would not be using it in this combo.

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