Hillbilly Iri Addon

I have friends that for whatever reason think that the Iri addon allowing Billy to go through pallets is bad. They are calling it "speed limiter 2.0" since he cant go through the pallet AND insta down. I feel like it was a reasonable sacrifice. My argument was that it makes Billy really strong in the loop but just nerfs him sniping people. I wanted to see if people agree with my friends or agree that this addon is good. Thoughts?
If you are never in a situation where you can go through the pallet to hit the survivor, then this add-on is detrimental.
It's speed limiter but without the bloodpoints.
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It is far from being a speed limiter. It could probably hurt to have it in some cases, depending on the map, the killers build and playstyle.
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Itll work once then survivors will just not throw the pallet during revs..its easy to see this coming..billy cant fake revs much anymore so itll just make it worse..if the addon only caused the loss of insta down when it went through a pallet then itd be fine, but since it is speed limiter with a fancy gimmick itll see little use most likely
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It's impractical but super cool. Which in my mind makes it the best kind of addon.
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I think the idea would be to chainsaw sprint and break the pallets as you patrol more than break them in loop, but depending on the loop it also can make for a surv dropping the pallet and still getting hurt. I thought it was an interesting idea to mix up his gameplay
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But then it would be far too OP. It would've had no drawback. Now I can use my STBFL on Billy and M1 more often. You dont have to chainsaw all the time. I think that's what they wanted to discourage
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It's honestly just going to be another waste of 7k bloodpoints.
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If I can chainsaw sprint through the pallet with no stun and still insta down a surv that is OP
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It won't do much
Insta-Chainsaw will always be stronger.
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I feel like the base charge speed is way too long for this to be any good without instadown.
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Iirc it says you can rev through a pallet, meaning when it is dropped. It will not prevent the stun from the pallet when it is dropped on you, much like it is now. So you were saying?
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It alters the power opening for a very different playstyle. Imo that's how ultra rares should be.
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I think it has the same counter as Spirit Fury. Once you know they have it, you pre-drop. And you lose your insta down.
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I think we are saying the same thing in different ways. I know you can still be stunned by pallets I'm saying when Billy sprints he can go straight through dropped pallets without his mini stun thing
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I think the sacrifice you make is simply too high. It's just like "Torn Bookmark".
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It's not powerful enough to be considered a pink add on. The highest would probably be green.
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It's just another red addon no one will use. Forget it exists like so many others.