Nea's new Graff-Crafter cosmetic

What are your thoughts about the new outfit?
And about the linking system? Personally, I think it's saving me money lol. The outfit is lovely and well done, though! I'm just not interested in spending cash on something I can't personalize.
Won't get my money.
I won't support a system like this. You're forced to purchase an entire cosmetic and you can't even put a P3 head on it.
Personally, I'm good.
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Not a fan of these new locked set cosmetics at all.
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really dislike linked cosmetics when it doesn't make sense on why they're linked
like, the legion Robbie the rabbit skin? thats fine because it makes sense on why its linked (except for the weapon but eh)
but the nea skin really doesnt make sense imo. we have Bunny Feng, which isnt linked, so why is this one?
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I bought it right away! Nea looks wonderful!
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It's definitely one of her best outfits!
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I don't play Nea - hate her - but I'm glad this new outfit covers her bulldog face.
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I think I read something about them being worried about the items "clipping with others"? But, personally, I don't think anyone would mind that happening at all--at least I wouldn't. And if they would mind, they could always wear the items together, as the purchased set. I just think it's nice giving players the option to chose.
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Was going to buy it, until I found out it was a forced set. It doesn't have to be a set, they easily could have made it 3 pieces, but they didn't. Just like Cheryl's cosmetics (which also didn't have to be sets), I am not going to buy them, literally no point if I can't customize them.
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if thats really the reason then thats low key really lazy, a bunch of cosmetics already clip through each other anyway so idk why they’d be worried now
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Too bad it's restricted, was going to buy it for the hair and pants, buuuuuuut seeing as I am forced to only wear the whole thing I'm never going to buy it; even though I have all her other cosmetics.
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Honestly i think it looks like crap but whatever
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I'm not completely against forking over the cash, but it has to be a damn good skin!
So far, I haven't seen any that are worth the money.
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I was too! It's my favourite cosmetic of hers so far, and I was sooo excited to buy the hell out of it when it finally got released. But, nevermind lmao.
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not going to buy it this someone who play nea
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Youd think that after the whole Cheryl/Lisa controversy, that the devs would have learned something.
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I think it's nice! However, I think this should be a rare occurrence and, if anything, cheaper. Locking players in to buying a 10$ cosmetic is ridiculous. But I do think occasionally it is appropriate. Also, some should be only 2 piece linked cosmetics IMO. Like the Robbie The Rabbit collection, it makes no sense how the weapon cannot be changed. Just money hungry I suppose.
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I just don’t spend money for the new „outfit-sets“!
- I want mix and match cosmetic pieces in my way
- I don’t like to see the same outfit in a lobby
- price!! The devs choose the easy way: they have some trouble that there are some clipping issues and some pieces doesn’t match, and the devs solution is to create „outfit-sets“... easy work, same price!
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Most of the time, if I buy a full outfit its because I can personalize it. I'm not gonna fork over money for an outfit I can't make my own.
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not only i dont like it I DONT SUPPORT the imposibility of not MIXING skins, is what it is.
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disgusting. nea is my main but i'm not buying it i cant mix and match it.
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It’s a pass for me. I’ll buy it when I can mix it with other cosmetics
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You can mix and match Feng's outfits so freely that most of the people run horrible fashion looks. Like the bunny hood, with a bright shirt and that red skirt/dress. It is something that shouldn't exist. That's why some cosmetics need to be linked.
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Nope, i'm not gonna buy locked cosmetics.
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Watch them make the contest winning cosmetics linked next... 🙄
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We need Heidi Klum as a new killer. New perk: Fashion Police. You can kill any survivor wearing horribly ugly outfits immediately.
The Dwight elf outfit has the same issue. Each piece looks awful when not using all the other pieces as well.
Hag too, a lot of her cosmetics only really work when using the same set.
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That would be a punch to the face
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Cosmetic looks awesome. Was never really a Nea player but with it I'll be getting her P3 for sure.
The fact that it's a set and I can't mix and match doesn't bother me at all. I don't know why everyone's so upset over it. It's ONE skin. I have dozens of cosmetic over several characters to match with. One skin, even if every survivor/killer gets one, won't make a difference to me.
It's a great looking cosmetic that suits her lore very well imo. I'll be rocking it until the next set comes out for someone else.