Legion suggestion

So I tried searching it to see if its been suggested but all I saw was a bunch of suggestions about reworking Legion. I'm not suggesting that.
I was honestly surprised when I discovered that this is NOT how Legion worked, because it seemed way to obvious a feature to not implement. Basically, "Legion" implies, and is supposed to be, a group of killers who assault the survivors quickly and viciously because there is so many of them, but yet you can only play as one throughout the match while there are tons of skins for each character?
Why not have Legions skin change after each successful hit with Feral Frenzy? Then it would be like a different character chasing down each individual survivor and applying the deep wound. Then you could have a personalized skin for each character, and such as the teddy bear skins, basically just the color would change with each hit. This would make it seem like there actually was a group after the survivors, rather than just having stumbled upon one member of the group at a time.
I'm not sure what all it would take to implement this change, but I assume it wouldn't take a ton considering that Oni basically changes his skin when raging, and I'm also not asking for a huge rework, as far as I'm concerned Legion is just fine in that department.
i want to play susie during all the match. i don't want this