Huntress and Deathslinger

slim0b Member Posts: 551

I mean, if you've watched a couple of videos you already know who's better, but here's a simple one to demonstrate by tru3

You can either

Pull up a hatchet& aim at survivor, maybe wait a while if they spin, throw and you're more than likely gonna get the injure even if the hatchet was around 3cm around their body. After repeating the process 5 times you reload 5 charges at a locker in 4 seconds.


ADS, maybe wait a while if they spin like maniacs, and shoot with a tiny buggy hitbox that can even go between the survivor's legs (yes I'm not joking), spend around 4 seconds reeling survivor in considering they might escape if next to an obstacle, and hit them. Then reload while tremendously slowed down for 2.75 seconds.

It's quite obvious who has more lethality, deathslinger might be more fun yeah, but he's nowhere as near as good as her.

And some may say "ooo!!! you shouldn't compare them different concept!!". They're both 110% killers, they both use ranged attacks mainly, how are you expecting the community not to compare?

I'm in no way asking for a huntress nerf, she's balanced and everyone knows it.

Just a deathslinger minor buff is what we need, like maybe make him 115% and he'll be good to go.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,244

    Well judging from nurse, billy and leatherface changes who all did not have iri add-on, Huntress will be only killer to have incomplete add-on set, so expect 6-12 month down line, a huntress nerf which really sucks because huntress is like one of the most fair character to play against similar to billy. Deathslinger just needs more lethality so holding W and Health states do not affect him as much. I think an interesting change would be that if he hits you with his gun, his gun applies a 5% hindered penalty when you are in deep wound. The idea being that the survivor is mortally injured from his spear and is limbing for his life. I think this could be general change to deep wound to make it more threatening and Deathslinger as a whole. perhaps this change could improve Legion,weaken styptic agent(survivor instant heal) and meta perks such as Borrow time or potential future meta perks like Soulguard.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I just started playing Deathslinger. My current low-experience opinion is that he is better than Huntress. I have to admit that before I was agreeing with Tru3 that Huntress seemed situationally better. Like throwing over pallets. But after actually playing with him, Deathslinger is better in my opinion. Currently P1. Will be P3 soon and maybe have a bit more experience and may change my mind.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    There are also a lot of loops where huntresses will cry cause her hatches explode if they fly an inch too close to debree while deathslinger just get's free hits if you attemps those loops

    If you only look at optimal situations for huntress then it isn't hard to make her seem better

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Deathslinger is fine, comparing huntress to him while only talking about snowball is quite dumb since Deathslinger's advantage over her is that he can get shots far more often then huntress can, in places where her wind up just doesn't give her enough time to land a hit.

    By that comparison current Leatherface is better then billy because he can down all 4 survivors faster then billy can. Just shows that Tru3 doesn't always look at the whole picture and just focuses on points that support his claims. Not saying that he's isn't right in the snowball scenario but he doesn't take into account other advantages that deathslinger has over huntress.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    whether he can get shots or not depends on how good the huntress is, I'm talking from a rank 1 killer prospective, the point is a god huntress will definitely be far better than a god deathslinger.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited July 2020

    deathslinger is not in the need of any buffs.

    the dude is a freaking monster when you can play him well - he also isnt significantly weaker than Huntress. like, there are scenarios when i play Huntress where i wish i was a Deathslinger, as he can shut down sooo many loops Huntress has to take.

    he isnt stronger than her, due to him having some restrictions she doesnt have (range / reeling in), but he can be used so much more while in loops (he is one of the least loopable killers in the game imo) - making him 115% mms would be way too strong imo.

    EDIT: fixed some poor wording.

    Post edited by Mister_xD on
  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    Slinger might have a smaller hitbox,but a quickscope is barely seeable by the eye and gives you 0 time to react due to no wind up. You can barely dh it,if you have a decent reaction time. On the other hand,huntress atleast winds up to let you know she's gonna take a shot at you,and you know that you have to dodge. Slinger doesn't even need to use his power to zone people,he can just hold W and because he can quickscope he can make you try to dodge while not even attempting to go for a shot ultimately ending in him either getting a shot when you stop wiggling or just m1-ing in most cases. Huntress can get hits over pallets,true. But personally,I'm more scared of a slinger in chase when playing any pallet then a huntress. Against good slingers,you'll need to predrop most pallets where high walls aren't a thing,and even then jungle/pallet gyms you can get scoped at,due to him being able to mindgame you making you react slower and taking a shot around a corner. I think you'd need to give him something else instead of 115% ms,because PERSONALLY I think that'd make him too strong.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Well I play DS on rank 1 since he released and as long as I play well I can beat almost any team I face. I personally consider deathslinger to be equal to huntress, both have strong abilties that excel at different situations, one is more about snowball other about consistency.

    You can have an opinion that huntress is superior to deathslinger which is fine but there is no definitive proof to that. Like with all killer tier lists / opinions on viability, it's opinions based on experiences, etc. Everyone sees these things differently.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    except that big maps hurts deadslinger very much.SO 99 % ######### HIM SO MUCH