This game is so Survivor sided, it literally makes no sense!

The devs love to nerf any halfway-decent killer and killer perks, but it’s okay for survivors to have: Adrenaline, DS, BT, Soul Guard, Unbreakable, and the most op perk of all... SWF. Killers get called toxic for camping and tunneling But there is nothing you can do about getting he gen rushes, or not be able to catch and hook not a single survivor. The devs won’t increase gen time, the won’t touch SWF, they keep nerfing killers that are actually viable, they nerf killer perks. Like old ruin, even if they didn’t nerf it, how that compare to the survivor perks they got now. The killer meta is very weak compared to the survivor meta. What can killers do when they get gen rushed? What can killers do against SWF. What can killers do with very lackluster perks. Devs, Do you truly play your game. Can you say that the Killer is an actual Killer, or is he trying to survive against the 4 killers. I mean look at Pyramid Head’s perks compared to Cheryl’s perks. Devs, PLEASE PLAY YOUR GAME!!!



  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Should you consider gen rushing a problem, or just survivors doing their job, or both?

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    Yea, but if you do play both sides and have for 2 years, you'd know most Survivors aren't masters of looping talking on comms with their friends like their lives depend on Escaping as fast as possible.

    Quite a lot of Survivors flat out suck. And even those that are good aren't good every game.

    I agree the SWFs who do shouldn't have so much of an advantage, but they're far from everywhere. Most games as Killer you'll face a group of Solo goobers just trying to have fun, and most games quite a few of those goobers will die.

    There are problems with this game, and they need solutions to be sure, but they don't ruin the overall experience IMO and ranting vaguely about perks isn't going to solve anything.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    devs want the game to be survivor sided, I'm fine with it, it's marketing.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Hey Hulk.

    They buffed killers a lot, maps are way more killerfriendly now, many strong things survivors had got nerfed or even removed...

    I dont have trouble winning as killer, its more stressful then playing survivor, but in general not really harder. Said that, its FAR from beeing impossible to win.

    Also keep in mind that survivor mains are usually more experienced then killer mains since they only have to learn one model and thats it. As a killer main, you have to learn 20 killers, all of them come with unique power and their peculiarities. It takes longer to master them, unless you only play one certain killer all the time

    My honest suggestion: Try to improve first before complaining. Go watch strong killers on youtube. I recommand you FunGoose.

    Kind regards

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited July 2020

    I personally hardly ever deal with "gen rushing". I win the large majority of the games I play. I find I control gens pretty well.

    But, to answer your questions doing gens efficiently is just survivors doing their job.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Yes but what about perks, SWF, Gen Rushing. Yes I’m a decent on both sides, I know the ins and outs of being both a killer and survivor. Striving to be greater is all I do. But getting gen ruse should by SWF with meta perks makes it very tough. Also some survivors are really good at looping, I would’ve won if all of them were really good at looping. I’ve seen this a lot, I’m not the only one with this problem, and I’m definitely pretty good at playing this game.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I dont know if I would say a majority. But quite a lot of games at least. Piggy, legion and myers arent considered top tier to say the least(although myers might be mid tier) but I still have pretty damn good games on them with a ton of 4ks and very few 0-1ks.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    Are you playing both survivor and killer equally? If not, you cannot see the problems survivors have.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Other than tunneling, camping, trash teammates, the need for dlc perks, the need for learning to loop. The killers just have more major problems than survivors.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    By the way, dude, I am intersted in trying to play killer against you. If you think that this game is so survivor sided, then you should win, right? Well then, prove your points by defeating me. I will let you choose 3 teammates, since swf is so op, you should win, right?

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    The thing is the devs have changed a lot of things during these four years the game exist.

    If you compare the killer experience in year 1 and now then you can clearly see the devs of course care about the killer community.

    Yes, nothing is perfect but they are still trying to improve the game for Both sides. So you know what I think?

    I think they did a pretty good JOB so far!

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    You said yourself that you're only decent at the game. If that's the case then there is lots of room for improvement. I do pretty well in red ranks as killer and I do okay in purple ranks. I don't think killers are that bad off.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Obviously not if you are complaining that gens are going too fast, and you can't get one hook. I was a killer main, but switched to survivor because killer is too easy for me. If you are good, genrushing isn't a thing as you should have lots of pressure. Sounds to me like you should play better, if you think gen speeds are too fast. And you won't win every game, either. Just take the loss and use it as a learning experience. I'd recommend recording every game, and when its over watch it and see what needs improvement.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Defeating me will only prove my point. What’s your point.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    So you don’t gen rushed, or go against SWF. You are telling me, you have never had all 4 survivors escape.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    No I actually havent since grey ranks. Its relatively easy to at least 2k every match.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Then you would be decent as well. I was saying “decent” to not be cocky. There is lots a room to improve, but that goes the same with the devs.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @GamingHulk123. Here is my developed answer.

    1) Killers being under-powered. They are a lot of decent killers: Billy and Nurse, if playing correctly, are strong. Hag can be good if played correctly and Freddy is also viable. If DS and BT did not exist, the tunneled survivor would have literally 0 thing that he can do to escape. I get that 1 kill is a lost for the killer, but the question is: is it ok for one survivor to lost without being able to do anything? And before you say `do not get caught`, then send me a video of a 10 games streak with no cut and no smurf team&your not allowed to smurf. See how many times you do not get caught. And unbreakable is very situational. Also, swf is rarely a sweat squad: they are a lot of them who do not talk to each other and a lot of them are just 2 man swf. A lot of them are to altruistic. So you are fine most of the time. And before you say that the game should only be balanced around the top players, this is an arcade game, not a competitive one.

    2) Killers that get called toxic: this does not show that survivors are op, just that some of them are mean.

    3) Old ruin was not necessarily balanced: lag could impact your skill check, and not everyone is lucky enough to have a super computer. If you wanted to play solo or with 1 friend, most of the team would not do gens in a lot of cases. Trying to find the totem would, in 1 out of 3 cases, result in a lost due to wasting time. And balancing around pro players that can do everything perfectly is not a good idea, since this is not a competitive game but an arcade one.

    4) What can I do, as the survivor, when I get facecamped by a Leatherface? Not get caught? Try to do so yourself. What can I do when I get a trash team? What can I do when the killer is a rank 1 ebony mori Billy that has the best add ons?

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @GamingHulk123 I will be the killer and you will be the survivor. If I win, then the killers are not as weak as you say. If I win as killer, it shows that you need to get better.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244
  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    No matter what’s done, someone isn’t happy. Killers are gonna cry that it’s survivor sided & survivors are gonna cry that it’s killer sided. It’s an endless cycle.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yes the game is 100% survivor sided. Got a 3k on disturbed ward on Friday. This was at 3 in the morning and I was extremely drunk so yea it's survivor sided.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    If you are good enough to get downs quickly, you have insane map pressure. Say you down two people. Theyre both slugged or hooked. You now have at least three people off of gens. Two incapacitated. At least one saving. To slow down genrushing you need to have pressure. If all survivors get out, thats your own fault for not having map pressure. Down people, injure people, slow down the game in any way you can as every second longer is in your favor. Use sloppy, dying light, thanatophobia, pop, ruin with surveillance, bamboozle, coulrophobia, nurses, monitor and abuse, forced penance, blood echo, discordance, mad grit, any good perks, and just slow down the game.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213


    Its seems pretty even currently from what I've experienced. I rarely ever get a match were one side complete dominates the other, and of the times I have I can't say if it was more often the Survivors or Killer that has dominated.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    I'm pretty good as killer but decent as survivor. To be more on topic, they nerf survivors too. Both directly and indirectly.

    For example, a lot of maps were altered such as rotten fields having been made smaller. Toolboxes were nerfed a few patches ago.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Yeah yeah killer good survivor bad, we know it.

  • Shaun
    Shaun Member Posts: 28

    Killers also have moris, can close the exit hatch, the end game timer, noed, blood warden, devour hope, pop, bbq, stbfl, and instant downing/killing add-ons. There are powerful aspects to both sides, but they are only noticeable if you play both sides.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    he is talking about 4 man did u see wima and his 4 man escpaing 400 times in a row til someone sniped with an ebony mori and billy with crack addons and still 2 man escaped?... good 4 man are almost unbeatable man, he has a point.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    It is very survivor sided from what I've seen of both sides. I usually start playing killer and then wind down my game session by playing survivor to relax more. I halfway suck at survivor so I die more often than not (rank 16) but I often struggle in a match if there's even one red or purple rank player against me.

    I would almost go as far to say this game would probably be way less toxic if the killer was replaced with an AI, then survivors could have their fun without a real human being the punching bag in the process.

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    there are some rare cases of teams rushing gen's but that just means the killer isn't putting enough pressure on generators with perks or the survivors are just really good at holding down at gen's while a chase is going. The problem is there's just so many bad survivors out there that when a good team comes along people scream "gen rush".

  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280
    edited July 2020

    Personally I play survivor the most because I used to be a killer main and it was just too mindlessly easy. I win way less as survivor because I have to rely on randoms to do their job or I'm screwed. I also don't play with keys because they defeat the purpose of the objective. if you're that bad at killer to where you have trouble almost every game than you really need to work on your skills or find a new killer main that suits your play style more. I'm extremely good at looping killers in mind gaming and I still get caught 50% of the time. Killers have increasing advantages of winning a chase the longer it goes where as survivors are more likely to lose a chase unless they break it off. The trade off is if it killer stays in chase too long generators will get done. that's where knowing when to break off and went to pursue makes all the difference

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    If you are complaining about games where you can’t down and hook a single survivor, this clearly indicates you just aren’t any good.

  • ECJ_77
    ECJ_77 Member Posts: 4

    Survivor sided??? Are you out your gd mind?? How many times was I 5 steps ahead and to the side and the killers little knife hit me? Got tunneled and camped to where i got 3k or less for the match?? Been 2 steps through a vault and hit??? Almost every match in red ranks, killers are getting 30k a match and survivors don't even come close ( that's 30k with no point offerings too). I don't even play swf most the time, so I'm at the mercy of playing blind. Survivor sided is not even close to being real

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Yes, this game is survivor sided. Dont let buffoons tell you otherwise. However, part of the reason I play killer is for adapting to survivors, and destroying them, by making them play by MY rules, and not theirs. I live for the thrill of destroying someones best laid plan.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    It makes sense when you realize the devs suck at their own game. Nothing really surprises me anymore

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Just wait. It's only a matter of time until they nerf every single good survivor perk.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Fantastic bait. Killers are pretty OP in this game 😂 have you played survivor solo? You lose like 99% of the time. But they swf and then the complaints start rolling in. As if 4 people shouldn’t be able to work together to beat the killer. Killer is supposed to kill all 4 every time huh? That’s a fun game.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    There is a lot of map pressure that can be applied by killers. Just because you don’t know how to do it, doesn’t mean killers need a buff. Maaaaan I would love to see people stop complaining about gen speed still after the countless hits that’s taken. Any longer staring at a progress bar only to stare at myself on a hook I think I’ll pull all my hair out. It’s not fun waiting to die for you. Nor is it fun if killers are any stronger than a lot of them are now. I’m still blown away at how the huntress’ down speed isn’t being adjusted. It’s too fast. Almost doesn’t allow mind games. There should be some longer recovery time after chucking that thing

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    I don't know if you want some tips or builds to not getting gen rush next time or just wanted to rant about it. The game its a 1v4, already unbalanced, don't know what else you can expect.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    No, nobody does. But I win a very large majority of the games I play. Losses are pretty rare for me. Like I said, if you genuinely understand what you're doing you'll do just fine.

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    In order to understand what i'm doing, I have to pretend 85% of the killers I can chose from don't exist?

  • wildcardyo
    wildcardyo Member Posts: 125
    edited July 2020

    I have been playing online games competitively for almost 2 decades now. DBD is among the most imbalanced game I have ever seen. The imbalance is appallingly toxic for how long this game has existed. The devs are majorly neglecting the meta and state of the game.

    I really like the concept, theme and characters in this game. The execution overall is okay. The polish is okay, but could use some work.


    I hardly get angry at games, but this game is rage inducing when playing killer because it is NOT EVEN CLOSE to balanced.

    When I watch good killers like otz get tooled every so often by mediocre survivors, it verifies everything I experience firsthand.