The Hillbilly nerfs suck!

I saw the patch notes for Hillbilly, and while survivors do have issues, Hillbilly is not one of them. This killer is quite fun to go against: there is a lot of skill involved into dodging and juking him and his strength also requires great skill. I remember playing him for the first time, and I did need to learn his power. Also, almost no one complained about him. What is the point of nerfing the Hillbilly? Make players use unfun killers? Also, survivors have issues that they complain about and hate, like moris, indoor maps (for some people like me) and campers&tunnelers. Yet Behaviour choosed to nerf a killer that no one hates? Devs, if no one complains about something, then there is no balance issue. Listen to the people who both play killer and survivor equally, instead of just because... Oops I cannot even see a weak reason to nerf him. Sorry.
I assure you, a lot of people hate Billy. Especially the ones who use instasaw addons. Or infectious Billys that turn the game in to a slug fest.
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Basically. After announcing that it really does seem like all the devs want are a bunch of useless killers who are there for atmosphere and not for actual gameplay.
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Hillbilly is insanely strong, and he honestly still will be after this nerf.
There certainly have been people complaining about him just having a tad too much going for him. A very small nerf like this won't hurt him though.
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How strong will his best build, flick billy, be after the nerf in your opinion?
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It really depends on how fast the over-heat is. For Billy I don't really think it's necessary because yesterday when I was doing curves I realized that you have to hold it for a good amount of time. Over-all though it really isn't needed but you know how BHVR is.
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I don't know, but I don't think it will be weakened in any significant way. I guess it depends a lot on how fast his chainsaw overheats, but if it does go too fast, the devs will probably make changes to how fast his chainsaw overheats.
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@hahahillbillygobroom well, its true that a lot of billy add ons are broken, but here they nerfed his base kit, which is skilled based, and the amount of crutch add ons players vs the amount of fair Billy users is very different. most of the time, Billy players will not use a broken add on combo. This does come from someone who does not use perks and add ons, so maybe I am wrong.
@ad19970 true, but he requires skill, which makes it ifne and deserved. Also, go watch Ussylis play against him to understand the counter-play. Also, they are a lot of worst things like camping that the devs should focus on instead of nerfing a killer that is based on skill.
@NursesBootie well, basing an opinion for a killer on the best build is not fair: the strongest build for Billy is very rarely used compared to a normal Billy build.
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I'm against nerfing killers when SWF is so god damn over powered but this nerf doesn't sound that bad. At best Billy will have a harder time looping you with his chainsaw revved. The sprint is hardly affected at all so his map pressure will remain. He will still be able to chainsaw people up close. This doesn't sound half as bad as the nurse rework. The cd on blinks increased the time to traverse the map and that affected her map pressure. Billy won't have that problem.
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@EvilJoshy I know it is a small change, but still, I hate it when the devs focus on dumb things instead of taking care of real survivor issues.
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I certainly agree that they should start and try address the problems with camping. But still many people have had a problem with Billy, and just giving him a bit of a limit on how much he can use his chainsaw seems fair to me. It won't change much as long as the chainsaw doesn't overheat too fast.
I do know how to counterplay Hillbilly, definitely. He certainly has fair counterplay, but that doesn't change the fact that he is insanely powerful.
I believe all the top tier killers will need some small nerfs anyways once the new early game phase will be added to the game. Either that or solo survivors will need some serious buffs alongside a nerf to camping.
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Based on their video you have ~6-7 seconds of feathering before you overheat if you start with 0 overheat. It takes ~25-30% overheat just to start a sprint with pure M2 holding. This means Billy's ability to mindgame a survivor to a bad side of the loop for a curve is severely limited if not basically removed and curving can only be done if the survivor has already put themselves in the worst possible situation. And this was with a purple add-on that may or may not have affected it.
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@ad19970 well I am making a post right now explaining how to buff solo survivors, you are right on that (but also nerf 3-4 man swf). Also keep in mind that the counter-play to Hillbilly is fairly simple and that Billy is insanely strong only if the killer is skilled. If the killer is a god that plays very well, then he deserves to win. And even a god billy can be countered if the survivor is very good at counter-play. And the counter-play is not hard to pull of: mindgames, turning around well, etc. Billy is not anything like dealing with a mori, being a solo, etc. I do not understand why the devs nerf a balanced (not op) killer without touching to these things.
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Agreed. Im still waiting on them to fix the nurse bugs introduced since her rework.
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The purple Add On was Moonshine, which affects the Steering. There will be a purple Add On which affects the Heat, however, this will be called Pighouse Gloves, so I highly doubt that there will be two purple Add Ons affecting the Heat and I also doubt that the Pighouse Gloves will get the Icon of the Moonshine.
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I'm very skeptical about the basekit changes, but I disagree about the popularity of broken add-on combos. I play Billy either add-on-less or double engravings, which I think are both very fair builds and I basically never see them from the survivor side.
In the red ranks, whenever I get a Billy, I can blindfoldly bet and hardly ever lose that it's CrackBilly or insta saw with infectious and then any combo of bbq, pop, corrupt, bamboozle and enduring. Sometimes spirit fury. Crack and insta saw are already broken in their own regards, but when combined with infectious, map reworks, etc. I can see why the devs see a problem. It's just that I'm not convinced that the basekit nerfs are the correct solution.
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clearly they just looked at the numbers saw that billy is "overperforming" so they nerfed him.
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@PrettyFaceKate I agree.
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Billys snowball is like hitting a brickwall, and unlike say Trapper where it comes late game Billy’s can come very early on.
Its the whole “land on a survivor 5 seconds into the trial, instadown, hook for bbq, sprint over to next survivor, instadown, sprint back to 1st hook to stop the rescue” all within the first 60 seconds that needs to be curbed a little bit. Even when Billys losing, just the slightest mistake on a survivor side can turn the entire game into his favour in an instant.
When you get instasaw Billy unless you have an amazing looper who Billy will be dumb enough to chase for a long period you’re kinda boned, and even they can easily be caught out of position due to the amount of deadzones now and how fast Billy moves.
He just needs toning down a bit.
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I think the map reworks are why. Before you could loop a billy for a pretty long time unless he curved on you. Some of the new maps are just empty and there's literally nothing you can do when crackbilly flies over to your gen and you have 1 unsafe pallet to work with and that's it.
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@ClickyClicky well, if a survivor gets sniped across the map, its his fault. Also, Billy`s chainsaw takes time to charge, leaving time for the survivor to juke, and if the billy is a god, then he deserves to win for his skill. Also, broken add ons need to be nerfed, but here they destroyed his base kit. And its true that Billy can use bbq. But bbq is a crutch perk that needs to be addressed on its own for being way to powerful. Deciding of the fate of a killer because of one crutch perk is not a good idea.
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His chainsaw isnt hard to hit with though, not with certain add ons. They needed addressing.
and I dont think BBQ is an issue on most killers, only Billy due to how easily he can move around the map combined with his instadown. On most other killers survivors have more time to hide or get to a pallet before the killer arrives.
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Hopefully they don't change the engravings, that is all I'm worrying about.
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@ClickyClicky well add ons need addressing, but the devs decided to nerf his base kit instead of taking down the broken add ons.
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I didn't ask to judge him with his best build (that's rarely used, because it needs a lot of skill and training). I asked how the @ad19970 would rate flick billy after the nerf.
I'll explain the issue most people have with the billy nerf again, just for you guys.
Like at least one of you realised, flick billy gets nerfed the most by this "slight change", because one engraving would go for more overheat.
Why do we nerf te most skillfull billy build, but keep cheesy builds like instasaw SF+Enduring Bamboozle?
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So obvious. Imagine people don't see the reason lmao
For real, these devs are completely out of touch with the community needs.
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That's an addon/perk issue. Not a Billy issue. So why touching is basepower again?
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I just stated that people hate Billy and saying everyone likes him is just BS. And for the changes, overheat doesn't seem too bad but I can't know for sure before I've tried it.
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It is bad. Look at the footage. They used addons and you were overheating way to quick when you keep reving your chainsaw. But reving the chainsaw is ESSENTIAL for the mindgames at loops and doing curves. This us going to hurt the curve aspect so much. I'm baffled that someone with a bill picture like you (assuming you play Billy a lot) is not seeing that.
Do you not mindgame curve on the higher level? If you just brute force every pallet and use you chainsaw when you right behind them then obviously YOU will not notice a difference. For everyone else who tries to curve every loop it's gonna hurt to much
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Like I said, I can't know for sure before I've tried it. It might remove curving and mind games, it might hurt zooming a lot but I will try out PTB first before commenting.
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This was the most ridiculous part of it. If they had said they thought he was overperforming, we'd question that, but at least it would justify the objective nerf (because let's be honest, no one can argue the overheat mechanic is a nerf). But you don't say "we think he's where he should be" and then slap him with the nerf bat. It makes no sense.
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thats not reason to nerf a character, lol, they are just idiots and i get ur sarcasm lel
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u mean noobs who dont know how to counter him since they dont play him themselves lol.
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if he will have the older addons then he will be able to be instadown billy but no curve billy. billy true power was curve billy. now hes just insta.
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I'm sure if the overheat has too much of an negative impact on being able to play curve Hillbilly effectively, they'll tone the overheat down.
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So why will overheat be introduced in the first place then?
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To limit the use of his chainsaw only slightly. It's not supposed to be an impactful nerf, it's just so Billy players can't spam their chainsaw too much, because it is such a strong power. Which is also great against his camping potential.
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Nerf because survivors complain. Survivors complain because it's rank 16 players going up against red rank killers.
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Let's see how often we will see billy after the nerf.
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Have you met BHVR? They slapped Nurse with the basekit nerf bat, which introduced a shitload of bugs that make even the most dedicated, non-omegablink nurse players avoid her because she's so unfun and buggy. Then BHVR high-fived themselves, considered it a job well done, and hasn't touched her since. I expect the same with billy. Can't wait to get a false saw (which they've said they've fixed like 8 times now) and then have to wait 5 seconds for my chainsaw to cool down before I can try again.
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Sorry to be a downer, but I'm pretty positive these changes are going into live servers, when the Nurse changes were proposed the community exploded letting the devs know that the changes were too harsh, and nothing happened. With Billy not as many people are expressing their concerns, and even if they were, just like Nurse, nothing is likely gonna happen. At least it's not as bad as Nurse's changes, I think this will take some getting used to, but it won't cause 50% of billy mains to drop him completely like the Nurse nerf.