How about haunted grounds using it's 2 totems?

LancerCain Member Posts: 72
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Right now, once it is cleansed, it is gone. so after survivors cleanse it, they can just cleanse everything else with entire safety.

But if the second one is added, it would make them think twice before touching another totem since they do know that the perk is in use and that it is still kicking.

And finally getting a short exposed time after being cleansed it is not OP. so why not just use both?


  • johndeen33
    johndeen33 Member Posts: 43

    The perk is already good as it is. No need to be salty because someone cleaned your devour hope once :)

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    My dear, may I present to you some absolute GARBAGE that it took me a couple years to put together for Hag?

    Haunted Ground, Retribution, Devour Hope, and Ruin.

    The one drawback of Haunted Ground is that you have to find survivors within a minute after it being broken. With Retribution, you get a locator for 10 seconds after they break the HG totem, I tend to get at least two survivors off one HG break by adding Retribution. Do it.

    Also, when it comes to Hex totems the map choice is very important. Some maps hide totems incredibly well, such as MIdwich Elementary. Save map offerings for when you plan to run totems and then mess those survivors up.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Perhaps this is not a bad suggestion and should not be brushed off immediately, perhaps let us give this some thought. A hex perk should in my opinion be a perk that one can argue is overpowered or on the verge of being so. This should justify its removal through being cleansed. Hex: Haunted Ground is one of my favorite Hex perks in the game, and I would be intrigued to test how this would work. A ptb would be perfect to perform this, but perhaps we should reduce the Exposed time to make up for the effect remaining in two totems this time, would you agree?

  • LancerCain
    LancerCain Member Posts: 72
    edited July 2020

    To be honest, I don't know, I mean most of the time I use it I only manage to down one survivor and that's it, so less time unless is a big reduction, wouldn't really matter to me but I think that should be asked to more experienced players that are able to down more than one or so.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I like the idea it would definitely make haunted grounds frightening if you encounter it once that means you know there's definitely another totem around that you should be very cautious of breaking.

    The problem with haunted grounds by itself is usually you have next to no control over when it gets broken. This could mean it gets broken whilst you're currently chasing someone who's already injured make it pretty pointless or it gets broken whilst you're nowhere near anybody and the survivors basically just go immersed until time runs out.

    As deadnaught stated above hex retribution can fix the situation above as you could at least see another survivor so you could break chase from the injured person and go after a healthy one or you can find people however I do think two potential chances of getting haunted grounds wouldn't be broken