How did you guys feel about the new community survey ?
In all honesty i really enjoyed this survey , all the questions i ever had was mentioned in this survey and im glad the dbd team is seeing all of our concerens now , with that being said what did you guys think about these 2 questions ?
I perfer the one license killer to be IT- The Clown & that i perfer skill checks on the struggle phase because on ps4 its so hard to keep pressing x and sometimes my finger slips so i would prefer skill checks instead.
If you havent already taken the new dbd community survey here is a link to it, i really think everyone should be interested in it 😊
I absolutley want to see the struggle mechanic change as the struggle mechanic literally hurts me. I cant make my hand tap like that for as long as they want and on controler you have to tap faster than you do on keyboard to not die. Often times I dont struggle simply because I don't want to be hurt by playing a video game due to my motor-function disability in my hands.
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Are you sure you have to tap faster on controller? If this is in fact true, it's a bug and should be reported.
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The skill check is not the way to go. Sometimes, letting go is the right play. Everybody and their mothers asked to reverse the struggle phase mechanic. BHVR: skill checks. It's like they simply want to be contrarian sometimes.
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While i would love for that mechanic to be implemented wouldn't it be hard for rank 20 survivors?
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Does this kinda show there aren’t enough people playing Killer?
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They need to get better at skill checks anyway. No better way to learn than having your life on the line 😂
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maybe it just feels that way, IDK. I do know that I had to change the tapping button to B as it felt like the A button needed more inputs or else I would die, switching it to B helped me be able to slow down a bit but not much. I also know its not the controller because It's brand new and doesnt have the same issue on other games. so maybe, I would have to do a test to make absolutley sure.
Point is though is that I know you guys dont want for your players to just be on their phones while on hook, but I really hope you don't want your physically disabled players to be unable to play for a variety of reasons. Videogames have made major steps in giving accessibility options to players who cant do things like tap rapidly, or in a variety of other ways.
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Just miss the skill check 🤷♂️
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Probably not. Pyramid Head already has that sort of thing going on with his cages. The skill checks are massive and pretty hard to miss, and even then, missing one doesn't outright kill you, it just decreases the timer slightly. It might actually make for some good practice as they gradually get smaller the longer you're in the cage, so it might help newer players practice their skill checks as they play.
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I clicked your link, and it told me I had already taken this survey when I had not.
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Here is the proper link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DbD-PlayerSurvey
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Here's one for the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DbD-PlayerSurvey
The one up there links to the end page.
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I didn't know there was a new survey out. Will definitely take it later today and send pictures of dogs!
Devs, if someone is on the struggle phase and another player opens a chest, it'll cause a frame rate drop to everyone which causes the hooked survivor's mash input not register for like a second and cause them to die. Not sure if that's been reported yet, but hopefully there's a section in that survey!
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It literally says to swap queues, it doesn't state killer or survivor I guess people see what they want.
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EU, PC, Steam I would prefer to have more Survivors, because my Killer Queues are long.
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I've died a few times despite mashing space like a madman. It's a bad mechanic and anything from skillchecks to autostruggle with hold space to give in to the entity would be a good replacement.
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I've had multiple games in the past few weeks where I have been spamming A while on the hook, but I'll still let go anyway. Not sure if it was a bug, or if the game didn't receive my input, but I would love to see a change to the struggle mechanic.
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it honestly feels like on controller the game takes your base pps (presses per minute) at the start and makes that the bar you cant fall under so you either need to maintain or go even faster to not die, which becomes really difficult near the last 30 seconds.
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I feel the same way. I don't even have motor-function disabilities like you mentioned and I'm still hurting after 30-45 seconds on the hook.
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Holding instead of repetitive pressing is what is has to be. Let go from holding and you let go ingame
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I basically have really stretchy tendons, I can bend my fingers, elbows, and legs in really weird ways but it also means I injure those body parts much more easily as they have a much wider range off motion and wear and tear much quicker as a result, I also easily pinch nerves because of it. so yeah, pain.
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Sorry ma’am I meant implies
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No it doesn't imply that at all, lmao. It's left totally ambigious, it's you that want's it to be implied.
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I know it’s meant to be asked that way, however, going off experience prior to this event and the new DLC, killer queue times were instant around the clock whereas survivor queue times are complained about on all social media platforms.
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yeah my finger hurts keep pressing the button haha and sometimes i just let go because im so tired of pressing it and the teamates be so far away and by the time they come get you your already dead most the time
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I get instant survivor lobbies and 10 - 20 minute killer lobbies, not everyone is having the same issue.
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New survey? Says Ive already taken it. And I havent
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The thing is if you are on hook and madness 3 will the skilcheck go backwards? Becuz I see some deaths on hook cuz of that.
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sure you could argue that. im not saying the skill check is the right answer im just saying the button mashing is the wrong one. if I have to choose between a few more deaths or not being in pain, im going to choose not being in pain.
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Loved the survey! Excited to see they’re asking us about what licenses we’d like to see :)
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I'm interested in the report system question. I enjoy doing the surveys but I don't know what affect they're having.
The example I'll give is the tome questions a while ago. Asking would we like less charms and either additional Bloodpoint increase after a match or shards. If the next tome is just the same as the last tomes then I'll be disappointed.
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My suggestion to fix queue times would be to have a Trial period of survivor voice chat and text chat, allowing the game to be balance-able around SWF that way killers have more power and want to play, or survivors have people they are playing with and would want to play. Just an idea to try, though personally I prefer playing solo queue as either my friends don't play, or they absolutely suck and I try to carry them. Never played on a good SWF before so who knows, that idea could be the worst thing ever lol
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Felt like a contract on how much minimal pay wage people want to play highranked killer :D
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I chose Chucky/Tiffany and Teen Andy as Survivor for my licensed DLC preference.
As for the struggle phase mechanic, I don't mind the current one.
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I liked it. It felt like it accurately covered all the bases.
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When I clicked the link it said I already did the survey despite not doing it before.
I did other surveys, maybe it's because of that?
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most wanted license characters i want is sidney prescott going keep putting her down till i get her we got ghostface we need sidney prescott,
ghostface be nothing with out the scream movie.
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Please have Victor Crowley on the game.
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Yes! Chucky is a good one , i would really love to see that
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Do you have any numbers on how fast you actually have to struggle at all?
How many space bar presses per second you need or whatever.
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It says I've already taken it even though i haven't .
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go up to where one of the devs linked the survey , sorry i must have linked the one to when i finished it sorry
here it is
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Well they need to learn how to do the most basic thing in the game so I'd say that making skill checks happen instead of tedious button mashing would be a great incentive to make them learn to do skill checks. Gotta learn somehow
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Holding down a button is way to easy. With skill checks you have to basically earn your right to stay alive and it makes it way more intense and scary. Plus it motivates players to get better at skill checks.
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Where can I take this survey?
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I liked the survey overall however I really didn't like the way their handling the que time issue. Or well they aren't there just offering more bp if they switch to the other side. Which I do like the idea of but I'd rather they just idk fix the rank system so solo que players like myself are paired with actual same rank survivors so the matches are more fun and fair. As for killer, I honestly feel there is a lack of killer players...I wonder why...maybe cuz the maps have way too many pallets and loops and gens go way to fast no matter the speed at which you down someone. Don't even get me started on the new map. It's the worst killer map by far in the game and it's like the devs learn nothing when we tell them ok so maybe don't do maps that are quite so big and survivor sided which I say loosely cuz it's kinda crap for both except decent players. Make the game more fun for killers and less tedious so more people play killer and shorten that survivor cue time. I know someone's gonna say gens are fine or whatever but i love playing survivor and it would be nice if I could get a match every few mins and not every 15 mins.
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In a earlier dev stream they said that there is a close 1:4 ratio of killers to survivors across all platforms and times .
However due to certian platforms or times of day having too many killers or survivors queue times are longer .
Having cross-play would eliminate platform difference and the system above would help time of day differences
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I put N/A for everything😎most of the answers saddened me😒.