Things the devs have done right

bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

Just a discussion to talk about some of the things the devs have done well on in their game

  1. Reworking Freddy to be less confusing for new players and more keep him in line as a basic killer
  2. Reworking Doctor to be stronger because he was in a weird spot and felt bad for new players with all the timings and stance management.
  3. Fixed the hags addons to be just upgrades rather than this stat up this stat down in a weird cycle
  4. Changed infinites to not be just easy killer distraction or save havens
  5. Added the entity blocker to windows
  6. Consistently add new content
  7. Listen and fix community problems even if they are big long term projects, dedicated servers to help fix lag and killers lag switching, and now hit validation due to vpning being rampant.
  8. Actually Joining in the discussion with the community, helping both clarify questions and add to conversation rather than just be bystanders.
  9. Letting trapper reopen his traps and removing trap sabotage
  10. Letting hooks respawn
  11. Changing tool boxes to be more short term rather than entire match with massively increased gen speed
  12. Adding exhaustion to allow adding good strong perks to the game
  13. Making the unlicensed cast of characters purchasable through earn able in-game currency
  14. Giving 5 killers to start with all with their own playstyles and perks
  15. Events in general
  16. Sending out dev updates to give us some insight on what is planned to be changed next
  17. Increasing the rarity of loot in chests from very rare to ultra rare
  18. Increasing the amount of perks on level 50 bloodwebs from 2 to 4
  19. Leaving escape cakes and blood puddings in the bloodweb instead of removing them when the event added
  20. Increasing the general gain of bp in game and from offerings some offerings were increased from 25-50% 50-75% and 75-100% which drastically increased the earning of bloodpoints in game

Through all the "bad things" they have done they have still done a whole other list of things that were fantastic to the game.
