New idea killer (Nemesis)

Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
edited July 2020 in Creations

Name : Nemesis (Alpha Parasite)

Speed : 4.4 m/s (phase 1), 4.6 m/s (phase 2)

Size : Large

Weapon : Punch (phase 1), Tentacle Whip (phase 2)

Radius of terror : 32 metres (phase 1), 36 metres (phase 2), 40 metres (phase 3).

Power :

The Nemesis evolves in 3 phases. Survivors begin infected with the virus present in the air since the beginning of the game, leaving persistent green (light) streaks behind them for the Nemesis. The more it pursues a survivor, the higher the phases get...!

Phase 1, the Nemesis stalks its victim with the virus (green streaks), persisting for 15 seconds as a survivor passes by.

Phase 2 "the Nemesis charge", the Nemesis mutates, it can no longer track the green trail, but is able to run at 8.0 m/s, giving a whiplash that injures and gives the "broken status effect" for 100 seconds.

Phase 3 "Uncontrolled Mutation", the Nemesis mutates giving it the ability to one shoot (or kill) survivors with its sharp tentacle.

Skills :

Alpha Parasite, survivors who block the killer for 1 second suffer the "exposed status effect" for 8/16/24 seconds.

Parasite Neo, survivors who drop a pallet within 20 meters of the killer (or on the killer) suffer a 5/10/15% repair malus on the generators for 4 minutes. Not cumulative.

Beta Parasite, survivors within the killer's radius cannot reveal their auras to other survivors when they are fit or injured. Survivors under the "Endurance" undergo the "Broken Status Effect" for 40/80/120 seconds.

Overview :

Post edited by Jill10230 on


  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138


  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Thank you ! 🤣

    Of course the idea can be changed..

    Ps : It's translated English to French, if there's a wrong word don't hesitate !

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    In the perk "alpha parasite you mention the "open status effect"

    I think you meant the "exposed status effect"

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    actually i very love it, but how does he stalk? i would love to play this killer a lot because i really love killers with tiers/phases/powerbeats like myers, plague and the nemesis!

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I would prefer Wesker to be the killer, transform to Tyrant as his power but anything Resident Evil would be most welcome.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Exactly ! Sorry it's the translator. 😀

    I hope you're not the only one who likes it, because it's true, a killer like that in DBD will make me give up, permanently, camping and tunneling. Maybe I'd still lose, but with him there's a good chance of a kill or two.

    By surviving I would really like to have it too = adrenaline, fear, anguish. 🙃

    Of course I thought about it, but the problem is Wesker power is the "teleportation"... The tyrants, and Birkin too but there again the size... maybe Mister X but the developers could make a transformation animation...? It would be easier to make Nemesis I think..

    Ps: all idea are welcome, share the topic if you want

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    Stamina effect should either be changed to haste or endurance, whichever you meant.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I really love this idea! I may not be a huge fan of resident evil, but I would love an idea like this!

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I really love this idea! I may not be a huge fan of resident evil, but I would love an idea like this!

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    I really love this idea! I may not be a huge fan of resident evil, but I think this is awesome!

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    Thank you 🤣

    Free for everyone to share your ideas. Youre welcome !!

  • Duskyy
    Duskyy Member Posts: 51

    Nice one bro... He does seem a bit over powered with he phase 2 with the movement speed and phase 3 with the insta kill but that's just what I think.

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475
    edited July 2020

    Thank you🤣

    No no, because I'm thinking that during this phase (3) the Nemesis can no longer follow the scratches, but is still able to track the blood (much more visible), and hear the target from farther away...

    For phase (2), it is necessary to go fast... it depends on how the developers program the character...

    Now if I modify it, it looks like this:

    Phase 2, the Nemesis one shot

    Phase three, the Nemesis kills...

    No, of course, we have to give the survivors a chance !🤔

    It needs a good map control, in the middle of the game, and a good pressure that forces the survivors to play stealth rather than reckless loop, no hunting, no Nemesis that one shoot.🤗

    My point is, it deters the survivors from getting involved in a Nemesis pursuit, and so will take time to go from generator to generator, as they usually do. With this configuration, the survivors will have to be discreet, and the killer will simply have to search for a target.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    There was a speculation that the next anniversary could be a Resident Evil chapter,everyone's kind of being tight lipped,they probably don't want to get they hope's up.Resident Evil is the other big one.I guess, I wouldn't wanna be disappointed either if it was me.The first time I heard the tome 3 theme music, I speculated early that it could be a Silent Hill chapter. I don't think he'd say stars like that ,I'm sure he knows there's people looking for tons of clues but a 6 month teaser that's tough. They have actual evidence that Candyman will be eventually added to the game and I don't believe any one in their position would release a video, on one of the most anticipated chapter's without a little possibility.

    But this idea is really great, I hope we get a version like that or something close to it. Nemesis should definitely be able to kill survivor's like Pyramid

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Excellent concept.

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    Okay, some issues here. Cool concept but some issues still.

    Yes, you have to give Survivors a chance. Just because you can't kill them for ######### doesn't mean we need Killers like this. This is from a Killer main, Deathslinger specifically if you're curious.

    For one, the base power is too similar to Myers, but without any of the downsides. He's still fast enough in tier 1, as fast as the Billy when using his power in tier 2, and is as fast as the Billy with an insta down with every attack in tier 3. This wouldn't be a problem if both Billy and Myers didn't exist, as Nemesis is just better than both of them.

    The power is poorly explained and many details are left out, such as how you even use the stalk mechanic. Also, how long does it take to charge the rush? Can it break pallets? What's the stun time if you bash your head into a wall like a moron? These are questions that need answers in the power itself. Another BIG question is how long does it take TO rank up? You need to answer these in the power or it is just too vague to properly say anything about.

    Also, something included in one of your responses is that in tier 3 you can't see Scratch Marks? But Survivors are louder? That's just a buff if anything for the Killer if they're good enough, because listening to Survivors is more reliable than Scratch Marks ever will be.

    All of the perks have an overarching problem. All of the names are almost the exact same, I really don't like this.

    Alpha Parasite obviously makes it clear that you hate body blocking, but there are perks for this called Mad Grit, Agitation and Iron Grasp. None work for protection hits in a chase, but you don't mention protection hits in the slightest. 1 whole second is pretty long to block the Killer for a protection hit as well, so I assume you mean body blocking. Also, "block" is very vague, what do you consider blocking?

    Parasite Neo is stupid. Punishing Survivors for punishing you, good plan. 4 minutes is also a very long time, even with such a weak effect. But the problem with this perk is that they are punished for punishing you. That's a problem.

    Jeez, you are really salty at Survivor perks. These are all perks to counter Survivor tools specifically or specific perks. Beta Parasite just outright is kinda stupid. Bond is not a broken perk, Empathy is not a broken perk, Aftercare is not a broken perk. Why is the first effect here? 120 seconds of being Broken just for a decent enough effect (Endurance) that ALREADY HAS A DOWNSIDE is so ######### stupid. Imagine this being used on a god-tier Nurse, it'd be broken beyond #########. You can't make perks to just help you, you have to balance them around the ENTIRE GAME if you want to make anything somewhat decent.

    Sorry for the rant nature of this, I just hate how you've handled this Killer and how you've handled the responses, though most are spam responses of endless positivity for a poorly made Killer. I hope you can go past my evident negativity to make improvements to balance for this killer. I genuinely like the concept despite the insane overlap with other Killers, but I hope this clearly details my issues after the general concept itself.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609
    edited January 2021

    I would love it if Nemesis came into the game, it has alot to give. Its iconic and it would bring in more fans. I know RE has its own multi-player game, but it hear its more or less done now.

    Nemesis seems perfect, he's a chaser, he's iconic, he's freaking terrifying and has alot to offer. Though i think his main weapon would be the tentacle whip and his ability would be to use a flamethrower to set fire to pallets, windows and gens to keep survivors from using them. But thats just me keeping it simple.

    It would also be call if, when you start a chase, he growls 'survivors!' instead of Stars XD

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    This is not a good way to think of it. Limiting Survivors to the worst and least fun way to play for both sides isn't a good thing to do, and yes. Survivors need a chance.

    Despite them being kinda broken sometimes, Survivors need loops. Loops can be fun if you learn your way around them. Forcing Survivors to play 1 specific way isn't a good thing to do in any way shape or form, in my opinion.

    If you can say reasons why forcing Survivors to play the worst and least fun way, where perks can counter it easily, is a good thing for this game, I would love to hear them. No I will not accept "Survivor broken boohoo", because yes. Survivors are broken. But so are Killers, and a good or even average Killer can get wins if they play well and capitalize on the Survivor's mistakes. This game takes skill. You will get nowhere if you continue blaming the game for your lack of it.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Resident Evil is one of my favorite horror franchises, and I would love if it was a chapter for this game! Sadly though I don't think Neme would work because he's simply to big. Last I checked Neme is like eight or nine feet tall, meaning he would be too big for doorways. Aside from that, this idea seems pretty cool! Seeing Nemesis sprint full speed across the map at you would be terrifying! I'd personally love to see Jack Baker from Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. He's my favorite horror villain and he'd also work because he's a normal size.

  • maykono
    maykono Member Posts: 1
    nemesis in DBD must be the same as the original resident evil 3