Deathslinger and Plague are very underrated.

WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I main both Deathslinger and Plague because why not. They're both so fun to play against and to play as.

Maybe 4% of the time I get a match against these two but as survivor it's no fun not being able to play against them frequently :(. I feel like maybe the more I play as them, the more likely others will too because they'll start to notice them a lot more.

Deathslinger has a really cool and reliable power and a few good perks and the Plague has a amazing perk and has a pretty decent power. Do you know how satisfying it is to actually SHOOT a harpoon through someone in this game? It's such an amazing feeling. Also, because his hit box is a tad bit smaller than normal, you have to be accurate as hell which isn't a bad thing because after playing as him for a long time, it'll probably help you be more accurate when playing other killers.

The only time I see anything about Plague is when someone is using her perks on a different killer which is completely fine, it's just I wish people played her more often because her and Deathslinger are super underrated.



  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Personally deatgslinger shine in the a 1v1 but the second you see a pallet deathslinger last that chase.

    Plague is just bad she have 1 addon that can make her op but overall she dont do much she get loop easy and if survivor dont cleanse you can only use her power 1 single time in the entire trial

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002
    edited July 2020

    Mr. YeeHaw is my favourite killer in the game. For me, he’s the strongest in the game currently. I’ve played a lot of FPS over the years so I find getting quick scope shots with him really easy. I get quite a lot of messages from survivors actually praising how good my aim is, as I think a lot of people severely underestimate how good he can be in the right hands. This is proven by the fact injured survivors will still sit in the exit gate, not realising I can drag their ass straight back out.

    He’s the most fun to play as and against. I just love him so much.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    You must have some weird matches because that 4% of the time I play against these two I get absolutely destroyed and so does everyone else in that match. They both are long-ranged killers so people are going to be more busy trying to juke his gun and her vomit. While they try to juke it, it makes it easier to get super close because they wasted so much time trying to avoid their long-ranged power so then they just get hit across the face.

    Plus, even on pallets, I shoot the survivor on the other side because even if I can't hit them or if the chain breaks, it still adds major damage and they'll end up running away and getting caught.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Thank you!! You're absolutely right. He's literally my favorite killer because he's so fun and because I played a lot of online shooter games before dbd, I got the hang of him super fast. Because of past games, my aim is amazing and it's so fun to go against toxic survivors because it's like, "oh? You're going to run at that pallet to try to stop and blind me? [Gunshot] no💕"

    "Oh? You're going to start teabagging me? I'm just going to have to drag your ass back over here then"

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551


    deathsliinger "underrated"


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    My gameplemay experience against deathslinger is when he came out. So im not the thing i did against him last time will still work. If im healthy i play like im against any other killer i loop and do my thing until he get me. The moment im injured i start pre dropping pallet and i hope my teamate can do the gen

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    I just love how most survivors perceive him to be weak. It makes my matches so funny when they all get cocky and just end up dying with zero gens done. Either people don’t face him enough to know how strong he can be or there’s a lot of baby slingers on PS4, because almost every one of my matches has survivors wanting to chase after me and it never ends well for them. He’s the only killer in the game where I feel 100% confident I can still destroy an entire 4-man squad. I let one of my friends shareplay some of my games and he was so shocked at the shots I could pull off. But just like you, it’s from all those FPS. He’s honestly a dream come true for me in this game.

    For reference, I’m consistently a red ranks killer and 9/10 I’m against red rank survivors. For me, he’s extremely strong to play as.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    As another person who has plague as a main I agree she is underrated. My favorite add-ons are the two apples, vile emetic, and rubbing oil. Against blendettes I use the severed toe with black incense because why wouldn't I want to know where you're crouching around at all times? But yea, I've had games I'll lose 2-3 gens early because I want to get infections going and then no more will happen since they feed me my power or infectious fright prompts multiple chases when they're broken. She is on many maps a win/win if you are decent at running chases.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Exactly, even before they start a chase, loop or pallet stun you could just DENY it and drag them back to you.

    People get cocky and try to only focus on avoiding my shots when half the time I don't even need to shoot them because they wasted so much time. It's like a huge mind game the whole time you're playing him, are they going to bold and run out and take the chance of being shot or are they going to try to stealthy and still get shot around a corner.

    Even though he's 5% slower than all the other killers, he sure does gain up on people quickly.

  • Vixley
    Vixley Member Posts: 54

    I'm a Plague main (albeit at green ranks) and she is very fun and decently powerful. I'm a red rank survivor and I get why she isn't played as much compared to Spirit, Billy and Freddy though.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    I'm glad that you understand how powerful and underrated she is. Finally, a person who understands, plus she has amazing gen control, people rarely can get two gens done when I play her.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    I play a lot of other killers but when I play HIM, my confidence and skills just go through the roof. Since a lot of people don't go against him, it makes games easier for people like us because they except an easy match that they can just 360 through, but that's the magic about it. It's actually pretty hard to loop and 360 him because survivors are always expecting to get shot so instead of going the fastest they can go by running in a straight line, they run sideways over and over letting him gain on them and just hit them regularly.

    It's really just baby slingers who give actual good Deathslingers a bad reputation because they miss a lot or they have bad generator control. It's a huge advantage, the whole match just becomes this huge mind game where I win every time.

  • Iron
    Iron Member Posts: 241

    Her only real weak points imo are high wall loops that you can't vomit over, but even then some gap shots you can make are super fun on her. I just wish her chaser emblem was a tiny bit easier to get as it's very, very difficult to get a merciless in red ranks due to that (although it's all the sweeter when you do). Currently her and nurse are my mains, but I am definitely re-finding my love of trapper as well.

  • caz_
    caz_ Member Posts: 218

    90% of deathslingers are camping. yes he is underrated and will replace bubba soon.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Deathslinger isn't underrated. No-one questions his power except people that are bad at quickscoping and have never seen a half-decent Deathslinger. I have honestly.never seen anyone but a salty killer call Deathslinger "weak".

    Plague is underrated, but for very good reasons: her power is still worthless against good teams (who just stealth out the corrupt purge), her 1 fountain isn't centralised and so actually drinking from it can lose you games, and she relies on people having very fast internet connections. She is my main, she is strong, but she has massive, massive consistency issues. Good players just hammer gens and play very safely, and that's honestly her downfall. Amusingly, it is also the downfall of just about every killer, but because she has everyone injured it's more natural for cocky morons to lose their cockiness.

    Honestly, I do think that Plague is a very good killer when she actually works, but it's too many things that have to allign. The team needs to not rush gens instantly, the fountain needs to be decently placed, everyone needs to have low ping, you need to have a decent early game, and you need everyone to have decent ping. Also, ping is important.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Plague is just too inconsistent for me. I get fed up when im spewing corrupt purge on the back of someones skull and it does nothing. When a survivor can just crouch mid chase and become almost invincible against corrupt purge etc. I think deathslinger is good in the right hands. If you hit your shots, you are going to be tough to escape. But a good team that stays spread out is still going to cause him problems due to his lack of pressure.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    See plague is like my favourite killer but I find her the hardest to get points on ect because everyone dies to quick because they clense at first cough. 🤣

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Depends from how good survivors are.

    If they are good, deathslinger and plague have no chance.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    "So fun to play against ". Yeah, no.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    Deathslinger with monitor and abuse is complete bullshit, huntress has a 45M hum to indicate shes getting closer, so youre aware of her. Deathslinger with MAA can aim and hit you before you even know hes there. Sooo annoying.

  • SnailTea
    SnailTea Member Posts: 20

    Yes! I love my plague~

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Deathslingers are the worst killer to face in this game. A good Deathslinger will almost never miss a shot, and coupled with the whole terror radius music thing, the whole experience makes me want to just d/c. If I don't have an item, I'll typically just sit on gens until I'm downed and then try to enter third state on my first hook.

    With Plague, she's usually not entirely annoying to play against, but if The Plague has her power, it's kind of just a "I guess I'll give up on winning now" thing.

    Disclaimer: I do not condone d/cs based on frustration/annoyance.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Plague main here.

    She's not strong, and survivors can use fountains to heal over and over so really you need to chase till down.

    Her power a conditional limited time range attack only activated by survivors is easier to hit with than any other ranged attack. But if that's her strength just use huntress.

    The side effect of broken are completely irrelevant considering you can heal yourself with fountains... and they do erase with adrenaline and borrowed time.

    Sickness does help with tracking those hiding as much as doctors maddness but without notifications.

    Her perks are the most useful lately id say that at least corrupt is and infections fright is ok. Dark Devotion? No.

    Yee haw is just weaker huntress with no addons to help him. And I havent seen a single human willing equip his perks and hope for success.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah he is because if you give him the right perks and play him well its a gg for the killer.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    Both can be devastating, but Deathslinger is much more perk dependent so it takes a while to get the ideal setup on him. Even then, if survivors spread out or are very good at looping/dodging, it's a hard game for him. Missing a few shots is a death sentence in some cases.

    @emptyCups "Yee haw is just weaker huntress with no addons to help him. And I havent seen a single human willing equip his perks and hope for success."

    Funny enough, the first time i tried for "adept Deathslinger" was on Dead Dawg Saloon, and I got it. And thanked God i didn't have to attempt that again.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    All killers are underrated, and overrated. This is what you hear all the time. I think they are ok, like most killers. I did well with both in red ranks before I quit playing killer. Plagues buff was good for her going straight for the corrupt in the beginning and with discordance you can get a very good start of the game.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Deathslinger has poor map control but can end chases very quickly when ‘quick scoping’. Survivors have no way to tell if & when the slinger will shoot due to no wind up like Huntress.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I actually really like both killers on paper, but I always get frustrated by the lack of map presence when playing them.

    Even if I land every single shot as slinger, I feel like I'm not pressuring people nearly as well as I do with other killers.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    He's fun to play against if you know what you're doing.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Nearly every Deathslinger I face proxy camps and tunnels off the hook. So no, it has nothing to do with knowing what you are doing.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Don't get caught next time, if anything you should be concerned about Leatherfaces and Trappers camping. Sometimes I get my ass kicked by Deathslinger but they never had tunneled or camped for me.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Deathslinger is for some reason considered weak. He is very good at ending chases quickly and getting multiple hits.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Plague I agree with. Shes such a great killer, but shes bad at pipping, hence why she isnt too popular.

    Secondly. Deathslinger I find to be overrated. Whenever I complain about his power, people just say "lmao git gud", but the problems do not come from landing the spear for me, its the weakness of the spear itself.

    You are actively punished for hitting hard to land shots with a lengthy stun. Your power inflicts Deep Wounds, the least threatening status effect in the game. You move slower, and unlike literally any other ranged killer, hitting a survivor with your power does not guarantee a damage state. Not to mention his power is useless in 99% of loops and is useless at pallets. Legion, arguably the worst killer in the game, can get hits over pallets and continue the chase after a VERY short fatigue. As Deathslinger, you are forced to eat a stun in order to damage the survivor, and in that time, the survivor is already long gone.

    Not to mention, this is assuming you land the shot to begin with. Deathslinger shoots a needle, but as I hail from FPS genres, landing the shot usually isnt a problem. But as I found out as survivor, the harpoon can pass in the small space between survivors healing. Just a tidbit.

  • Bradyguy99
    Bradyguy99 Member Posts: 230

    Ex Plague main here and there's a reason why she's underrated. She's terrible. Like actual garbage; she can't pip and/or barely makes any blood points, she can't 4k unless the stars align, she promotes gen rushing and more then half of the maps hate her. So ya she's garbage and this is coming from someone who loves her but hates to play her. Please fix or change her or just make her fun to play instead of making you wish you picked anyone else to play. And before you say get good or try her again I got to red rank with her after months of playing her and recently revisited her and lost all 10 games to see what the problem is. Then tried Bubba and 4K... so ya....

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Thing is, you have no idea what to do against Deathslinger because it's all guessing. If you like that then go for it, more power to you. But for me it's really not a nice experience at all. Even if you manage to "guess right" you have maybe 4 or 5 seconds to try and get away before he can shoot you again. Not very rewarding or satisfying imo. It's the same with Spirit. You manage to guess right but she's right back on you in 5 seconds because fun.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Don't get caught? Ffs. Why does every lame brain killer say that stupid #########? Your supposed to get caught. That's part of the game. It's not my fault every Deathslinger is a piece of ######### and wastes everyone's time.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Awwww someones mad because they don't know how to outrun a killer🥺

    You get so upset about little things, you sound like a air head. With anger issues like that you should go see a counselor or stop playing the game because you're apart of the group of people who makes this community look bad as it is.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    I think most people rate DS fairly. Most people seem to know he's a good chase ender but lacks map pressure like PH.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Do you know how to read? At no point did I say I had trouble out running the killer. My point was very easy to follow. I don't like Deathslinger because the people who play hom usually play like scum. Not hard to follow. It's the same reason I dislike facing Legion and PH. Because they usually are #########.

    I do get mad when people spew something as stupid as don't get caught. It's useless. That would be like me telling a killer who gets gen rushed to just apply pressure. In other words it does nothing to help.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    I don't care mate, be more stealthy next time then. I actually just played against a Deathslinger and now we're friends because he applied good gen pressure and he almost got me in the very end. He was a very good sport and he sacrificed everyone but me and some other guy. You can't generalize everyone just by who they main :)

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,470
    edited July 2020

    DeathSlinger isn't underrated at all. He's a much less rewarding Huntress so why bother playing him? Now Hag is a criminally underrated Killer.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    I see way to many hags, I don't see her as underrated. Much less rewarding? It's so much harder playing Deathslinger, he's more rewarding for me. When you actually gets hits on people as him it's so nice.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    He's extremely underrated because most people don't play him right or they miss 90% of their shots. When played right, he can be really powerful and a strong killer. Huntress is pretty predictable killer in my opinion, when she winds up her hatchet it becomes easy to avoid and she slows down.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    No, they aren't. I really hate this whole 'underrated' bit. They may be underutilized depending on build and skill, but that doesn't make them underrated. Deathslinger has no map pressure, and unless you have good aim to hit that needle of a point, you lose the chase. Plague, bless her soul, can't do anything if they can loop. If they make it to all five gens, it's pretty much a free escape.

    I don't mean to say that can't be decent. With the right build, they can be solid, for their tier. That doesn't make them underrated. They simply lack the tools to do as well as other killers, with the same player skill against player skill.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    It's not generalising. You claim he's fun to face. For you he is. For me he's not. I explained why. Because the ones I face play in a scummy manner. If that's not your experience great. That doesn't change what my games are like.

    Also you're assuming I'm the one getting caught. You can dislike a proxy camper/tunneler without being the one caught out.