Implement Autobans for Toxic people in the aftergame chat

Dear Developers, I am a casual player in red ranks with arround 200-300hours today i booted the game up for some fun and to relieve some stress i wanted to do my dailies which all have been for the killer role. Do 4 dash strikes with the pig / shock someone 4 times with the doctor / lvl evil within 4 times as meyers
Round 1 I was meyers and lost hard just the usual gg ez and tbags ( it sucks but well thats it)
Round 2 I was doing my pig daily got the 1st survivor hit the 2nd survivor hooked the 1st survivor downed the 2nd while he tried to do an unsafe unhook the 3rd ran into me and gave up so i just hooked surv 1 and 2 had the 3rd on my shoulder and chased the 4th guy cause Number 3 didn't wiggle i chased the 4th guy with him on my shoulder got survivor number 4 hooked. still needed 1 dash for the daily decided to put the non wiggle guy back on his feet and after the 4th survivor died i found the hatch closed it adrenaline triggered found the guy with full health at the exit gate when it was 1sec before popping hit my last dash for the daily and i couldn't change the fact that he escaped. Endgame chat Survivor Number 4 gets really angry at me for "teaming" because her team mates decided to suicide / do stupid things starts to insult me says got the game recorded and she knows someone in CS who will get me banned
Round 3 Doctor. needed to shock someone 4 times was already annoyed and tired of round 1 and 2 decided facecamped the 1st guy to death after he clicked the flashlight at me and tbagged me multiple times, he dies all gens pop i'm lucky enough to down someone before the gates are open. I hook him infront of the unpowered exit gate and well camp him cause i could see the other gate was already 99%. Endgame chat Mister Tbag McClickClack gets salty and threatens to hack my steam account and ######### my family etc.
You guys at Behaviour celebrate things like pride month, BLM etc but it seems like cyber bullying a serious issue seems to go unnoticed .You have the most toxic community i ever came across and i just feel powerless I feel like using the lobby report system doesn't do ANYTHING, I am forced to waste more of my time by having to find out the offenders Steam64ID for the customer Support. Why can't there be a ban system that triggers when you say certain things? i remember league of legends implemented a system like that and in my perception the insults/death threats/ ######### family/racism significantly reduced cause those people would get 14-30days for saying things like "fag". Why can't you have a system like that? it's tiresome i just played 3 rounds i have already enough of the game when you play killer and every 2nd-3rd round is full of uncivil troglodytes sending you death/#########/hacking threats calling you a N***** and entitled brats threatning you with bans. It should be your duty as a developer to make sure the game is free from those massive amounts of bigotry/racism and toxicity it is a big problem.
I mean, I myself am against this game having post-game chat. Just close it, press on the ">>" button on the left side of the chat and don't even bother reading what the others are writing, that way you won't have to deal with their nonsense.
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ignoring racism/bigotry/insults isn't a solution behaviour supports movements like LGBTQ and Black lives matter and on the other hand there is a really rotten part of the community in one of their games that constantly spreads hate this needs to be adressed in a better way in my opinion, because seemingly at the moment it's just not enough i can't play Killer anymore without getting exposed to constant racism/insults/ real life threats and what not. an Autoban system that bans you for saying certain words won't harm anyone except the rotten part of the community and they already have a system on this Forum that censors bad words nothing of value will be lost if certain people can't access the end game chat or the game anymore.
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i think they should just remove it ps4 don't have it steam ver user wouldn't miss it only toxic people would miss it.
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Don't see big problem here we already have option to hide aftergame chat , also u can block in steam if they spam on comments . But banning for 30 days for 1 word sounds like a bit too much . Maybe try survivor for a bit , it's true i mean change it up maybe you just tired , or play something else for a week try civilization or something it's a refreshing change
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I believe they should do something about it but at the same time like others have said you can just not have it open to be looked at. If you decide to go into it that’s a little on you (only a little because still the rest is on them and is not ok with the trash that can come out of their mouths). We all have differing opinions no matter how stupid or mean they can seem to be that’s just how people are. You can just ignore them, don’t even read it or you can engage in conversation whether that’s explaining your side, calling them out on their own terrible words or stooping to their level.
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Please don't pull the LGBTQ/BLM card, man, June is over. In all seriousness, chat is there for a reason. If someone misuses the chat, just click on them and block them, there's an option to do this. If you don't like the chat feature, just hide it.
Also while we're on the subject, I think if the game doesn't have a voice chat in-game, BHVR should remove all the "SWF" voice channels from their discord since on one side they're saying "voice chat enables toxic people" and yet they promote voice chat on their own discord, I'm getting mixed signals over here.
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Being toxic in chat and being reported for it should, make you banned from using chat only.
Just take away thier ability to talk for like a week, see if they feel more civilized after that.