Did any legit US player get full p3 legacy on E V E R Y killer and survivor at that time?

i doubt it. it takes a long time. i have full nea and thats it. if they did they probably farmed. back in the day you could switch your steam region to africa/vietnam and basically only get paired with your friends and farm. this wasnt known to a ton of people.
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wait what that was seriously possible? damn...
i almost got dwight legacy 1 right after they announced legacies when i got l3 nea
yea killer was kinda more fun back then
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huh.... cool, ty
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I know a guy named Ryuti got all Legacy 3 cosmetics on all but Nea. I remember this thread he posted on the steam forums years ago:
He wasn't working for BHVR at the time, so it's kinda cool to see him doing so now. Funny because in that post a bunch of us are complaining about how legacy looks lol.
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Maybe i should prestige more survivors... but is too boring use all their offerings when they don't even have the perks i want use...
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I'm not sure about US, but from EU, Sharon has Dwight, Meg, Claud, Jake, Nea, full P3 Legacy.
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Most people, I'd say, were disappointed with how Legacy looked.