No survivor perk changes?

Artick Member Posts: 623
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Why didn't you buff some survivor perks too? Most of them are bad and in desperate needs of serious buffs.

Plus, it's only fair to give some love to both sides, not just one.


  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    i was kind of wondering that too. weird to adjust 4 killer perks but not do anything for survivor perks

  • liarcy
    liarcy Member Posts: 160

    I was really hoping they would change wglf this patch, I’m big sad :(

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited July 2020

    It's kinda mindblowing they keep adding more and more perks that no one uses. Like, what's the point?

    At least make them good from the start if you know you aren't going to balance them for 5 years after release.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    I wish they'd just change No One Left Behind and Left Behind to actually be useful. Even some love to No Mither would be amazing.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    BHVR's record for improving bad perks is abysmal, honestly. This time is no different. Literally ALL of the perks they decided to buff were already decent. The least usable one is Knockout, and obviously the problem with that perk has nothing to do with the perk itself, and it still won't be used for that same obvious reason. But on paper, it's still a strong perk.

    4 good killer perks get buffed, but not enough to boost them outside the niches they were already filling.

    Meanwhile, 0 survivor perks get any attention... and then they wonder why Survivors stick to the same, small handful of not-awful perks for years and years.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Like you said, even when they buff a perk it's still not enough to make said perk useful, with two exceptions: Urban Evasion and Alert. Not saying these perks are top tier, but if like their effect or your playstyle fits the niche of these perks then they can actually be used.

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    What buffs would you like? I think most survivor perks are fine. Maybe add a totem counter to small game. But other than that, not sure what could change lol

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    Maybe I would like if they started with the ones they promised some streams ago? Most survivor perks are totally not fine, unless you play killer. Then yes, they are totally fine since they do nothing, therefore can't affect you lol.

    Want to know what's wrong with them? Extremely weak or extremely situational or extremely unfun and boring(basically most of the aura reading perks with few exceptions like Alert/Bond) or they need 3 other perks just to have any effect(or all of these issues at the same time).

    Want actual examples? Deja Vu, Boil Over, Any Means Necessarily,, Blood Pact, Buckle Up, Camaraderie, Dark Sense, Distorsion, Lighweight, No Mither, No One Left Behind, Pharmacy, Poised and I could go on an on.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2020

    It was a huge mistake to not change survivor perks for this PTB too. Why would anyone want to play survivor? Everyone just wants to try the killer changes. Now nobody can get a game. Had they changed 4 or 5 survivor perks you’d get players on both sides. This was not thought through.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Honestly I think the buff what kind of pointless.

    Knockout- This is just a straight up nerf- devs for the love of god please stop making things basic attack based. No slow crawling speed is not worth the nerf. If the bonus effect when basic attacking was just in addition the perks original effect and not the core theme it would be at least decent. Overall verdict nerfed

    Franklin's demise- Let's be honest this just seems like a very late rebalancing after the item change. You don't lose items when they lose charges so this just kind of brings back Franklin's. Overall verdict technically buffed but it just seems more like a rebalance

    Lightborn- The Aura reading is nice but let's be honest it didn't really change anything. Current lightborn already basically prevents you from being blinded unless you actively want to be. In fact the only way to efficiently blind a lightborn killer is with a firecracker and those really aren't common enough for it to be a concern even during the events were they released. Honestly this just seems like a quality of life instead of being 99% resistant to flashlights you now 100% the Aura reading is ok I guess.

    Tinkerer: Honestly the closest thing I would call to an actual honest to goodness buff. It didn't feel like it was just rebalancing for new features or a quality-of-life of extra bells attached. It doesn't really move tinkerer up the tier list dramatically but it's nice.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    I see this PTB dying real fast because of the lack of survivors. Unlike the toolbox, map and medkit changes these last couple of PTBs, survivors have nothing to test this time, which means survivors have no reason to go to the PTB. They could've at least have buffed one or two survivor perks.

    I spent 20 minutes waiting in killer queue and gave up, I'm not really interested in playing against Bubba/Billy, when their powers are basically the same, just changed a bit. Just giving us 1 or 2 buffed survivor perks at least would've given more of a reason to play survivor. Guess the devs didn't think that through though. :/

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited July 2020

    Yep, same thing I said. They needed to change multiple survivor perks, add killer chase music for each, just anything to get survivors to play. They will get no data at all from this...everything is just going to be KYF from popular streamers, which isn’t real gameplay. There is no incentive whatsoever to play survivor. How did they not see this coming?

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